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Everything posted by niceez

  1. Nicely stolen SAFP application format
  2. In some point you are right, but still my topic makes a sense. Then GMs should leave SGTs speed as it is now, but lower other cars speed. @StarWars
  3. @Matheus seems like writing deleted was not enough... @raefmlaih You should apply in the new topic - https://saesrpg.uk/topic/1188/safp-san-andreas-federal-police/92?page=1 I still cant understand how smart he is. He opened the new topic, took the application format from there and posted it here?! Or wait, he just copied someones app
  4. I dont mind getting tase-arresting system back instead of kill-arresting. Good old days @Thing
  5. Thats RPG server as you mentioned, not RP. I fully disagree with your idea. If you even try to RP with people ( Ive been trying when I was SAFP and now as SAI ), they dont really stop to RP in 80% of cases. So why shall I drive and try to RP with them if they dont give a single fuck? If someone wants to RP that much, he should go and play SAMP RP servers. And there is special section for suggestions where you were supposed to post it
  6. He cant score likes, that is why he decided to score dislikes. Thats a result of posting useless shit with no sense in every topic.
  7. @boylan thanks, Ill update info as soon as I get to my PC. Still they have the same speed, maybe alpha is still even faster a bit. Its not right
  8. @Skerdi I had V8 on my SGT, maybe it is gone, I dont really know. Lets see what others say
  9. I'd like to suggest an improvement of Super GT. I think that the handling and the top-speed should be better on this car as it doesn't worth its own price for now. In order to demonstrate it I will compare SGT with Alpha. The price of SGT: The top-speed of SGT with V8: The price of Alpha: The top-speed of Alpha with V8: Overall, you might say that the handling of SGT is better than Alpha's. As for me, there are problems with SGT's handling too, it is really hard to turn on it, you always need to press 'SPACE'. Even Alpha turns easier with its high speed. By the way, I would also like to see old mod of SGT on SAES once again. Atleast that mod had better quality and looked nicer. I can describe whats wrong with the current mod, but I don't need as there is already a topic about it > http://saesrpg.uk/topic/1844/bug-report-super-gt-vehicle-model-and-texture. Best Regards, Niceez
  10. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/1387/show-us-your-setup/47
  11. Event: Airboxing Prize: 2.000.000 $ LWS: Fyrr Winner(s): Harb Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/soS7ifi
  12. SWAT General Activity 11th of June Screenshots from our patrols: https://imgur.com/a/Doe1KVB SWAT General Activity 10th of June
  13. France will take it, dont worry
  14. SWAT General Activity 4th of June Afternoon Evening Screenshots are on imgur as spoilers don't work properly: https://imgur.com/a/sFPHjUs
  15. SWAT General Activity 2nd of June Afternoon online ::: ::: Evening online ::: ::: Some screenshots from our duty ::: :::
  16. @Aurora Well, the main reasons why we deny you are the following: You didn't mention in your application that you were in SAFP twice. The reasons are wrong too, I bet you remember what happened the first time and the second time, as far as I remember, you left us to join FOX because you were tired of regular officers life and wanted to try something 'tactical' Secondly, I remember that you mentioned [2/10] - about joining us once again, that is why we doubt in your loyalty. If you still want to join us, I'd recommend you to patrol with our members and try your luck in 2 weeks once again. Best regards, Niceez, Commander of SA Federal Police.
  17. @hassan-mohamed You was told to re-apply in 3 weeks. 3 weeks 3 days @Brian We are not the second chance squad. If you still want to join us, hang out with our members for the next 3 weeks to show us your loyalty. Best regards, Niceez, Commander of SA Federal Police
  18. @PerkZ Officer was tested and invited. Best regards, Niceez, Commander of SA Federal Police.
  19. @hassan-mohamed Your current status is denied. Feel free to re-apply in 3 weeks, if you keep hanging with us and learn some basic rules. Commander of SA Federal Police, Niceez
  20. Today our levely SA Federal Police had 10 members online at the same time. We made different activities such as patrolling, raiding SRs that you can see at the Scooter's post above mine. Afterwards, we made a meeting at our base and discussed our current problems and future prospects. Here you can see the screens More screenshots: ##spoiler==Spoiler Rest is on imgur ##endspoiler
  21. @kipt If only it worked properly... This russian server is the best one for now, that is why people play there And nice gameplay @Tut-Greco
  22. Kit-Kat
  23. Involved SAI members: Steven Hayward Other involved people: None Date, time and duration of activity: 28.05.2018 - Around 30 minutes Activity type: State-wide Patrol Details: The day started from trooper Steven noticing a guy trying to steal the car. The trooper started pursuing him by ramming his car. As a result, the suspect was arrested. Then trooper drove to mechanics to fix his car after few attempts of ramming. As soon as he repaired his car, he started patrolling around Las-Venturas. Suddenly, the trooper noticed a man driving over the ground passing by the road, it was some kind of reckless driving. Hayward offered him to stop his car on the right side of the road, but there was no response. The trooper called backup by radio, so SAPA unit arrived in the next 3 minutes. The suspect was successfully arrested. Afterwards, the trooper drove to LV-LS highway and put the speed cam. there. During this time, few persons exceeded the allowed speed: some of them stopped, others were pursuited by trooper and other units. By the end of the shift, Steven Hayward drove to SAI HQ and made all of the paper work at his office. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/vhGezXt
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