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Everything posted by Crash

  1. Participants:Crash Date:02/09/2019 Actions Taken:Impounding Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/oBUvwnO
  2. Participants:Crash Date:31/08/2019 Actions Taken:Impounding Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/hd3nqwx
  3. Both props selected for interiors dont belong to you and since Interior is a donator only reward and cant be tranfared both interiors are denied feel free to select new address for the interior/interiors
  4. Kill arrest was made to balance the ability to stop brs and JBs and since you get 50% from your jail time ain't broken If you wanna punish people selling drugs to cops then all should be punished since it's still illigal drugs so he should be getting wanted for selling to cops or crims
  5. What's the address for said interior to be added on @Eusebio
  6. Participants:Crash Date:27/08/2019 Actions Taken:Impounding Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/Kwfaw5n
  7. Since its been 7 days whidout any bids this auction will get archived to keep this organized if you wish to start a new one feel free to do so #locked
  8. Since its been 7 days whidout any bids this auction will get archived to keep this organized if you wish to start a new one feel free to do so #locked
  9. Since its been 7 days whidout any bids this auction will get archived to keep this organized if you wish to start a new one feel free to do so #locked
  10. Since its been 7 days whidout any bids this auction will get archived to keep this organized if you wish to start a new one feel free to do so #locked
  11. Since its been 7 days whidout any bids this auction will get archived to keep this organized if you wish to start a new one feel free to do so #locked
  12. Since its been 7 days whidout any bids this auction will get archived to keep this organized if you wish to start a new one feel free to do so #locked
  13. Since its been 7 days whidout any bids this auction will get archived to keep this organized if you wish to start a new one feel free to do so #locked
  14. Participants:Crash Date:26/08/2019 Actions Taken:Impounding Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/16tBuFA
  15. Participants:Crash Date:26/08/2019 Actions Taken:Impounding Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/hH5JwZk
  16. Participants:Crash Date:23/08/2019 Actions Taken:Impounding Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/40glXoR
  17. @Ramby said in Desert Eagles Recruitment Results.: @Crash You're going to have fun with this group. Get the tanks out! Gonna warm up the coffee machine cause it's gonna be Hella used
  18. 7 days have passed and since no bids were given we will archive this auction in order to keep the forum organized if you still wanna sell this property you are welcome to start a new one #locked
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