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SAES Inactive
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Everything posted by Licano

  1. This user last seen was the 5th October 2018. Hence he's not inactive and the requested have to be rejected.
  2. Hi @Sony . In order to keep this forum clean and tidy we archive every auction within 14 days from its creation, whether the property has been sold or not. Feel free to create another auction if needed and never doubt in requesting a SAHA Agent as middleman. Regards, Licano.
  3. Hi @Brian . In order to keep this forum clean and tidy we archive every auction within 14 days from its cration, whether the property has been sold or not. Feel free to create another one if needed and never doubt in calling a SAHA Agent as middleman. Regards, Licano.
  4. Looks rigged, I'm not there.
  5. Sorted.
  6. Sorted.
  7. Archived then.
  8. Sorted.
  9. Sorted. This is your second this week.
  10. Hi @Bunny . In order to keep this forum clean and tidy we archive every auction within 14 days, wether it has been sold or not. Feel free to create another one and never doubt in calling a SAHA agent as middleman. Regards, Licano
  11. Hi @bozagac . This player isn't inactive yet. He will be inactive the October 30th if he haven't log in by that day.
  12. Besides that, you can only claim two properties per week by requesting them for inactivity. (You haven't claim anything yet but just so you know)
  13. Same as I told you here The username from this user is mehdisa, hence you gotta so /seen mehdisa , not /seen ganja . The last seen from this user was today, hence isn't inactive.
  14. Same as I told you here. The user isn't inactive.
  15. Hi @StarDust this property isn't inactive since the user (bird9) last log in was in 26th september from this year. You gotta do /seen to the username, not the nickname. In this case, the username from this user is bird9 [the username is the one between the () ]
  16. Hi @FoxZilla . Since you couldn't get this request sorted within the first 48 hours after its creation, this property will be put onto a public sale.
  17. Hi @MatizZ . This guy is no longer inactive, came online today.
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