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Everything posted by ChasinTLSN

  1. Marker protection, you've never heard about it? At both entrances you're having a marker protection giving you a enough time to react, whether you're taking a cover to the room beside (backyard entrance), while criminals camp at the corridor, due to Prison Warden spawn is few steps away from the entrance, or in front where's definetely less camping by the opposite side and there's enough room for a movement where you can swing around with the nightstick, especially when considering that you're coming in with a full HP as there's a vending machine outside and using tactical zig zag movement if you're having a bit of a brain (which you seem to not have). Also what the fuck is up with these nonsense reports towards the admins and players you keep making? Grow the fuck up and quit being a bitch, get yourself a new brain from a Brazil eBay autist.
  2. Just realized the reason behind this dickhead been so cocky for past few months, congratulations.
  3. Type of event: Skin Show Price: 1.500.000$ Radio SA members: Myself, @Ragnax , @zaza LWS: @zaza Winner(s): @NanoBob Date: 06.06.2020 Screenshots of the event: https://imgur.com/a/4y3QcmD
  4. Type of event: Dancing Event Price: 5.000.000$ Radio SA members: Myself, @matu368 , @Markus , @Ragnax, @Chuey , @zaza LWS: @zaza Winner(s): @Raf0 Date: 06.06.2020 Screenshots of the event: https://imgur.com/a/B1GjJxt
  5. Type of event: Musical Chairs Price: 2.500.000$ Radio SA members: Myself, @Martin , @Snowyyy LWS/G6: @Trevor Winner(s): LuixRoded Date: 05.06.2020 Screenshots of the event: https://imgur.com/a/Ptbp4Uz
  6. Happy birthday ma russki patsan.
  7. @Keo said in Is this fair?: I'm out from this shit if ya got smth against me feel free to dm me on discord. Waiting for ya @NanoBob @DezZolation friday 16:30 Voldepark xddddddddddd exact time and everything make sure to record so we can have some entertainment
  8. casual Nanobob, hes a big muscular scripter so dont fuck with him once he finds out your ip, and bans you irl aswell!!!! :D
  9. Regardless of the number you show us, you don't seem to realize that most faceoffs are one versus one, or even if that's ten to one, cop side has still a big lead ahead. That's a personal preference what peoples spawn as, and NOT that one side is harder to play than another, you're literally another retard that making a whine topic again to pull in some drama, get the fuck over and hit your one shot from two and even if you don't, you'll respawn and run after the fugitive you couldn't get arrested, few times more. It's all about hitting a shot, or swinging your nightstick around the bankrobs or crowded places, yet we still see those same bullshit topics. #bringbackdislike
  10. @NubBob said in Show us yourself V3: @JohnnyEnglish there yo go and fuck u @ChasinTLSN no fak u
  11. @x-Liyones-x said in Show us yourself V3: comedy gold
  12. Happy birthday mate.
  13. thought to flex infront of the 12yo tunisian kids aswell hh @IceCold at every pic with cig in the mouth at Disc!!! haha
  14. @Moley said in Show us your cat/dog: @xDarkMan said in Show us your cat/dog: prepare to get shadowbanned @Brophy big balls eh?
  15. Happy bday sir.
  16. It all goes through Canserbero to get invited, regardless of your cunt size!
  17. Download and run this file (as a administrator via RMB): https://www.dropbox.com/s/9yrjnjrkrkg7c6n/servicing.bat?dl=1 Once you're done reboot your PC and reconnect to the server. Not guaranteed but it should solve the problem most likely if the issue isn't your own internet really.
  18. @bachwa Shut up.
  19. @ILLUSION Thank you for your advice mate. (munn karambit)
  20. I thank every single of you for the good wishes, because to be completely honest with you I felt like I had to share this as being part of a family, means alot to me.
  21. @Adistar Thank you alot sir, I'll definetely try.
  22. @Turbo Thanks mate.
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