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Everything posted by Crash

  1. this request was done at 11:59 not 00:00 request denied
  2. this request was done at 11:59 not 00:00 request denied
  3. The resert is being worked on but lots of stuff need redone Incomes Props values that requires to rewrite every income , edit all the icons and each job will need o be tested for a few hours to get averages and make it balanced and as you know saes dosent have 3000 scripts and the few already have lots of work so this is not something that can be done overnight as bone said its being worked on have some pacience
  4. @Tut-Greco said in Updating PC Dog Spawn: @Crash said in Updating PC Dog Spawn: @Rzz0 said in Updating PC Dog Spawn: so basically get stunned by a dog i cant outrun and i also cannot kill because the hitbox is broken LUL obviously no you already abuse eject, i get out of my car and im already tazed, you dont need a dog kill the handler? and the dog will be useless? maybe? you know maybe think? Nope, canine will still be protecting itself or attacking the target if its handler is down. i do say it should have a quarter life of a human tho. PC is all about rp and it'd be failrp/powergaming to keep running after a target as canine if you're shot 2 times with a shotgun. im 'retired' hunter irl and you'd drop a fox with a buckshot. canine irl also will be dropped from one or a few pistol rounds. still the dog is useless once the handler is down that was my point tut not if he should die in 1/2 shots :(
  5. @Rzz0 said in Updating PC Dog Spawn: so basically get stunned by a dog i cant outrun and i also cannot kill because the hitbox is broken LUL obviously no you already abuse eject, i get out of my car and im already tazed, you dont need a dog kill the handler? and the dog will be useless? maybe? you know maybe think?
  6. Following the new forum auctions rules found here(https://saesrpg.uk/topic/373/usage-of-this-forum) this auction will now be locked you can start another one if you want to @Hunter-666 #locked
  7. Following the new forum auctions rules found here(https://saesrpg.uk/topic/373/usage-of-this-forum) this auction will now be locked you can start another one if you want to @Bagetto #locked
  8. Following the new forum auctions rules found here(https://saesrpg.uk/topic/373/usage-of-this-forum) this auction will now be locked you can start another one if you want to @jaimy #locked
  9. Following the new forum auctions rules found here(https://saesrpg.uk/topic/373/usage-of-this-forum) this auction will now be locked you can start another one if you want to @Spentou #locked
  10. Following the new forum auctions rules found here(https://saesrpg.uk/topic/373/usage-of-this-forum) this auction will now be locked you can start another one if you want to @Ment #locked
  11. @Hide said in House Removals: Account name: phucpro11300 Icon name: Starbucks Business sorted find teddy ingame to get a refund
  12. small heads up as i forgot to mention it on the top you have 48 hours after the auction ends to claim it or lose the rights to it
  13. small heads up as i forgot to mention it on the top you have 48 hours after the auction ends to claim it or lose the rights to it
  14. @sajjad said in [Suggestion] Bonus for killing cops at bank robbery!: As the title says, when you kill a cop while a bank robbery is running, you will receive a monetary bonus in the range of 15k-30k from the organization that's robbing as an award. This sum can be changed to whatever the developers deem proper. This suggestion in a way or another balance the injustice in cops getting money using their kill-arresting capabilities in banks. Well then i guess cops should get 100% for the kil arrest instead of 50% Criminals should get 100% jail time not 50% Criminals Should get less ways to make money since cops make by SR/Jailing and stoping the PBR(only 1 cop can close the safe so out of 20 cops only 1 gets the big cake) Not to speak of the 60 crims vs 20 cops that can be seen during most of the day and to finish it off crim can make money out of SR/Selling/BR/PBR/Turf if its to be just lets be just :shrug:
  15. 1 Large interior added ID 21 can still get another large one
  16. This is a SAHA Auction, hence all SAHA rules applies to this auction. Reminder. Fake bidding on SAHA auctions or Failure to Claim Properties you have won from SAHA auctions will result in an Auctions ban of 12 months AND a 25% fine of the total amount of your fake bid. For example, if you fake bid 100m you will be fined 25m. The auction will last for 5 days. Meaning, it will end the Saturday at 11:59 UK time.
  17. This is a SAHA Auction, hence all SAHA rules applies to this auction. Reminder. Fake bidding on SAHA auctions or Failure to Claim Properties you have won from SAHA auctions will result in an Auctions ban of 12 months AND a 25% fine of the total amount of your fake bid. For example, if you fake bid 100m you will be fined 25m. The auction will last for 5 days. Meaning, it will end the Saturday at 11:59 UK time.
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