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Everything posted by Shagwrath

  1. Activity #76 24/10/2024 Participants: @Skomorje Duration: 60 Mins
  2. Activity #75 23/10/2024 Participants: @Skomorje Duration: 48 Mins
  3. Activity #74 22/10/2024 Participants: @brondy Duration: 14 Mins
  4. Activity #73 22/10/2024 Participants: @Baheryes Duration: 34 Mins
  5. Activity #72 22/10/2024 Participants: @Skomorje Duration: 36 Mins
  6. Activity #71 22/10/2024 Participants: @Skomorje Duration: 40 Mins
  7. Activity #70 21/10/2024 Participants: @Skomorje Duration: 30 Mins
  8. Activity #69 21/10/2024 Participants: @brondy Duration: 26 Mins
  9. Activity #68 21/10/2024 Participants: @Snoupa Duration: 63 Mins
  10. Activity #67 21/10/2024 Participants: @Snoupa Duration: 29 Mins
  11. Activity #66 21/10/2024 Participants: @Snoupa Duration: 15 Mins
  12. Activity #65 21/10/2024 Participants: @Snoupa Duration: 22 Mins
  13. Event #5 24/10/2024 Event Type: Fallout with Forklift Host: @Skomorje Winner: SAES*>Legend LWS: brondy Prize: $1,000,000
  14. Roleplay #15 27/10/2024 5 mins Participants: @Shagwrath The dark forces of indigestion commanded me to summon the eternal spirit of Thunder McUltra Mega Chicken to protect and nourish the members of Helvete. I preformed the ancient and sacred ritual which included, but was not limited to: Speaking in tongues via ancient Tolkien runes, insulting @Yuu, and shitting my pants. After an exhausting time I hover napped over the building to establish dominance.
  15. Roleplay #14 27/10/2024 10 mins Participants: @Shagwrath Time for an end of month inspection of our main restaurant, after what I saw earlier and what I've already gone through today I musty admit I didn't have high hopes, but as I crossed the threshold to our immaculate establishment I must admit I was surprised. Sure the floor was a little sticky, and there was straws and napkins all over the floor, the ac wasn't running and pretty sure I smelled something that died in the walk in, but not in a good way. Inspecting the back of house was also a pleasant surprised, everything was in good order! We may not be hitting records like last month, but things are looking better than last month and we're gaining some momentum. Here's to November and our plans to grow Helvete into 2025.
  16. Roleplay #13 27/10/2024 10 mins Participants: @Shagwrath I took the weenie wagon out for a spin, and no that's not a euphemism, but boy, it's just not my day. That useless pile of meat broke down right when I needed it most, it's just like last night with my girlfriend, the meat could just not deliver. Personal grief and erectile dysfunction aside at least my broken down weiner did make it to it's destination, the flesh pit. Okay, maybe there's some euphemism. I dumped the rotted remnants, cast them into the pit and trudged away, leaving my broken down weiner on the side of the road. it was a long hike back to Las Venturas, but I'll make due.
  17. Roleplay #12 27/10/2024 10 mins Participants: @Shagwrath Time to turn my attention to the front of house, where things are less than ideal. After a quick inspection of our restaurant home front. I have nothing but bad things to report. Our waged slaves work ethic is deplorable, and they smell like butt. They don't even listen. Even the the deaf cook just ignored me as I shouted at the back of his head, how inconsiderate, how rude. Unacceptable. Maybe I will just burn it all to the ground and start over. I had hopped to find some of our other properties in better standing but I was so woefully mistake. Our other properties were in even worse shape and no amount of shouting seemed to get through to these people. It's almost like paying them minimum wage and working them like slaves isn't enough to earn me their respect. How rude, don't they know that I'm doing them a favor like giving them jobs and teaching them valuable skills like how to stand for 10 hours a day, budgeting for a family on 2 meals a day, and smiling.
  18. Roleplay #11 27/10/2024 10 mins Participants: @Shagwrath Now on to the main course, our supplies of not-soo-fresh meat are nearly depleted. Making haste I jumped in a company provided Bandmobile and hurried to Los Santos, where my best resource lay hopefully untouched, and ripe for the digging. The funeral home was empty but the cemetery herself provided ample bounty for the plundering. In the back I even found some old pizza, what a nice tasty reward for all my hard and immoral work. I carefully carried the corpses from their crypts to the dark dingy confines of our blasphemous bandmobile. Hurrying back to Las Venturas to unload the bodies in our now full walk in, I can now turn my attention to other matters...
  19. Roleplay #10 27/10/2024 10 mins Participants: @Shagwrath It's time to restock our dwindling stores, so I grab a Mayhem-mobile to pilfer the refused bins littered amongst the streets of Las Venturas. This time I don the colors of war instead of work, but still just the same I make my way through the streets and acquire the most fetid and fowl of ingredients. Then of course I stop to drain the lizard, not of it's precious life but of my urine of course. It was a good haul, I placed the pilfered perishables within the safe and cool confines of the walk in freezer and prepared for my next chore.
  20. Activity #45 20/10/2024 Participants: @Shagwrath Duration: 15 Mins
  21. Roleplay #9 19/10/2024 10 mins Participants: @Shagwrath Oh man, I have an itch, and scratching just wont help, if fact I think it's making it worse. A customer vomited profusely and complained about the smell. I swear I feel like pigpen from Charlie Brown and you can see the stink lines radiating from my man mound. I spied the fountain, yes, surely that would do the trick I thought. I hovered my tainted anus over the high-pressured jet to sandblast the dingleberries into orbit. The water made me feel funny, but in a good way, like sitting sideways on the swing. It was so awesome I had to go tell Steve about it. he listened patiently, or impertinently, or maybe he was sleeping with his eyes open, but i did actually project the words at him in the hopes he was listening.
  22. Roleplay #8 19/10/2024 20 mins Participants: @Shagwrath Hey hey, it's inspection day. Things are going downhill fast and we will not, cannot have that. It's time to turn things around, rejuvenate Helvete for the upcoming year. This starts at home, at the restaurant, with cleanliness and respect for the workplace. After a stern talking to our employees I am confident they understand they must now wash their hands when returning to work, and they will remember to zip their flies in the confines of the employee bathrooms or when a customer demands to 'see it'. There were reprimands, all around, the cooks will not soak their underwear in the mess sink and the cashiers are provided with free deodorant. The ice cream machine is still broken though. Not even the devil himself has the power to fix that.
  23. Roleplay #7 18/10/2024 10 mins Participants: @Shagwrath There is a method to my madness, you just have to trust me, and not every secret can be divulged. That's just the way it is. Suffice it to say I was on a mission this particular evening, the call of the darkness drew me out of the heart of Sin City into its arteries that are city streets. Searching for my prize the urge for release overcame me when I spotted a particularly soft Taxi cab. A quick diversion later I found my target, he did not come willingly though. Bound and gaged in the van, as the dark one commands and feeding my dark urges to maim, but now his corpse will feed the fishes of San Andreas. A brick on the accelerator an into the ocean he goes. Problem solved.
  24. Activity #18 13/10/2024 Participants: @Shagwrath @Linkan @Ankush77 @Weppo Duration: 15 Mins
  25. Activity #17 13/10/2024 Participants: @Shagwrath @Linkan @Ankush77 @Weppo Duration: 15 Mins
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