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Everything posted by Crash

  1. user logged in yesterday therefor aint no longer inactive request denied
  2. Participants:Crash Date:27/09/2019 Actions Taken:Impounding Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/TgsVAyb
  3. Interior sorted so i guess that all done Address: 34_Seamen_Road Interior ID :3
  4. @Melevik said in Donation: Melevik (Amount 20.00 GBP): I chose interior, Property ID: 331 Large interior 22 If possible @Crash said in Donation: Melevik (Amount 20.00 GBP): if you donated 30 gbp yes you get the donator spawn and you can also select a Small interior or a medium one from our list As i pointed above its medium and Small only for a large one it would be 40 GBP total donated
  5. Your Imgur link seems to not be working please fix that
  6. Here how to request the donator spawn >https://saesrpg.uk/topic/10606/requesting-adding-to-the-donator-spawn Here for the interiors list >https://saesrpg.uk/topic/925/interiors-for-donators-only/
  7. Participants:Crash Date:23/09/2019/24/09/2019 Actions Taken:Impounding Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/nvGIQlp
  8. @ChasinTLSN said in Chasin's Donation Change.: decrypter1 Interiors done Current value is of -100GBP
  9. if you donated 30 gbp yes you get the donator spawn and you can also select a Small interior or a medium one from our list
  10. you can also select a Small interior or a Medium one from our Interior list
  11. 7 days passed since the last bid was placed and to keep the section organized this auction will be archived if you still wanna sell the icon feel freee to start a new one
  12. 7 days passed since the last bid was placed and to keep the section organized this auction will be archived if you still wanna sell the icon feel freee to start a new one
  13. Since 7 days have passed and no bids were offered to keep this section organized this auction will be archived , if you still wish to sell the icon you are free to start a new auction at any time you want
  14. @yuriko said in House Removals: yuriko5316 sorted
  15. Participants:Crash Date:22/09/2019 Actions Taken:Impounding Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/pxWyamL
  16. Participants:Crash Date:19/09/2019 Actions Taken:Impounding Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/Zno2RG6
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