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SAES Community Staff
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Everything posted by Crash

  1. And use the correct format next time
  2. @Vennelle said in LV SAHA Auction: 2m Winning Bid Since Kalashrie choose the 3 donut road
  3. No bids so it will be sold to the public ingame
  4. @Kalashrie you won 2 so choose one to claim other will be sold to the second highest bidder
  5. @King You won this Auction you have 48 hours to claim it or you lose the rights to claim it
  6. @Filex You won this Auction you have 48 hours to claim it or you lose the rights to claim it
  7. @zaza You won this Auction you have 48 hours to claim it or you lose the rights to claim it
  8. @Kalashrie You won this Auction you have 48 hours to claim it or you lose the rights to claim it
  9. User logged in yesterday #request Denied
  10. 14 days passed since this auction was started you are free to start a new one anytime you want @Energizer #locked
  11. 14 days passed since this auction was started you are free to start a new one anytime you want @Energizer #locked
  12. niet its a admin prop !!! @Julio https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6786/saes-clan-members
  13. Kinda took soon it's kinda still 22 kinda try again later at 00:00 London time
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