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Everything posted by reket

  1. ^[] ^[Assisting in Z BR TR] ^[]
  2. ^[] ^[Assisting in UE BR LV] ^[]
  3. ^[] ^[#1137] ^[Event Type: Simon Says] ^[Organiser: @Judyes] ^[Winners: CripZ>SWT] ^[Prize: 1.000.000$] ^[] ^[]
  4. ^[] ^[#1136] ^[Event Type: True or False] ^[Organiser: @Judyes] ^[Winners: CRIPZ>LUDAKAAA] ^[Prize: 1.000.000$] ^[] ^[]
  5. ^[] ^[Assisting in Z BR] ^[]
  6. ^[] ^[Stealing the Securicar from Money Transporters] ^[]
  7. ^[] ^[Turfing TR - before] ^[] ^[Turfing TR - after] ^[]
  8. hbd monkey
  9. ^[] ^[Evening Activity] ^[]
  10. ^[] ^[Turfing TR and LS - before] ^[] ^[Turfing TR and LS - after] ^[]
  11. happy birthday!
  12. best of luck
  13. happy birthday, finally 12
  14. if this gets added back, then how about making a new system for HRs so criminals would actually be in a house (with open interior like in SR or a normal interior marker) and they would have to set up defensive positions to kill cops inside the house until the HR ends instead of sitting in a circle
  15. happy birthday
  16. here we go again
  17. yes cause fuck wendo
  18. Criminal B's car is deactivated, so he starts shooting and kills Cop A and Cop B. Then instantly surrenders, only to receive a 75% decreased jail time for murdering two cops and running from the cops. I think you have to wait a few seconds before doing /sur after moving and in that time cops can arrest/tase you easily. I believe tasing someone when they've surrendered and giving the criminal the time what he would have originally gotten without surrendering is just a bug, because this makes zero sense lol
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