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Everything posted by Cornelius

  1. Ohh shit my bad, I didn't know that before I wrote it, only after Santoss replied I understood what Linkaln said.
  2. Probably because he joined OC, Gangsterx.
  3. accepdie
  4. #70 Roleplay ::: @The-Best1 said in TST - The Strike Team | Media Archive: Attenders:@SpeeD1Tn @Cornelius Story:Our agency has received some information About a drug dealer who transporing his drugs around Los santos. After reviewing the information and conducting the investigation around SF , It turned out that he forces a group of youngs to move his drugs to the rest of the city. We got a call about a suspecte who's driving from SF going to city , after 15 minuts of chase we pulled him over the suspect was transporting a bag of drugs from Los Santos to whetstone our agents arrested him and took him to our headquarters for further investigation . One of our agents brought to the young guy a set of questions : who the group leader and where is his location , The suspect was confused and after many question he gave us the necessary information about the real seller , the name of criminal is rake member of cdc ,We took a car and went on patrol aroundLS, An hour later we saw the suspect near base iac , we chased him for a while then we stopped him and checked the car , one of our agents found some drugs inside his trunk and then we arrested him . now , Rake in our jail for more investigations and discovery of other names of drug barons Screenshotrs: :::
  5. 88, if I win I will ask for demotion in MMC
  6. 12.10.2019 ::: :::
  7. 11.10.2019 ::: :::
  8. 11.10.2019 ::: :::
  9. 08.10.2019 ::: :::
  10. #69 "Roleplay" ::: @Castle said in Rebels MC Media Archive: ~[Story:]~(maroon) Today I have been chasen down by a MMC member to our base. I warned him to not pass the line to our base. He called me out invted me to a bat fight. It was fair and deal. He tried to run away but I catched him and taught him to show respect to real bikers. ~[Screenshots:]~(maroon) :::
  11. #68 "Roleplay" ::: @Castle said in Rebels MC Media Archive: ~[Story:]~(maroon) After I fight with @RadiO he went to his Prez and told about the event. @Sira called me and told me to meet with him in front of our base. He didn't came alone though. they formed a ring around @Sira and me. I started fighting with my bat against @Sira . After a long fight I killed him, and the others went away. ~[Screenshots:]~(maroon) They came to fight with cars... :::
  12. Address: 3 Red County Trailer Park Account name: tedfrost Last seen: September 3rd 2019 Screenshots:
  13. Address: 5 Red County Trailer Park Account name: choosen7 Last seen: September 2nd 2019 Screenshots:
  14. 04.10.2019 ::: :::
  15. 03.10.2019 ::: :::
  16. Still waiting.
  17. Will eat my peperoni pizza
  18. 30.09.2019 ::: :::
  19. eune: Promotion Slayer 1v1'ing anyone who plays saes, ask skinner I am the best.
  20. 26.09.2019 ::: :::
  21. Making my life hard, because the only person I dont know here in this topic, is him.
  22. Role-Play #66 ^[Jobs for the cops (9/11)] Biker club members met the cop at the parking lot and this is where the bikers got the first job. There was one old man who did child pornography, but cops did not have proof to arrest him and they could not use force on him. So bikers had to get all the information from the man against him. Bikers got information where he lived and where the old man is going. Club members followed him and saw him in the baseball stadium. They talked with a man so they would know it is him. It was, so they took him by force into the car and drove him to forest. They started asking questions about the pornography and he answered most of the questions. Corn knocked him on the ground and said to not joke with him. Old man said all the things and Corn let him run away for his life. Also Corn was recording whole information for the cops, so they could use against the man. The next week both sides met at the donut store. Raf gave the information for the next job. It was drug dealer who had some hand writings which cops needed. So bikers went into the place, broke in it, took one of the criminals and started speaking, they were dosing something, so Corn punched him down and waited no longer for the documents. The thug looked for documents under the sofa and gave it to Corn. Bikers did not waste more time and left the place and delivered everything to the cops. Luckily every job was successful and cops gave the information we needed. Screens lined correctly as a whole story: https://imgur.com/a/rFLkP8D
  23. Role-Play #65 ^[Associates (8/11)] Higher ranked Mongols MC needed connections in cop side to get information about their last work. Luckily they found people who were ready to speak about the deals between both sides, bikers went to the place where it was safe to discuss about, after few minutes cops came too, later on everyone sat down and started speaking. First thing what club members needed was all the dates of deliveries from banks and the routes of it. The next thing they asked for was hundred percent security while entering the outside bank parking lot. They agreed, but they needed some favors too. They asked to meet them at three different places each work will give more information about the things bikers asked. The conversation was short and ended soon. Both respected people shook hands and waited for future next commands. Screens lined correctly as a whole story: https://imgur.com/a/RxtmHLO
  24. Role-Play #64 ^[The Arms (7/11)] Mongols managed to get more money for the last purchase which was planned all the time, by re selling drugs. Club only had to call the dealers to get the product. While most of the club members were chilling at the club house, Corn asked Nikita to help him with a delivery, which was no problem for Nikita to do. Both thugs packed things up and were ready to go. After they reached the destination, Corn gave a signal to the dealer to open the place to get inside with a truck. Later when bikers got in, Cornelius started speaking to the dealer about the guns he had to buy. Voli understood everything and lead the way for the bikers. First place they went was where all the guns were, ready to use, look at. Cornelius wanted more details on it, so he asked which gun could go through the bullet proof vest and how far does it have to be in order to be effective. Voli recommended shotgun and be closer than two meters to be guaranteed murder. Nikita was attracted to machine guns so he grabbed one and started to looking it out. Voli had no problems with that and showed some little tricks how to use it better. Everything was clear for the customers, so Voli told them they could test it. Since Corn already bought few guns he knew what most of them could do, but Nikita did not. Corn told him to test it in the other room, by shooting at the targets. After they went there and tried guns, it was clear that the guns had good quality and was ready to pack it up. All the guys went to the boxes with the guns and started packing the bikers van. No problems came out while packing. Later Cornelius gave the dealt money to the dealer and started moving back to the club houses. When bikers came back, they packed things out and everything was ready for use. Screens lined correctly as a whole story: https://imgur.com/a/0EnLwIe
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