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SAES Community Staff
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Everything posted by Crash

  1. Let me say why I voted no Cops can shoot when /cargrab if they use /switchweapon but I'm very certain that it also falls into bug abuse Therefore I don't support this
  2. this user is not inactive yet you can request this prop on the 16 of march at 00:00
  3. 48hours passed since the icon was requested , since user failed to claim it it was placed for public sale #locked
  4. 48hours passed since the icon was requested , since user failed to claim it it was placed for public sale #locked
  5. Interior Small 24 Interior Large 22 Interior Large 23 And Special Interior 25 been added to the list Note that Interior 25 are only given to people who donate 50+ GBP Note2:Its possible to save a donation vehicle on Interior 25 Garage and Drive it out by just driving into garage door
  6. Sam did fail to claim this on time and so the winner is Barras sadly did not have time till now to update this so @barras you have 48h after this post
  7. 14 days passed since action started , you are free to start a new one anytime you want @viewperz #locked
  8. 14 days passed since action started , you are free to start a new one anytime you want @KARIM #locked
  9. 14 days passed since action started , you are free to start a new one anytime you want @Kim #locked
  10. @Nobodyknows said in SAHA LV Sex Shop: 10m winning bid find a saha ingame to get it sorted PS:the 48 hours rule also applys
  11. your 48 hours have ended since you failed to claim the icon it will be placed for public sale
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