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Everything posted by niceez

  1. Seems like everyone forgot that pics must be taken by you
  2. SWAT ACTIVITY https://imgur.com/a/EToMn4G
  3. Involved SAI members: Steven_Hayward @Niceez , Thomas_Reed Responsible SAI Teams involved: Foxtrot Other involved people: [FOX]Sanek Date, time and duration of activity: 12:03 - 12:57 ( 54 minutes ) Activity type: Patrol Details: A state-wide patrol was started by me at 12:03. I've decided to keep under my control LV-LS highway. When I arrived over there, I saw building auto repair shop: I drove to the parking lots, asked the managers whether everything is fine or not and after getting a positive answer left them alone. Afterwards, I put a camera on 120 km/h on the highway and started waiting for the offender. I didn't have to wait for a long as soon a small racing car jumped right behind from me on the hill crossing 2 double lines and breaking all of the possible traffic rules. I turned my sirens on and started to pursue the driver meanwhile offering him to stop his car. He didn't decide to do it and kept escaping but soon lost control and fall into the ocean. The driver was arrested. Then I drove back to my location where my camera stayed and started waiting for the next offender. After around 10 minutes a black sabre passed in front of me on the high speed - my camera showed 215 km/h. I started to pursue the sabre, but I couldn't stop him as his car was way too fast, so I had to call the backup. Soon FOX Unit arrived, rammed the sabre and made his car flip. The driver was arrested by FOX Agent. After all of these patrols, I ran out of fuel and drove back to SAI HQ to refuel my cruiser. The next details of my patrol are not that interesting as there were not any offenders and all I did was patrolling the cities. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/jEwKhWT
  4. ..
  5. Happy Birthday!
  6. Event: Last Man Standing Prize: 1.000.000$ LWS: Dufabo Winner: Resistant Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/tuPzcG9
  7. Happy birthday !!!LoL!!!
  8. Event: 1v1 on Deagles Prize: 2 millions LWS: Ramos Winner: Krecik Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/eJHS10v
  9. Press F to pay respect Well, I do hope that you come back soon because some of the best moments from my SAES career are connected with you such as patrolling around as DoJ and making some filthy shit. Ill miss that agent who fucks around and annoys everyone
  10. SWAT General activity at 9.10.2018 SWAT General activity at 10.10.2018
  11. Event: Land on my Roadtrain Prize: 3 rounds 500.000 each G6: rubisel Winner(s): Sanek, Rainy, Borataaaa Screenshots: clickonme
  12. Involved SAI members: Steven Hayward Other involved people: Mickey, Barry Activity type: RolePlay Details: Sergeant Hayward was patrolling around Las-Ventures. When he drove off the highway, a grey muscle-car passed by on high speed. The sergeant turned on his sirens, started the pursuit and asked the driver to stop his car on the right side of road. After a long talk, the sergeant understood that driver is immigrant from Asia. He didn't have any documents with him, only the Visa Card. It was decided to get him to SAI HQ to identify his personality. There the sergeant filled in his first and last name on the database. It was a Chinese worker, who got to the US by illegal way on the ship. As the law doesn't allow him to stay in the US, SAI officer workers called SA Federal Police centre and asked for Marshals Service. Soon Marshal Barry arrived. After asking the suspect a few questions, marshal led him to his car and drove to the ship that was arriving from the USA to Chine. That's where the Sergeants part of job ended. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/v1N4C04
  13. Involved SAI members: Steven Hayward Other involved people: Ramos Activity type: State-wide patol Details: 30.09.2018 Sergeant Hayward had his shift at his work. On this day he got a partner, Ramos, a state trooper wishing to join SAI. The shift started at 17:40 and ended at 18:30. That day was full of different actions. This day Sheriff. Sanek also had his shift, so Sergeant and Sheriff were cooperating together. The first car that was stopped by the sergeant was red Lamborgini racing around Las-Venturas Highway. As he broke only speed limit, he got only a ticket for it. Afterwards, they moved to LV-LS highway and put the speeding camera. After about 5 minutes green low-riding car passed by on 214 KPH. Sheriff Sanek and Sergeant Hayward started a pursuit that ended up by the suspect falling down on his car from the bridge. He was delivered to the hospital as he got injured. Then the Sergeant drove to LV and started patrolling around the city. Suddenly, he saw a robber escaping from a police officer. As a result, suspect was arrested. By this time, Sergeant's shift came to its end. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/NagCnfJ
  14. Event: Knock me off my NRG Prize: 2 rounds 500k each LWS: Legend Winner(s): Matizz and Ssava Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/qubI5PW
  15. SWAT General activity at 22.09.18 ::: :::
  16. Lmao, how silly he is. He doesnt even understand jokes @Barry-Allen
  17. @James I think that the problem is your English as it is hard to understand it. So Id suggest you to find English school in Greece and attend it couple of months. And yes, my russian English is not so good, but still I find it better than yours
  18. Did someone understand what he said?
  19. Have a nice one
  20. SWAT Morning activity at 25.08.18 More screens : https://imgur.com/a/ICKnYJl
  21. That guy just called classic SA radios bullshit.... I cant imagine what he listens to.. Im pissed off!!!
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