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Everything posted by reket

  1. @-xJuDe said in Hell Raisers MC - Level 1: @Franklin said in Hell Raisers MC - Level 1: @-xJuDe said in Hell Raisers MC - Level 1: @Franklin said in Hell Raisers MC - Level 1: @-xJuDe You are literally the most annoying person I've ever met in my whole life, I never wanted to be rude to you or anything like that, but you just went over the line with what you did the last 2 days.. First you were a Rebel supporter, then you decided to bail on rebels because you hanged with them for a week lol.. and you decided to apply for us.. we decided, yeah we'll give him a chance, and in the middle of the goddamn test you bailed on us and went back to being a rebels supporter, and guess what, the next day you came back crying to me you were sorry and you applied again for us. I actually wanted to give you a chance and let you hang with us to prove your loyalty.. But your attitude is just TERRIBLE! You kept on asking when do you get your answer, I kept saying hang.. we were filming a promo and you were so annoying, you kept joking around and ruining it, the members were literally threating me to just deny you because they were so annoyed by you, literally. I warned you several times but you didn't stop, you're literally so childish and so immature it's sad. Don't EVER bother reapplying for this club, you are ~[BLACKLISTED]~(maroon). And when you try to join a gang, firstly don't be so annoying, secondly atleast pretend ur attitude is not as shit as it is.. I literally have no more words for you. why you always see me ? why reket , spectre , they did wrong too why you didn't warning them . and spectre annoting me always he see me . before in bar . he did dribble andhe sat on my knee and n the end . he did yoga but you . you didn;t see ? why you always see me ! i taught you are good person , the person that i looking for . a kind a respectfull and loyal player but . nah . you always see me and i told you that im crazy because im so happy in that time . but now . not because u know what ? you blacklisted me you spend my time . i did help you to promo vid but in the end . you will just make me blacklist ? . i taught you are the kindest guy i ever found in saes but yea. Please do not post here ever again, I listened to all your shit ingame already, so if you post one more post in this topic I shall report you to the admins, and yes I did warn reket and spectre for fucking up, but I warned you 100 times and told you to stop fucking around but you didn't listen. I try to be a good person to everybody, but when you have such shitty attitude like you I can't do anything, but just get mad and blacklist you or whatever. i did that because im happy , i know that i will join HRMC because im helping you but in the end . nah Do not post here again, private message me or Franklin if you want to say something.
  2. @Adam_Didi Feel free to apply by clicking here. Don't make another topic, just apply as a reply to our topic.
  3. ^[] ^[ @Drebin ] ^[Your application is very nice, though you couldn't post it on the forums so you sent it on discord. It's down in the spoiler, just for the record. What can I say, welcome to the club.] ^[Consider yourself: ~[ACCEPTED]~(green)] ::: Application Format Ingame name: Drebin Real name: Wille Jensen Age: 20 Gender: Male Nationality: Sweden Languages spoken: Swedish / English Previous G/S/C (Why did you leave/get kicked): Been inactive for 2/3 years but now im back again. Been in " SAPA (HQ) , SoA , TT , TST , RDMC , and some other gangs (LVL 1/2) doesnt remember everyone because it was a pretty long time ago. Explain what is our role in your own words: HRMC have a handfull of diffrent roles, like armsdealing - Making and selling the best guns in whole town, Mechanic - Mostly fixing motorbikes but can fix everything more or less, Human Trafficking - Buying and selling human slaves for som extra bucks. But most importantly is that they are bikers who organise roadtrips all around san andreas. What does MC stand for: Motorcycle club What does an 1%er MC mean: Being and outlaw. Who is the founder of HRMC: Franklin Why would you like to join HRMC: Been talking with franklin and some of the other members ingame and they seems like a awsome group of people with lots of respect. Why should we accept you: Because im an old experienced player, whos good at roleplaying, shooting and cracking bank safes and much more. Did anyone recommend you to make an application for HRMC: Franklin Post a picture of an motorcycle bike aka chopper down below: https://www.google.se/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjupeKK25_gAhUSl4sKHdMQBzMQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.ca%2Fpin%2F431219733066372396%2F&psig=AOvVaw23hp7QYdWDsWmk5AVH1u5O&ust=1549288363107304 :::
  4. TMH Takes on the Raceflag Participants: Villain, reket, Xpooks, KARIM Location: San Fierro - Doherty Winners: Xpooks, reket, KARIM ::: ::: TMH Takes on the Raceflag Participants: Villain, reket, KARIM, Zombie Location: Blueberry - Las Venturas Winners: ::: :::
  5. Good luck!
  6. rip :disappointed:
  7. Thanks everyone for the congrulations!
  8. Roleplay #323 @Phoenix said in J- Age Of Judgement - Cases: Case #3 Judge: @Snowyyy Lawyer: @Phoenix jury : @Licano and Tuga accused: @reket prosecutor : @TaJ plaintiff : @Curvy crime: Stolen Car A short summary about the case: Curvy informed us that his car is stolen from his working place , After few hours we saw an officer arrested the man who stole the car , we started the case at the court the judge started it then he asked the defense if they are ready they said that they are ready then the jury stand and raise their right hand to swear that they will fairly try the case before this court after that the judge asked the car owner about his name and his working place and when the crime occur then he asked about his license number the car owner said that it was "5CBX239" then the judge asked him to sit ,then he asked the defense if they have any question they said "Not at this time your Honor" then he asked the officer to stand as a witness and raise his hand to swear after swearing he told him to say his name and where he saw the car he said his name and he said that he saw it going to las vanturas North , he asked him " is this car has the license number "5CBX239"" the officer said yes the judge asked him why he noticed the car the officer said "because It fit the description of a car which was on our list of stolen vehicles " he asked him if he stopped the car and where he answered and he said the he asked the driver to step out and he arrested him , the judge said " Do you see the driver here in court? " the officer said yes and pointed at him then the judge asked him if he searched the car after arresting he said yes and he found a set of keys in the ignition when those keys were brought the judge asked if they were the keys he was talking about the officer said yes , then the judge asked the defense if he has any questions he said yes and asked the officer then the officer answered his question then they sent the keys to the expert to examine the keys the judge asked the expert if the fingerprint was belong to the accused the expert said yes , then he asked the defense if he has any question the defense said yes your honor and asked the expert if there're another fingerprint on the keys the expert said that it's correct the defense asked him if he knows to whom they belong the expert didn't know then the defense thanked him and said that he didn't have a further question then the judge said " Will the jury foreperson please stand? Has the jury reached a unanimous verdict?" they answered "No" then the judge adjourned the court Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/rOJH1OH
  9. Event Number: 185 Event Type: Knock reket off his NRG LWS/G6: RiKKi Date: 07/01/19 (forgot to post earlier, sorry) Prize(s): 500.000$ (2 rounds, 1.000.000$ in total) Winner(s): Kazzibo (won both rounds) ScreenShot(s): ::: :::
  10. RolePlay Number: 314 Participants: reket, @MeDai Story: I was just driving around with my Bullet when I got a phone call from MeDai. He offered me to do a quick drag race. He told me to meet him at Black Syndicate's base. The prize was 10 grand. I started driving there and used some NOS as well because I didn't want to make him wait. When I got there, I saw he was with an Alpha. We opened our windows and I told him to make the drag race at the tunnel what was near BS' base. He was okay with it and we drove there. I told him to start after the third horn. So, I horned 3 times and we started. I was long ahead from him and I won the drag race. We drove down the road, he said "Congrulations, it was a nice drag race.", opened the trunk, gave me the money and we shaked hands. After that, we drove away. Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. @Razak Not a bad application, however you have 12 hours to edit it as you didn't specify why you left/got kicked from the previous organizations you were in. Edit it, do not make another post.
  12. @Toni2686 said in Hell Raisers Motorcycle Club: -Application Format- Ingame name: Toni2686 Real name: Antonio Account name: Toni2686 Age: 19 Nationality: Croatia Languages Spoken: English Previous G/S/C's (why did you get kicked or why did you leave): RDMC (Reason: The gang got deleted) Current server groups: - Your strenghts: Good at driving and shooting Your weaknesses: Beer! How long have you been playing on SAES: Around 3 years How long have you been playing on MTA: 3 years Have you ever been kicked/banned from SAES: Yes. (Cheating with house sales) Rate your English skills from 1/10: 9 Rate your Roleplaying skills from 1/10: 10 Rate your Driving skills from 1/10: 9 Rate your Shooting skills from 1/10: 9 What is the meaning of DeathMatch: Killing with no reason What is the meaning of RolePlay: Playing like in real life with other people. What is the meaning of Avoid Arrest: Killing yourself or disconnecting while police is chasing Why do you want to join HRMC: Since I started to play on SAES I was only in a MC gang. RP's and riding with MC gang members is the best! Why should we accept you: I was in RDMC since the 0lvl all they way to 5lvl. Do you have any friends in HRMC: - Tell us something more about yourself: I'm from Croatia, but working in Germany. Playing guitar and playing alot of sports. Did anyone recommend you to apply for our gang: Pres! ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime,lime), meet me ingame for an invite. Welcome to the club.
  13. Goodluck!
  14. Totally agreed, usually when I try to find someone to RP with, they always say "just take screenshots". What's the point of doing it overall then?
  15. Event Number #171 Event Type: Knock reket off his NRG LWS/G6: Filippo Date 03.01.2019 Prize(s): 1.000.000$ total, each round 500.000$ Winner(s): Kastya, Incorrect Screenshots: ::: :::
  16. @Crystal said in Hell Raisers Motorcycle Club: -Application Format- Ingame name: GangSta Real name: Domen Account name:p90cheater **Age:**14 Nationality: Slovenian Previous G/S/C's (why did you get kicked or why did you leave): I've joined ICE,BBMC,OC,BLOODZ,NSWC ICE- Well you know ICE.. I left them because most of them don't even know how to speak english and I couldn't even communicate so I left. BBMC - I left it because noone was online, I was basically alone all the time and a week or two after they died. OC - I left OC because I wanted to help out my irl friends in BloodZ. BloodZ- I left beacuse of xwolf he was the main reason. NSWC - I left them because they couldn't speak English, basically ICE 2.0, and I didn't see the squad accomplishing anything. Current server groups: N/A Your strenghts: Driving,shooting, Your weaknesses: Im not so good at RP How long have you been playing on SAES: A few months How long have you been playing on MTA: 3years Have you ever been kicked/banned from SAES: N/A Rate your English skills from 1/10: 7 Rate your Roleplaying skills from 1/10: 6 Rate your Driving skills from 1/10: 9 Rate your Shooting skills from 1/10: 9 What is the meaning of DeathMatch: DeathMatch means harming/damaging or killing the player/players without any reasons What is the meaning of RolePlay: RolePlay is when you do somethng in real life for example selling weed. What is the meaning of Avoid Arrest: Meaning of void arrest is that you kill yourself with a grenade or jump off a high building for example bank. Why do you want to join HRMC: I want to join HRMC beacuse I know the leader of the gang and beacuse the gang is very activite. Why should we accept you: You should accept me beacuse im a skilled and active player. Do you have any friends in HRMC: Yes Franks/franklin. Tell us something more about yourself: My name is domen im 14 years old I live in Slovenia I have an older brother his name is David he is 16 years old we both train soocer. Did anyone recommend you to apply for our gang: No. And thanks for reading : :) On behalf of the HQ team, you're ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime). Meet me ingame.
  17. @Lio ~[PENDING]~(yellow), meet me ingame for your test.
  18. Address: Fifth Avenue Antiques Shop Account name: kasitis0320 Last seen: 25th November 2018 Screenshots:
  19. @iani said in Hell Raisers Motorcycle Club: Ingame name: YankaTa Real name: Ilian Account name: iani582094 Age: 14 Nationality: Bulgarian Languages Spoken: Bulgarian Previous G/S/C's (why did you get kicked or why did you leave): ICE, BBMC, Rebels I left ICE because its very boring here and i have nothing to do. Left BBMC because it all the server hate it and i won't bad experience and because it's deleted. Left rebels because they are not active. Current server groups: SANC, TdSA, ZK Your strenghts: Shooting,driving,teamworking Your weaknesses: Flying How long have you been playing on SAES: 2 years How long have you been playing on MTA: 2 years Have you ever been kicked/banned from SAES: I was banned for multi-account Rate your English skills from 1/10: 9/10 Rate your Roleplaying skills from 1/10: 8/10 Rate your Driving skills from 1/10: 9/10 Rate your Shooting skills from 1/10: 9/10 What is the meaning of DeathMatch: Deatmatch means when u killing or shooting players vechicles without a reason What is the meaning of RolePlay: actin like a real life What is the meaning of Avoid Arrest: When u suicide to escape from arrest. Why do you want to join HRMC: Because there are many good and active players in. Why should we accept you: Because im good,active,skilled player and i want to help the gang with everything i can. Do you have any friends in HRMC: Polenta Tell us something more about yourself: Hello, my name is Ilian Georgiev im from Bulgaria and im 14 years old. I love playing in SAES in my free time and riding scooter outside with my brothers. Did anyone recommend you to apply for our gang: No On behalf of the HQ team, your application is ~[PENDING]~(yellow), meet me or any other HQ ingame for your test.
  20. We've got another applicant, but again, for some reason he couldn't post the application here, so it's down in the spoiler. @Incorrect, you're Accepted, meet me in game for an invite. ::: Ingame name: Incorrect Real name: Dima Account name: Incorrect Age: 15 Nationality: Estonian Languages Spoken: Russian, English, Estonian. Previous G/S/C's (why did you get kicked or why did you leave): None Current server groups: None Your strenghts: Driving, shooting, wheelies Your weaknesses: None How long have you been playing on SAES: 1 day How long have you been playing on MTA: 1 year Have you ever been kicked/banned from SAES: No Rate your English skills from 1/10: 6/10 Rate your Roleplaying skills from 1/10: 7/10 Rate your Driving skills from 1/10: 8/10 Rate your Shooting skills from 1/10: 7/10 What is the meaning of DeathMatch: Killing someone without a proper reason. What is the meaning of RolePlay: Acting like in real life. What is the meaning of Avoid Arrest: Killing yourself or leaving the game to avoid being arrested. Why do you want to join HRMC: I am new in this server and I am looking for a gang and my friend said this is a good gang so I would like to join. Why should we accept you: I'm a loyal, skilled and active person. Do you have any friends in HRMC: Reket Tell us something more about yourself: My favorite hobby is playing video games. Did anyone recommend you to apply for our gang: Reket :::
  21. @Marry said in Hell Raisers Motorcycle Club: Goodluck <3 <3 @Diesel said in Hell Raisers Motorcycle Club: Good luck bro Thanks lads!
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