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SAES Community Staff
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Everything posted by Crash

  1. 14 days passed since this action was started you are free to start a new one anytime you want @Berlin-Official
  2. 14 days passed since this action started you are free to start a new one anytime you want @Kim
  3. 14 days passed since actions was started you are free to start a new one anytime you want @Sanya
  4. @TaaviLaudur said in SAHA SF Auction Outfit Offices: 45mil Winning bid Find a SAHA to get it sorted in 48 hours or you will lose the rights to claiming it
  5. @Zoom-In said in SAHA LS Auction Next to Arms Deals Spawn: 21m Winning Bid Find a SAHA to get it sorted in 48 hours or you will lose the rights to claiming it
  6. @Bone said in SF SAHA Auction House On The hills: 30m Welll dont really need to tell u to find a saha to sort it do i?
  7. @kipt said in SF SAHA Auction Jeans&Fashion: $25.000.000 Winning Bid Contact a SAHA to get it sorted in 48 hours or you will lose the rights to claiming it
  8. @JohnnyEnglish said in SF SAHA Auction Central Shopping: 21m Winning Bid Contact a SAHA to get it sorted in 48 hours or you will lose the rights to claiming it
  9. @Sam-B said in SAHA Auction LS Casino: 40 Winning bid as the action ended at 12:15
  10. ID da transao: 2465-4446-5128-8528 Donation :20.00GBP Rewards: Large Interior at (mansion with pretty red flowers) (ID:20) Infernos with nitro and All black at that address locked to (masterkillier) RC Tiger with nitro locked to (mastekillier)(if possible since aint in the disallowed vehicles) (Im too lazy to make a paypal so i did a direct payment and the bot dosent dected it )
  11. @tadeucosta00 said in Donations: hello guys! how much do I need to donate to get a helicopter? 10gbp
  12. locked as its was a double post
  13. Username: seddik0521 Last Seen: 30 January 2019 Imgur: https://imgur.com/a/GTKRoXt
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