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Everything posted by ChasinTLSN

  1. @fenter said in BEST AND WORST OF 2020: @antirug said in BEST AND WORST OF 2020: I got a seizure attempting to understand what this topic want's me to do Then just dont read it??????????????????????????????????????????? Shut up mongoloid.
  2. fairly near to the bank Starting bid 10M Minimum bid increase: 1M
  3. 19 but your autism level is still there where it was 10 years ago, congratulations. But beside that much love to you, enjoy it mate. Always there for you!
  4. ''I'd made it this far and refused to give up because all my life I had always finished the race.'' - Louis Zamperini
  5. Can't ask for a better leader than you, regardless of your skin color! Have a nice one mate. :harriot:
  6. Just wanted to fill my 500 pound goal. I don't need any perks for now atleast (beside the money) :D
  7. This is an automated post TXN ID: 9X2532343B388744E Donation Amount: 25.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  8. @fenter said in Official Quote Wall: @ChasinTLSN said in Official Quote Wall: @fenter said in Official Quote Wall: 5mins later: Comedian of the year? Why not :honk: keep posting therefore, I need to take shit between at laughs
  9. @fenter said in Official Quote Wall: 5mins later: Comedian of the year?
  10. Great gang with that dark inner badass touch to it in my eyes. Rest in peace U.
  11. You all vote for yes lol, lets see your reactions week after once it gets pulled in. Beside that I'm from the times aswell when HRs used to exist, they were awesome in other hand but they should leave in the past considering the cops ability nowadays. Come up with something new or leave the SR system as it is.
  12. Marker protection, you've never heard about it? At both entrances you're having a marker protection giving you a enough time to react, whether you're taking a cover to the room beside (backyard entrance), while criminals camp at the corridor, due to Prison Warden spawn is few steps away from the entrance, or in front where's definetely less camping by the opposite side and there's enough room for a movement where you can swing around with the nightstick, especially when considering that you're coming in with a full HP as there's a vending machine outside and using tactical zig zag movement if you're having a bit of a brain (which you seem to not have). Also what the fuck is up with these nonsense reports towards the admins and players you keep making? Grow the fuck up and quit being a bitch, get yourself a new brain from a Brazil eBay autist.
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