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Everything posted by ChasinTLSN

  1. If anyone here has the same symtomps I'm suffering under, please PM me here or contact me any way, because it makes things easier.
  2. Hi, I just wanted to share you my story with you. But before I even start I'll say that I considered of making it for a long time, and you just can't imagine how big of a balls it took to even make this topic. So what's going on with me is that I've been fighting with my thoughts daily in my own head, and I can't control them in any ways, which cause a constant head foggyness that are caused by missthoughts and illogical thoughts, I know it doesn't make sense to most of you but I'll go for it regardless: I've been in constant war with myself for past few years and it seem to get worser every day, by far what I've found out personally is schizophrenia, which I can't control any longer of. Bottom of this topic is that I just want to thank you all the peoples that have been holding and respecting me beside how I've been and all that, you don't know how much you mean to me. I'll take a bit time off from the game because I can't even concentrate to make a proper topic, because of the illness, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart to all the the peoples that have been with me, I wish I could hug you all, adios until I get my shit fixed, if ever. Love you all, I really do.
  3. Good luck Hanri.
  4. Happy birthday.
  5. @Morpheus No offense but what the fuck are those jeans?
  6. No we cant accept that because criminals are overpowered.
  7. Happy birthday.
  8. @Ecko you're fucking monstrous lol
  9. Your ingame username: decrypter1 Your ingame alias: My nickname/alias is Chasin/ChasinTLSN. Your year of birth: I'm born in 1994, I'm turning 26 in june. Your gender: Male. Nationality: I'm Estonian. Country of residence: Estonia. How long you have been playing SAES: I've been playing SAES since 2013 constantly with few breaks between, I got in course with a game overall about 15 years ago or so, used to play at the SAMP unknown server since I was a child, I retired from there and after trying to find it about 7-8 years later, I never found it, yet I still haven't let my real interest go, I simply adore GTA SA. But yeah, about SAES I've been here since the year I mentioned above, with an accidental find, and I'm still here. Qualities you can offer: Beside being salty in some opinions, and a bully as I've got said, therefore my real quality is being authentic myself, I'm helpful and friendly & sarcastic to everyone that's not being a cunt or fake, I really am not what peoples think because I respect even my haters as odd as it sounds. Your weaknesses: My weaknesses most likely can be that I lose my temper pretty easily when there's a reason, yet I've came better at it, and I can handle myself much better than I did in a past. Preferred Position (CS/SAHA): CS/SAHA. Do you have Discord Installed: Yes, I'm tense user, Discord is love. Reason for application: Reason is simply due to I haven't took part of any last recruitments really as I haven't felt like ready for it, yet I wouldn't mind managing the server and giving my part to it, I'm a long time player with a experience and I've been constantly helping peoples at mainchat when there has been any questions with the answers I'm aware of and I've always gladly helped, and not just ignoring, EVEN when there's no CS recruitment on (lol). Server Memberships: Not a groupwhore, yet I'll bring out the groups/organization that I'm part of (nothing crazy) yet I'm proud member of every single of them. Tuga Thugs (Novato) RaceTECH (Professional) Radio San Andreas (Chairman/HQ) Outbreak Organization (Soldado) Additional information: Nothing much to say, I just want to tell you that I could be a good fit to the clan regardless of all the shit I've done, and I honetly mean it and apologize for every scenario when there's clearly been me who has been a cunt or not owning up my mistakes. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Speechless. Previous (legitimate) bans: Alot, most bans for a 'wrong place at wrong time' and a personal issues with other clan members. Do you eat pork: Yes, especially the import pork from middle east.
  10. Never take the rule how's it written in the rulebook. This certain rule, and like the most rulebook, can be twisted and manipulated towards you if there's a need (aka brainwashing you with a different views to it regardless of the sentence that's clearly written to the F1) so it really depends who's sorting your report first, and whether the individual that's about to solve your report is in the policing side or not, which in this case can be seen above who is and who is not, so you'll even end dumber than you were at first sight, even if you thought you're right. So @NubBob congratulations for not getting adminjailed yourself for a avoid, even if it was someones else grenade. But YOU should've known that jail is a mad zone and in the end of the day it's all your fault for being at that specific spot you were, hh.
  11. ChasinTLSN


    @Howlze said in SOS: If this is in fact legitimate, then set up a PayPal account or something, I'll shoot a few $ your way to help out. I can do the same. Could we get a picture somehow to this topic for us how the situation really is and what do you exactly mean by the 'walls are about to be collapsed'. Stay safe.
  12. Yeah, not pointing a finger to anyone yet I've been having those issues even after getting a new rig of mine, constant FPS drops down to 35 to 40. I know it's more of a CPU based game yet it doesn't justify it in a fiveteen year old game while having a 1050TI & G5400, running on a 8 gigs of ram. Drops happen in a crowded places mostly, such as a bankrobs or in near the jail deathmatchings, I'm playing on a miniumim settings mostly so it's not big of a issue for me personally, yet when I got a new rig I had a hope that I'm getting a full FPS all the time regardless of the settings yet that didn't happen. One thing is that I shouldn't got myself a PC that was already put together by a company (pre-built PC) as I'm experiencing some lag issues in a newer games too, but I'm kind of confused whether the main blame is on my PC or it's the SAES itself that does give me these constant FPS drops that can be felt. Also, is there anyone that's playing with a I7 or some unhuman rig and still getting these FPS drops? Let me know, thanks. Also about the random freezes that didn't happen before the server wasn't crowded, the problem is in the nametags script plus due to the base scyncs, what I know so far atleast, but yeah everything else I told above I'm not sure whether it's my gear or not.
  13. adios
  14. @Groove disliked
  15. Nice video(s) yet I'll rather subscribe to Juri Ratas. kyr za BELGIUM
  16. @nicus said in Application for CLO: ya cute nicus
  17. What the fuck does DROT retard at the GM, shitting in whole community pockets including clan. Fake rat like @System31 .
  18. @SubMeOff for sucking dick to get HQ lmao this got me hard
  19. Roger that, thanks for the response, I'll try it.
  20. So what I'm having is whenever I multitask to the desktop from game and actually trying to get back to the game window after I'm done, my computer completely bugs out, it doesn't get back to the game unless I'll close everything from Task Manager and tapping ALT+F4 after it, and even that doesn't work all the times. Didn't have that with Windows 7, problem occured after installing 10.
  21. 'CLO is now harder to arrest since they have the ability to kill with a headshot.' Fucking whining cunts everywhere. No idea even how hard is it to hit with the headshot, especially when there's a cop that has a bigger IQ than James and all his squad brainers together. Learn to play bots and quit gaining advantages to your side while you're already overpowered enough.
  22. Absolutely, E36 is lit. We need a Lada aswell added, would be nice to blast some hardbass while the glasses are shattering after adding the stereo at the modshop, imagine if that would be scripted :D
  23. Even if peoples been memeing OC for a whole time, atleast in my view, and even myself in a good meaning, then all the jokes and sarcasm beside you can't really judge or say shit that you haven't succeeded or been at yourself. First generation got to level 2 and second generation got to level 5, it's not easy task to get to the level such as is level five, my respect, rest in peace OC.
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