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Everything posted by Crash

  1. looks at the recent change logs and sees the "crude oil" Right now its a public thing and why not leave it like that the earnign from it is 6k and you refill 10% of the refinary so out of that you can get 60k to fully refill it , just grind to 500 deliverys and boom
  2. Im with the criminals on this one and dont want to have to keep using alt to have letal mode on combat shotgun Just leave the 2 shotguns different so we can have to pick the best one for the situation
  3. #denied fill in a valid one
  4. @RadiO said in Lounge GangWars SUmmer 2019 Betting: Name: RadioGaga Username: oussama88 Team Betting on: CDS Ammount: 20m confirmed
  5. @MarquesGaming said in Lounge GangWars SUmmer 2019 Betting: Name: Marques Username: MarquesGaming Team Betting on: CDS Ammount: 25m confirmed
  6. 7 days passed since the last bid . if you have not sold the prop in question feel free to start a new one
  7. Still not a good option drot to have to mute 180 playrs everytime i log , if a button gets added to disable all voice or even just a command like /disablevoice or /enablevoice then i wont mind this being in the game
  8. @Lincoln said in Lounge GangWars SUmmer 2019 Betting: @Lincoln said in Lounge GangWars SUmmer 2019 Betting: Name: Lincoln Username: Abdivdbf Team Betting on: SWAT, CDS. Ammount: 5mil SWAT, 2mil CDS I would like to bet another 18mil on CDS, which makes it a total of 20mil bet You can neither decrease nor increase your bet after confirming it. Read the rules on first topic :d
  9. @Tut-Greco said in Bring back the glue!: I would rather make it a donation reward so that the donators can feel a little more special by not falling off super gt's pay2win :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:
  10. already requested here https://saesrpg.uk/topic/9715/inactive-ls denied
  11. @Jay said in [LS AUCTION]Le Gaybar Ala Tombaa: humans nose bids 50m winning bid you got 48hours to get it sorted
  12. @traged said in [SAHA AUCTION]Hotel Of Rentboys Corp: 40m winning bid get it sorted in 48 hours
  13. @Sanya said in Lounge GangWars SUmmer 2019 Betting: Name: Sanyok Username: lolipops636 Team Betting on: SWAT Ammount: 2M AHAHHAHAH No
  14. @Elegant said in Lounge GangWars SUmmer 2019 Betting: Name: Elegant Username: elegant09 Team betting on: SWAT Ammount: 25M Since xavier is a penis this is confirmed
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