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Everything posted by niceez

  1. Date: 17/07/2022 Activity: Stopping SR Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  2. Date: 19/07/2022 Activity: Stopping SR Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  3. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/28778/donation-point-balance-niceez/2 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 13.04.2020 ====================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Police LS Location: Los Santos Prison Administration Username: nice3549 Vehicle 2: FBI Rancher Location: SWAT Base underground parking. Username: nice3549
  4. Date: 19/05/2022 Activity: Stopping RC PBR Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  5. Date: 09/05/2022 Activity: Stopping SR Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  6. Your ingame username: nice3549. Your ingame alias: Niceez. Your year of birth: 22/05/1999. Your gender: Male. Nationality: Russian. Country of residence: Russia. How long you have been playing SAES: I cant name the exact date but it was beginning of 2013 - around 9 years. Qualities you can offer: Among my best qualities, I would like to mention: Diligence which will be described below. Communication skills with people. When it comes to communicating with people I most often try to listen to them, understand their problem and try to help. I am not one of those people who have their own position which I will not change under any circumstances. I am rather a type of people who will try to find a common language with a person, find out the motives and circumstances of his behavior and only then deal with consequences. Of course often this happens when the person himself is ready to discuss the matter with me. But in the opposite case, I do not give up and still try to talk to him but if the person still refuses to get into conversation under any circumstances then my patience is also not unlimited. Leadership skills. Speaking about my server memberships I would like to mention that during the time I spent playing on SAES I reached high positions within it. That is why I can suppose that I might be useful and trustful when it comes to dealing with important matters and my colleagues can rely on me. Skills in using Photoshop, mapping and such basic things within SAES as coding gates, markers, spawns and other things. My experience on this server since I started playing since 2013 and managed to catch a lot and understand where and how certain rules are applied and how the gameplay in general works. Your weaknesses: I could start with a joke saying that every person has the right not to testify against himself or that I have no obvious weaknesses but this isnt true since every person is not perfect. One of my main weaknesses is the inability to distract from my duties and maintain a balance. I can get annoyed if people behave irresponsibly and ignore any attempts to enter the discussion and resolve the issue peacefully. Sometimes I can take on too many responsibilities which most often results in the first problem I noted. This is connected with the fact that the more busy I am the more involved I am about a certain matter and accordingly I spend more time on it what I enjoy for some unknown reason no matter how strange it may sound. Besides, during solving the most serious issues, I may start to get nervous but pretty often I end up consulting with my colleagues what helps me to take the decision. Also, my level of my English must be noted. It is far away from being close to perfect, but I have hopes that it meets the average level for ordinary conversations. I may have difficulties when a discussion starts about a topic that is not familiar to me. Among other things, it would be appropriate to say that I can and most likely have other weaknesses but either they are not notable or they can only be seen from the perspective of people surrounding me. Do you have Discord Installed: Yes, I do (niceez#4706). Reason for application: In fact, this decision was given to me with a certain difficulty since for me it is quite a responsible step. It's worth starting with the fact that over the past few years I have completely lost my interest in all games other than MTA. Probably, this can be connected with the fact that I have grown up and the most important component is not the process of "shooting" and "driving" anymore but people, communication with them, achieving certain tasks in addition with enjoying the gameplay. I spend most of my free time playing this game, trying to contribute where I can. Therefore, I would like to make this server better and more enjoyable both for myself and for other players. Server Memberships: Im a member of S.W.A.T, DE, HLS, SS, SAI and PC. Additional information: I'm not sure it's worth mentioning but I hope that my life experience can help me in performing the tasks assigned to the Community Staff. Since my school years, my area of interest has been law and for the same reason I decided to study at the Faculty of Law. This year I am finishing it and May is the last month in the middle of which I will take my final exam. Fortunately for me, over these years I had the opportunity to do an internship in the investigative committee and last year I worked as an assistant in court. I cannot say that during it I personally applied the laws/rules, but I tried and managed to assist in different ways and observed how it should be carried out properly. Therefore, I believe that this may affect my skills to follow the rules on the server and find a common language with the players to solve their everyday problems. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I didn't have any punishments for a while but Im sure that I can still have adminjail in my history that happened few years ago. It was connected with 'park-arresting'. Previous (legitimate) bans: I didnt get banned during my career on SAES.
  7. Date: 08/05/2022 Activity: Stopping SFBR Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  8. Date: 08/05/2022 Activity: Stopping LVBR Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  9. Date: 05/05/2022 Activity: Stopping RC PBR Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  10. Date: 02/05/2022 Activity: Stopping SR Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  11. Date: 02/05/2022 Activity: Stopping TRBR Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  12. Date: 24/04/2022 Activity: Stopping SR Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  13. Date: 24/04/2022 Activity: Delivering VIP Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  14. Date: 18/04/2022 Activity: Stopping SR Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  15. Date: 18/04/2022 Activity: Stopping SR Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  16. Date: 09/04/2022 Activity: Stopping LSBR 0/8 Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  17. Date: 19/03/2022 Property Name: Las Venturas Court House Your Username: james69 Rentee Username: [gang]s.w.a.t. Duration: Until SWAT doesn't need it or James needs it for his purposes Fee: 0$ Screenshot:
  18. Date: 13/02/2022 Activity: Stopping BCBR Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  19. Date: 26/01/2022 Activity: Stopping LV PBR, Delivering VIP Screenshots: Stopping LV PBR [s=][/s] Delivering VIP [s=][/s]
  20. Date: 21/01/2022 Activity: Stopping LS BR 0/8 Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  21. Date: 21/01/2022 Activity: Stopping SR Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  22. Date: 21/01/2022 Activity: Stopping RCBR Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  23. Date: 20/01/2022 Activity: Stopping SR Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  24. Date: 20/01/2022 Activity: Stopping SR Screenshots: [s=][/s]
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