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Everything posted by Cornelius

  1. Can't wait to yell at tunisans
  2. When you win once versus a squad, but never in turfs.
  3. Role-Play #48 ::: @JoeX said in San Andreas Pirates ~ Media: RolePlay: The Sea is our home Participants: @Cornelius @wave21160 @Arone @Avengr @EloThAm @NikitA321 @Disaster Story: In the morning while We were sailing in San Fierro sea and smoking our joints and diving searching for things under the water and swimming in the sea we got a call from a friend telling us that there in San Fierro sea a big ship, and two gangs dealing on it, We closed the call and get our weapons and our greanades and jumped into the boat and sailed to the ship we entered it slowly and saw what's happening we waited till they open the bags to see what in it, it was drug dealing we waited till they walked to me the rooms and threw a nade and jumped and got the bags then, run and killed the others gang members and jumped into the boat and escaped before the police come :::
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2OwlXrG8Rg I got banned for toxicity before too #freeGarcia
  5. Role-Play #47 ::: @Raf0 said in SAFP - Official Media Archive: Main characters: Cornelius, Ty3uk and @Aspect Story: on a good day, a dispatcher alert us because of some criminals hide drugs, so I called some units in this case and we make a plan and we went to the location. When we surrounded the place, they open the fire and we start shooting too, so after a long time of this fight, the criminals were injured and fell to the ground, after we took them to the car. We emptied the truck from the drugs and we went to the PD... at the PD I opened the computer and i took the document and the information about these 2 crims, then we took their IDs and Weapons, and finally, they went to the jail. Screenshots: :::
  6. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7iajif
  7. F.
  8. 27.08.2019 ::: :::
  9. 26.08.2019 ::: :::
  10. Role-Play #46 ::: @Wolf said in Central Intelligence Agency - Media Archive: Role Play Number: 77 Participants in The RP: @hope , @FireSnow , @Mongols-MC RP Scenario: Today I was patrolling around SA with Officer.Hope and Officer.Spider I got a call from my Director told me there are Dangerous criminals From the gang called Mongols MC they Kidnapped someone our Director wanted us to arrest them and save the lawyer from him after I finished the call with Director we move back to LV police Department to prepare ourselves after that we took two police car from LV police Department garage then we moved to arrest them and save the lawyer from them by using GPS then I followed him when they stopped then we moved Immediately to cuffs them and save the lawyer from them then we put them inside the police car then we moved back to Lv police Department to jail them but Before that We uncuffs them then they gave me all his equipment then I take it and put it inside box then I took them to Jail them after that I called my Director to tell him the Mission was successful done after that I thanked Officer.Hope and Officer.Spider for helping me to arrest them. ScreenShot(s): :::
  11. 25.08.2019 ::: :::
  12. Good at roasting, but not memes.
  13. bump. ez spam
  14. 24.08.2019 ::: :::
  15. Short montage about Mongols MC by me. :hearts: ~MFFM~ :hearts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unOEn2HR7gg&feature=youtu.be
  16. 22.08.2019 ::: :::
  17. 22.08.2019 ::: :::
  18. Role-Play #44 ^[Earning Respect] Since Mongols MC grew bigger in people, business, and relationships with other gangs, Underground Empire were sure that Mongols MC can do everything. So in one of higher ranked meetings, Underground Empire head quarter told to Sira to gather all the people for a serious, but easy job, which was to protect a truck. Sira asked. Why, dont you have your people to protect it? They replied. We will send two ships to San Andreas one with poison and other with unknown materials that could be used for drugs, so we got one to protect with our allies and one will go with you. Sira understood and thought that no gang would want to know what is in the ships, because it might be only arms, as usual. So Sira agreed and told to message Cornelius about the details. After few days Cornelius called Mongols MC meeting, he did not say why. Mongols MC members were curious. But Cornelius every time someone asked, he replied Stay near your bikes and was on the phone all the time. Finally Cornelius got a call, short call which was Come to Los Santos Docks, we are packing. Cornelius told to Mongols MC members Prepare arms and when we arrive, protect truck at all cost. Everyone jumped on bikes and Sira led the way. Going to LS docks was easy for Mongols MC, since nobody were in their way, no cops, unknown citizens, Rebels, other gangs. ::: ::: While Mongols MC were on their way, Sanya and Kok from Underground Empire, were packing boxes into their truck, when they were done they lit up their cigars, talked about the heavy boxes and were hoping that everything will be fine, before Mongols MC will come to them. ::: ::: Then Mongols showed up in the Los Santos docks and looked around the area for any suspicious people, they did not see any ship or non-Underground Empire people. Then both gang members spoke to each other and waited till the signal that the road was clear to Underground Empire base. Then Sanya received message that everything is fine. Everyone started their vehicles engines and Sira started to lead the road for the truck. Ballas had a bad feeling about this mission, he was very nervous, so he looked around very much, but didnt see anything until ::: ::: Emergency Task Force, new squad decided to take action against crime and didnt warn anyone about what they were going to do, first thing they did was bribing ship worker before delivery to put detecting mechanism, so the squad could see every movement of the boxes, Vanelle thought they should get them in action, not before it. Antirug found the people who wanted to stop the killing and illegal things in San Andreas, before the operation. Emergency Task Force was a new squad so they didnt have many people in it, but they found few to help with the cars, arms, road blocks and after that, they were fully ready. They parked their cars on the road and aimed forwards to the truck. Nobody from gang side knew about this, so they only saw cops after they went right into them. ::: ::: Mongols MC were shocked at turn their bikes side against cop cars, they started a cruel war on the road. Everyone were defending the truck and then Cornelius told to Kok to clean red bridge near them, with UE people coming from their base, after five minutes Sanya jumped into truck and told follow me Cornelius. In middle of massive shoot-out, Cornelius jumped on the bike and started following Sanya on the new route they got. ::: ::: Other Mongols MC members stayed and tried to kill police in front of them. After hitting cops few times. One of the members was shot. It was Forg. Sira tried to help him while others were shooting. Later both sides stopped shooting. Ballas got new idea to go behind them while they will try to kill us again in next seconds. So MC gangsters started shooting and Ballas went around the building behind them. After ETF saw what was happening they turned around and the guys they tried to shoot at before come to them and ended their lives. One guy was praying to keep him alive. But everyone started shooting at him, since Forg was in bad condition. Later Mongol MC members helped Forg to get on his legs and drove him to safe place, to get him help. ::: ::: Cornelius with Sanya and Kok delivered package to Underground Empire base. Cornelius stayed a bit, in case someone will come for him. Kok told that they are thankful for what Mongols MC did, not every gang would help us in that case, then Sanya said If anyone will need help with guarding or investing we will always recommend you for other gangs and people, you have our respect. After those words Cornelius went to his place and wait for the next day. ::: :::
  19. Sailor (Very big hopper too)
  20. 21.08.2019 ::: :::
  22. Script new cracking type, for future casino robberies. I need a new trainer which works :(
  23. Who cares, GMs will remove it soon, btw cops voting, nice poll
  24. 19.08.2019 ::: :::
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