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SAES Inactive
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Everything posted by Licano

  1. Hi @Danger-tkd ! I'm sorry to inform you that at the time you made this request, the user wasn't inactive yet. Hence, request denied.
  2. Hi JoseFrags! At the time you made this request the user wasn't inactive yet! I'm sorry to inform you I can't sort this request! :(
  3. Hi @xxzizouxx ! When I went to the place in order to sort this request for you, we both found out you alredy had 8 properties on your account! That's why, I left this property on a public sale and it is no longer a SAHA Business. Take care and don't doubt in calling a SAHA Agent when needed. Regards, Licano.
  4. This property isn't inactive yet, it will be inactive at 00:00. Till then, request denied.
  5. This property isn't inactive still, you gotta wait till 00:00. Till then, request denied.
  6. ^[Kool Times News Article Reports: ] "Magnificent Corps"
  7. ^[ Kool Times Newspaper Photographer's edition:] The streets have never been a safe place, but now, they are unsafer than ever with all these criminal using it as a war ground. Photos
  8. This property isn't inactive yet, hence can't be sorted. Request denied.
  9. I didn't say it in order to suggest or add anything to this suggestion, just was telling you and the other one interested in this, that while there's an official answer to this, I can help you with that.
  10. Archived then, never doubt in calling a SAHA Agent as middleman.
  11. Not trying to suggest anything here, but just reminding the whole community (or at least the one reading this suggestion) that if you're doing a roleplay or planning to do a big one, etc, G6 role is also to protect those rp, events (not the one in /event), etc. And personally, as G6 I would enjoy way more people asking me to protect their rp than to spawn g6 in order to do an event for them. If you need anyone to keep your rp clean from trainees and random dmers, here I am.
  12. ^[] ^[ Magnificent Corps] The success nowadays is something everyone aim to achieve, and here in Kool Times News (KTN) are certainly aware of that, in fact as the brand-new news network we are aiming for the success. KTN Team decided then to realize some investigations about the market in order to find out who were those companies and corporations that were leading it for their quantity of assets on the marker or well, their stability in the market. Sooner than later we found a corporation that has captured a great amount of money in the last year, and the thing that completely caught our attention was that they were new in the market, as we are. The corporation known as Aequitas Security Inc was indeed something we needed to investigate and ask for some business advices. Shortly we asked for a meeting to one of the head quarters of the corporation, Howard Johnsson (@Thing ). And he kindly told us it was ok to visit his corporation and that he would be pleasuring to answer the questions we needed to ask as long as it wasnt something too compromising. The first thing KTN Team noticed when we were reaching the head office of the corporation was the place it was located. It was in the middle of the desert, in fact, time to time we were able to notice some big military trucks passing near the place. Nonetheless the distance of the place, it was well guarded. It was almost like at all the time there was someone watching what you were doing. We decided to save our cameras and let the photos after we met with Mr. Howard. It was a huge place, full of vehicles for all their associates and some planes at the outside of the building. You could indeed notice this corporation was doing pretty good just by the looks. After we got inside we met Mr. Howard, he wasnt as old as we thought he would be. In fact, he was around the 40s. The first thing I did was asking him for permission to take more photos, if that wasnt a big deal. Luckily for us, we were able to get some pictures of the place with Mr. Howard approval. As stated before, it was a huge place and luxurious. We had the meeting with Mr. Howard at the end of the hallway, it was a comfortable office, with chair for the guests, a big paint of a boat behind the chair of Mr. Howard, and of course, his desk. After the KTN Team were on the office, everything went quick. We did a series of questions in order to know what the secret of Aequitas Security Inc. was. Without even hesitate Mr. Howard answered it was a good strategy and luck. Also, we got into detail to know what the plans for the corporation was, and how they made it that far, being by far some of the newest corporations in the market. Aequitas Security Inc came to float with the help of a lot of rich investors which saw a good deal investing in the business of the security at the moment that four members of the head quarter team went knocking their doors. Mr. Howard also told us none of the current head quarters of the corporations were raised in an environment full of wealth, so they needed to work hard for what they achieved, that was the reason they needed people to put trust into them and helping them with the money they needed to create this corporation. Mr. Howard revealed us, currently their network has a total worth of 20 billion dollars. And that their plans were not just staying with what they achieved until now, but to increase their power in the market and try testing with new sections of it. Currently they were expanding their group and working in a pharmaceutical laboratory which was aiming to sell their products to the biggest companies out in the market. Also, they had the most experienced team working on it. As soon as all the questions were answered, we decided to leave the place. Still amazed and disbelievers in how fast that corporation grew we decided that we needed to keep an eye for futures articles and news regarding Aequitas Security Inc. Also, when we were leaving we saw the opportunity to get some more pictures from the outside of the place, for you, the curious readers. ::: ::: Thanks for reading, On behalf of Kool Times News, KTN HQ Licano.
  13. Sorted.
  14. @Combine https://saesrpg.uk/topic/134/zip-roleplays-storys-and-builds/18 ZIP media archive
  15. Seems like you alredy requested two properties this week. Can't sort this, and see your the next week. Regards, Licano.
  16. This property belongs to a SAES member, hence can't be requested.
  17. Sorry for the confusion. As I recently check, you alredy made 2 request this week, hence I can't sort anything else for you since next week. Take care till then. Regards, Licano.
  18. Archived then, and never doubt in calling a SAHA Agent as middleman.
  19. Hi @hope ! In order to keep this forum clean and tidy we archive every auction within 14 days, whether it has been sold or not. Feel free to create another auction if needed and never doubt in calling a SAHA Agent as middleman. Regards, Licano.
  20. Hi @xDarkMan ! Sorry to tell you this property isn't inactive yet. Tho, if the user don't log in until August 19th it will be inactive. For now, I can't sort this request. ::: ::: Regards, Licano.
  21. Hi @Pump ! In order to keep this forum clean and tidy every auction is archived within 14 days, whether it has been sold or not. Feel free to create another one if needed and never doubt in calling a SAHA Agent as middleman. Regards, Licano.
  22. Hi @Pump ! In order to keep this forum clean and tidy, every auction is archived within 14 days whether it has been sold or not. Feel free to create another auction if needed and never doubt in calling a SAHA Agent as middleman. Regards, Licano.
  23. Still, that property belongs to a SAES member, hence can't be requested. I'll move this to the archive.
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