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SAES Inactive
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Everything posted by Licano

  1. Sorted.
  2. Sorted.
  3. Sorted.
  4. This property have been alredy requested and sorted.
  5. Sorted.
  6. Hi @Matvey-g88 . I'm sorry to inform you we can't sort this request, since it was made too early, and at the time you made it, the user wasn't inactive yet. ::: ::: Since I got Colombian time zone you'll see instead of 23:59 , 17:59 in those screens, but you must have in count that 17:59 here in Colombian is the same as 23:59 in england (official time zone of the server). Hence, you must interpret 17:59 as 23:59. Due to this minute of prematurity, I am not able to sort this request. Sorry again and regards, Licano.
  7. Hi Pump! I'm sorry to inform you that you made this request way too early. When you made this request the user wasn't inactive yet. ::: ::: Since I have Colombian time zone you won't see in my computer that it was at 23:59 , but 17:59 in Colombia is the same as 23:59 in england, so 17:59 in this screen must be interpreted as 23:59. Due to this minute of prematurity, I can't sort this request. Once again, sorry and regards, Licano.
  8. ~[Sorted.]~
  9. username: rozloo last seen: 12th july 2018 https://imgur.com/a/Wskzj6q
  10. Username: rozloo Last seen: 12th July 2018 https://imgur.com/a/nqPnasR
  11. This request is the same request I alredy sorted for you, seems like you posted it twice. Anyhow, you alredy requested twice this week so you'll be able to request again the other week.
  12. He decided to withdrawn the other one, hence, this one is sorted. Just was checking and noticed he requested this same property twice, lmao.
  13. Sorted. (As Tut said, you only can request 2 properties per week, so one of these will not get sorted)
  14. ~[Sorted.]~
  15. Hello @Ment . In order to keep this forum clean and tidy, we archive every auction within 2 weeks. Whether it has been sold or not. Feel free to create another auction if needed, and never doubt in calling a SAHA Agent as middleman. Regards, Licano.
  16. Hi @PeaCe . In order to keep this forum clean and tiddy, we archive every auction within 14 days regardless it has been done or not. Regards, Licano.
  17. User isn't inactive. Hence, can't.
  18. Oooo, sorry, but just noticed the guy isn't inactive, just came in game the last day.
  19. Hello @JoseFrags . In order to keep this forum clean and tiddy we achive every auction within 14 days, whether it has been done or not. Feel free to create another one if needed and never doubt calling a SAHA Agent as middleman.
  20. Hello @Dopen ! In order to keep this forum clean and tiddy we archive every auction whether it has been done or not, within 14 days of its creation. Feel free to create another one if needed and never doubt in calling a SAHA Agent as a middleman. Regards, Licano.
  21. Hi @SQuiZo ! In order to keep this forum clean and tiddy, we archive every auction whether it is done or not within 14 days. Feel free to create another one and never doubt calling a SAHA Agent as a middleman! Regards, Licano.
  22. Sorted.
  23. ~[Sorted.]~
  24. Hi @pazoo ! I'm sorry to inform you this property belongs to a SAES member, hence it can't be requested by inactivity.
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