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SAES Community Staff
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Everything posted by Crash

  1. 14 days passed @Terry you know what to do #locked
  2. Time for a small Update Welcome Nori99 , Riley , Alex
  3. State the interior ( the ID) and address of the house where you want it
  4. @Steve said in Bone County Bank Auction: 270 Winning Bid find a SAHA ingame to get it sorted (teddy stinks)
  5. SAES> Clan members props wont be sold consult the following topic to know who they are ->https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6786/saes-clan-members #request denied
  6. 14 days passed since the auction was started feel free to start a new one anytome you want @JohnnyEnglish #locked
  7. 14 days passed since the auction was started feel free to start a new one anytome you want @Beckham #locked
  8. 14 days passed since the auction was started feel free to start a new one anytome you want @Radrick #locked
  9. #request Denied ->https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6786/saes-clan-members
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