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Everything posted by Crash

  1. Cinema is on Sam-B acc so i guess its sorted #locked
  2. I like all weathers and i would rather to have a button to allow for everyone to choose if they want it on or off cause sometimes yeh rain gets tiring when we get 6 hours of it but then once its gonne we will miss it. i say give the button and keep all weathers !!! #makebuttongreatagain
  3. @Bye said in SAHA Auction LS Casino: @Crash asslick is not good @barras offerd more than him thats unfair Weren't you leaving the community? Also sould I just tell the workers "fuck ur work I need my wifi now just to check one thing on a game that can wait" get urself a brain radrick and stop being a retard posting nonsense shit
  4. Will check if he sorted it or nah once I can come inhame having renovations at home
  5. Please keep in mind of using the correct format found here @RadiO #locked
  6. Note: This topic contains names of people whose properties cannot be requested. The list will keep getting updated with new SAES clan members or once someone missing in the list gets his properties requested. Admins without any property aren't included in the list. SAES HQ Brophy - brophy JojoDb - jojofromjory Kain - potato11 Magnus - killer89 NanoBob - judas00 RonSeal - ronseal SAES Clan Members Ardron - king1992 Blade - joey11 Curny - freezz Daryl - heyheuhei DROT - milicajac Durby - giris Element - denis10 ESO - eso Groove - vagoti Henry - mierburns Hesha - hi5ha Honer - 4e4os333 Hotfire - hotfire4021 Human - cakegod2 ILLUSION - bulgur Jay - jme92 JohnnyEnglish - johnnyenglish Jonas13362 - jonas13362 Licano - licano Linkan - linus111560 MrSolrac - mrsolrac1 Niceez - nice3549 Patrol - patrol74 Rampage - deadoralive Scorpyo - scorpyo Steven - st3v3n517 Strong - mas3ouda Terry - rizacem Tilong - tilong Tut - tut Velo - velona77 Versace - kinggamer Yoko - officialjosuea Honorary Members tokes - [drugs]toker Lean - l34n Inactive / Retired Clan Members Angelo - ryanmiller BMaster - baffousam Bunny - bunnyxd Craig - craig Dequ - dequ Desolator - desolator Donna - donna Forehead - foreheadmonster Freaky - gtafreak Fyrr - fyrr73 Ghost722nd - [saes]ghost722nd Jason - jayykayy Jokila - jonnyoca Kenny - kenny Lance - smurf Lior - lior Luke - lordbob MacTaylor - mallonne Master - master007 Mega9 - mega9 Mohd - rmeity Nemesis - nikolakralj Nicus - nicus Nikolai - nikolai47 Piemonster - piemonster11 Rabbit - jochem6 Rares - rares Rennie - frankie[777] Royalty - royalty Sam-B - uhhbourne Shaun - teelor Smack - smackfiend System - system31 Teddy - officerraven TheK - thekiller101 Toast - truckertoast Tombaa - tombaa wANTy - wanty Zeking - zeking sushii - sushii
  7. Oh man the real life discussion again lets get the 50 comments of real life comparation going guys (pulling out CS/M4/Sniper/Nades from the pockets,behing in a carcrash at 200kph and just being able to drive it off do i need to keep going to show how useless this "real life" fight will be just like the 40 times it was before ?) On a a more serious note its not abuse its more of a strat to actually use the script in a way to help you u can do the same as crims to kill the cops faster aswell. The script can be used for both sides you just need to know how to use it , you can even use it on the vip mission if u are the driver and your friend got the vip for a faster delivery
  8. All of the above have ben placed for public sale thank you for posting
  9. 48 hours passed since the icon request was made this icon was placed for public sale
  10. 14 days passed since the action was started feel free to start a new one anytime you want @Kalashrie #locked
  11. 14 days passed since the action was started feel free to start a new one anytime you want @mrdemonio #locked
  12. Please use the correct format found here https://saesrpg.uk/topic/4936/request-format
  13. Will look into this once I get my wifi working should take like 1 hour or less
  14. Was already requested to be sold to the public #locked
  15. please use the correct format https://saesrpg.uk/topic/4936/request-format
  16. #sorted (week limit of 2 icons reached)
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