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Everything posted by reket

  1. happy birthday mate!
  2. reket


  3. @Lord said in Donation: Lord (Amount 10.00 GBP): Is there a special thing i have to do for me to get my reward, or.... im confused contact an admin ingame
  4. gz vec
  5. carried me a week ago
  6. pro RL player
  7. youve gotta be kidding me, i donated 2 days before this happened
  8. This is an automated post TXN ID: 1AF49248SD807044W Donation Amount: 15.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Turismo Vehicle Colour: #000000 Specify any upgrades: Sticker wrap, 10x Nitrous Usernames to lock: mikupro, Gouby, mrriis, kAstYa Where you want it placed: Eesti On Vene Keel 5 ::: ::: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  9. looks cool, good luck mate
  10. hbd mate
  11. happy birthday
  12. reket


    gl lol
  13. F.
  14. disable duals in br also ofc cops will vote no
  15. welcome back, best of luck!
  16. this isn't pubg mobile
  17. goodluck!
  18. mona
  19. @Zei said in [SUGGESTION]Avoiding stars: You can report the players doing this if you have full proof He wouldn't even have to report them if this gets fixed, +1 from me.
  20. Address: Los Santos Pet Grooming Account name: tonny7 Last seen: 4th April 2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  21. I don't think boxer should have the ability to sell it, due to the fact that boxer is just a boxer, not a dealer. If, then for OC.
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