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Everything posted by Crash

  1. Karma failed to claim this in time @Nobodyknows is the winner sort it in 48hours or lose he rights to it @Karma the new SAHA rules will be applied to you
  2. 48 hours passed since icon request was made since you failed to claim it the icon will be placed for public sale
  3. 14 days passed since the auction was started feel free to start new one anytime you want @Reus #locked
  4. 14 days passed since the auction was started feel free to start new one anytime you want @BlazerCHERRY #locked
  5. 14 days passed since the auction was started feel free to start new one anytime you want @ferthis #locked
  6. @Zoom-In said in [Suggestion]Back the old"togglewalk": @Crash said in [Suggestion]Back the old"togglewalk": Keep in mind one thing togglewalk is about 30% slower then the normal running annimation and to a cop being slower = getting killed Yes theres is a walkstyle to allow you to run with guns but me as a cop i rather not use the walkstyle because what the fuck am i gonna do with a M4 on a patrol? i nedd the nightstick to arrest and im faster whidout using the togglewalk when holding a nightstick I belive the walkstyle i mentioned above should be removed for both sides noone should using this to gain advantages and mr warrior you forget about one thing a good criminal with decent aim and speed will melt you in 3 seconds with 3 CS shots or 2 sniper shots + 1 CS shot . Yeaaaaaahh.. like cops friggin' use tazer and nighstick nowadays.. how else you gonna arrest anyone on the streets? by asking him to take himself to jail?
  7. @Ikzelf said in [Suggestion]Back the old"togglewalk": @Crash said in [Suggestion]Back the old"togglewalk": Keep in mind one thing togglewalk is about 30% slower then the normal running annimation and to a cop being slower = getting killed No, that is the whole point of it being removed. You could run full speed with it. When using m4/CS/Sniper this animation allows for faster running but in case of tec/tazer/colt/nighstick normal non togglewalk is faster
  8. @Warrior213 said in [Suggestion]Back the old"togglewalk": @Crash Dude its a small but advantage, and its the only advantage what we have. About the"skills"its just a random sometimes, when cop's ping raises and u can't kill with the 7 CS rounds, cause he just taking the half of damage sometimes.Cops have 6 advantages in minimum.But they nerf the togglewalk=/ How is it nerfed? Wanna talk about ping? Criminal with 300/400 ping who kill you after tased Human let's be honest most criminals drive in packed cars and one trows a made others use cs to take down as many cops as possible at once and the rest focus fire on the remaining Both sides are pretty balanced right right for the racio now adays since racio is about 3 criminal to 1 cop
  9. Keep in mind one thing togglewalk is about 30% slower then the normal running annimation and to a cop being slower = getting killed Yes theres is a walkstyle to allow you to run with guns but me as a cop i rather not use the walkstyle because what the fuck am i gonna do with a M4 on a patrol? i nedd the nightstick to arrest and im faster whidout using the togglewalk when holding a nightstick I belive the walkstyle i mentioned above should be removed for both sides noone should using this to gain advantages and mr warrior you forget about one thing a good criminal with decent aim and speed will melt you in 3 seconds with 3 CS shots or 2 sniper shots + 1 CS shot .
  10. its a group base been requested before and its still a denied #locked
  11. 14 days passed since auction was started , feel free to start a new one anytime you want @King #locked
  12. Icecold failed to claim it in time @Karma is the winner sort it in 48 hours or lose the rights to it @IceCold the new Saha rules will be applied to you
  13. 14 days passed since the auctions was started feel free to start a new one anytime you want @Kim #locked
  14. 14 days passed since the auctions was started feel free to start a new one anytime you want @EvozZ #locked
  15. 14 days passed since the auctions was started feel free to start a new one anytime you want @soniN #locked
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