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Everything posted by Crash

  1. General Information Nickname:Crash Account name:masterkillier Age:20 Country of residence:Portugal Time spent in Cuban Cars(~):6 months Current role (Mechanic, Impounder, Mentor):Impounder Roleplay Name (If used, else leave blank): Current Journy in Cuban Cars (min. 100 words):I joined back in around 7/8 months ago where i used to make Car Sale RP's and costum modifications , shorty after i applied for impounder and after a few months i was tested and joined and been part for around 4 months and were i done most of my work with close to 800 vehicles impounds on record , i know my posts on forum dont show the activitys i do thats basicly cause i always forget to take screens or i let the wannabes post the patrols
  2. Don't fake bid. Fine is 25% of any fake bids that you fail to provide. Failure to claim property (in reasonable time) also results in a fine. Both result in 12-month auction ban. The auction will end on Sunday at 23:59:59 UK time. Any bids from Sunday 18:00 will keep extending the auction for another 12 hours to prevent bid sniping. For example, if someone bids at 22:00, the auction is extended to 10 am Monday etc... Starting bid 50$ Minimum bid should be 10% higher than the previous bid, or $1m, whatever is lower.
  3. Don't fake bid. Fine is 25% of any fake bids that you fail to provide. Failure to claim property (in reasonable time) also results in a fine. Both result in 12-month auction ban. The auction will end on Sunday at 23:59:59 UK time. Any bids from Sunday 18:00 will keep extending the auction for another 12 hours to prevent bid sniping. For example, if someone bids at 22:00, the auction is extended to 10 am Monday etc... Minimum bid should be 10% higher than the previous bid, or $1m, whatever is lower. starting bid 50$
  4. 7 days have passed since the last bid therefore this auction is being archived if you have not sold the property yet you are free to start a new one anytime you want
  5. 7 days have passed since the last bid therefore this auction is being archived if you have not sold the property yet you are free to start a new one anytime you want
  6. 7 days have passed since the last bid therefore this auction is being archived if you have not sold the property yet you are free to start a new one anytime you want
  7. 7 days have passed and there's been no bids therefore this auction is being archived if you have not sold the property yet you are free to start a new one anytime you want
  8. 7 days have passed and there's been no bids therefore this auction is being archived if you have not sold the property yet you are free to start a new one anytime you want
  9. 7 days have passed and there's been no bids therefore this auction is being archived if you have not sold the property yet you are free to start a new one anytime you want
  10. If the problem is people gluing to moving vehicles to avoid cops make it like eject where the car needs to be stoped in order to grab on to said vehicle
  11. Still s dirty cop is a dirty cop I won't lied of I say I never did it myself it's fun and still counts and following ur role no? A corrupted cop will get problem for taking a small bribe or a big one but like I said this ain't about the arrest my thing was about the part where you basically said cops shouldn't be included in the avoid arrest and that to me it's not logical ok it's annoying but it's also part of the gameplay
  12. I just wanna ask something related to the last part If a cop got 42 stars and I attempt to arrest him and he kills himself how can it not be avoid Nothing states that cops are above the avoid rule that's just my pov on that last part
  13. Gonna love to see Crims in patriots :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing: don't see the problem
  14. 7 days have passed and there's been no bids therefore this auction is being archived if you have not sold the property yet you are free to start a new one anytime you want
  15. 7 days have passed and since there's no bid placed on that time phrase this auction will be archived you are free to start a new one anytime you want
  16. 14 days passed since the auction was started therefore this is getting moved to the archive if you have not sold the prop yet you are free to start a new one anytime you want
  17. 7 days have passed and since there's no bid placed on that time phrase this auction will be archived you are free to start a new one anytime you want
  18. 7 days have passed and since there's no bid placed on that time phrase this auction will be archived you are free to start a new one anytime you want
  19. 7 days have passed and since there's no bid was place on that time phrase this auction will be archived you are free to start a new one anytime you want
  20. 7 days have passed and since there's no bid was place on that time phrase this auction will be archived you are free to start a new one anytime you want
  21. 7 days have passed and since there's no bid was place on that time phrase this auction will be archived you are free to start a new one anytime you want
  22. 7 days passed since the last bid therefor this auction is being archived if you have not yet sold the prop yet you are free to start a new one anytime you want #locked
  23. 7 days passed since the last bid therefor this auction is being archived if you have not yet sold the prop yet you are free to start a new one anytime you want #locked
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