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Everything posted by Shagwrath

  1. Roleplay #6 01/22/2025 18 mins Participants: @Shagwrath A new year means new opportunities. I would like to think Helvete is a progressive and forward thinking company, that's why today I am proud to share the details of a possible upcoming project, a collaboration with a music artist to get our collective names out there and share our love for all things brutal and food related. I won't share too many more details but I will say this is the kind of out of the box thinking for promotions and branding that Helvete has become known for. While this may seem like a swing in another direction, or maybe even a step in reverse, I am sure the results will speak for themselves.
  2. Roleplay #5 01/17/2025 12 mins Participants: @Shagwrath The culinary takeover of San Andreas has begun! I hopped in one of our company owned burritos and made my way through the streets of Las Venturas, checking on a few of our choice locations to make sure things were running smooth in my absence I then ventured off to a few properties that we did not yet own, but I still had been keeping a close eye on. It possible I went poking around on properties I should not have and maybe angered someone. I know I smoke a lot of pot but I don't usually wakeup blacked out in our parking lot, usually. Does someone mean to prevent us from taking what is rightfully ours? Is this all an illusion brought on by the stresses of this business and the dark actions we must take to achieve our means? Did video ever definitively kill the radio star? I guess we will never know...
  3. Roleplay #4 01/16/2025 20 mins Participants: @Shagwrath Life has a way of getting ahead of us, and I don't know about you, but I can't loose my head. As I stood in our conference room and mused on the future of Helvete the most pressing and relevant thought that came to mind was, none of these things can come true with out you physically being here to make the changes you want to see. It is time to buckle down and for me to get back to work, as simple as that. Helvete is always in good hands when I am not around, I have a great partner in crime and his efforts have been keeping us growing and going, but he need no longer do it alone. I went to check on the resturant downstairs and saw a farmilar, albeit fat, face. I set him up with a trifecta and had a good chat before I made plans to meet with the HQ for a pressing matter.
  4. Roleplay #3 01/02/2025 17 mins Participants: @Shagwrath I had just completed an inspection was I was alerted that there was some paperwork that required my urgent attention. To my (lack of) surprise someone has filed a sexual assault case against Helvete, and it was one of our very own employees. The person chose to remain anonymous but I have my suspicions... Steve. I got up to take a break, you know, stretch the eyes, and legs, and make a hot pocket to maybe have sex with. There I spotted here again, we shared some stolen glances by the microwave, mostly me, but I quickly worked up the courage to express my feeling for her, but touching her butt. Somehow I ended up on the floor with the strangest sense of deja vu.
  5. Roleplay #2 01/02/2025 13 mins Participants: @Shagwrath Sometimes being the manager requires you to put yourself in every man's shoes, adapt and learn to wear many hats. Today was a unique learning experience as I attempted to master our many stations. Such technical positions like microwave associate and director of POS technologies (that's a funny name but it really means that you just push buttons on a computer tats older that most of our employees. it was exhausted, after an exhausting 15 minutes or so I found myself on the ground out of boredom. Well, time to go some pot in the walk-in.
  6. Roleplay #6 19/01/2025 10 mins Participants: @Shagwrath Chef Mic called off for the day so I had the best job ever, microwaving ice to make water for customers. Also a customer requested for me to heat up their pickles, you know, normal things. Very stimulating job, so demanding. I only fell asleep, once or twice, I don't really remember, because I was a sleep. Also, I think chef Mic must be the guy breaking all of our ice cream machines. I never see him, and our ice cream machine is always broken so it makes total sense when you think about it. I'm going to go have a shit and not wash my hands now. Thanks.
  7. Roleplay #5 19/01/2025 10 mins Participants: @Shagwrath So I'm still not sure, but I guess this was a wrong address? Someone called in a special order under the name of I P Freely and when I got there there was no one there, just a flaming bag of dog poop. I tried to put it out with my shoe but it was all sticky and now my shoe smells like a dogs ass. Its not been a good day. I think I will go lay down
  8. Roleplay #4 19/01/2025 15 mins Participants: @Shagwrath An urgent call came in we have a very large and expensive order for a very important client. I don't know who exactly he is but he showed me his PayPal statement and let's just say 15 million. That's just a number though, that's not actually how much was in the account I'm just throwing numbers out there. 37. See there I go again. Anyways I loaded some corpses in a place so some rich oil baron could have KFC style people. Also today I learned our coleslaw is Halal.
  9. Roleplay #3 19/01/2025 10 mins Participants: @Shagwrath Continuing on with inspections, I decided to next check out local and home restaurant. Things were not much better, I found the cashier asleep and drooling on the floor instead on into the designated drool bucket/ The fryer was smoking in the background, there was an overcooked rat steaming away. I refilled the oil with my very own golden liquid and gave our worker a ;good game' even though it was in fact a very bad game. They cant sue for workmans comp if they are also suing for sexual harassment, that's double jeopardy or something, and I hate TV shows.
  10. Roleplay #2 19/01/2025 12 mins Participants: @Shagwrath It started out as a simple day with little to nothing to do, things have been slow at the restaurants with holidays so it seemed the perfect opportunity to do the monthly inspections. Lets just say that my disappointment was immeasurable and my day was ruined. The same old wrappers in the same old spots, what do we even pay these people for. The smell in the air was of flatulence and death, and not the good kind. I left after giving the worker a stern reprimanding and quickly lost my lunch on the doormat outside. Clearly the universe has it in for me today, as my car was towed and I was forced to walk all the way back to the base. Thanks Martin Luther King.
  11. Roleplay #8 30/11/2024 10 mins Participants: @Snoopy @baghetto The day at Helvete was chaotic when a Health Ministry agent arrived, inspecting our products. His verdict was brutal: fines, closure, and a threat to destroy our reputation. Anger boiled over as he made his way to the kitchen, spouting threats. In a flash, I grabbed my shotgun from the backroom. One pull of the trigger, and he was down, blood pooling on the pristine tiles. I quickly called my friend from Rebel. He arrived, and we worked fast, stuffing the body into the food truck. We drove into the Flint County forest, found a quiet spot, and doused the truck with gasoline. As the flames roared, my friend whispered, “This never happened.” I nodded. “Never.” By sunrise, the restaurant was open again, its dark secret hidden among the ashes.
  12. Roleplay #7 30/11/2024 10 mins Participants: @Shagwrath We have a new hire coming in for an in person interview today. We are most excited to see them and discuss what they can bring to the team. It's such a lovely smoggy day, I decide to setup the interview outside, and patiently wait. A few moments later I am accompanied by Linkan, after filling him in on the details he decides to join me for the interview, also anxious to meet this new person. We patiently wait for a bit, then we wait some more, then more. What a waste of time, no message, no call, and the applicant never showed up. It's like noon want's to work for minimum wage and the threat of death. Sheesh.
  13. Roleplay #6 30/11/2024 15 mins Participants: @Shagwrath Not good, our stock is running low, I only see one cop in the walk in cooler, and he hasn't even been dismembered yet. It's so hard to find good help these days. I grabbed my trusty and rusty shovel and headed to the pit once more, it appears it has been freshly restocked with dead bodies, nice. One by one I load them into the van and make my way back to the restaurant to store them in the walk in. I have a smoke once it's all said and done, a hard days work.
  14. Roleplay #5 30/11/2024 5 mins Participants: @Shagwrath Our standards have been suffering lately, this is can understand, even tolerate when it is one of our many restaurants across the state, but our home base, our main establishment? No, this is uncalled for. I must show the cooks and the staff how to properly prepare Helvete's food. I make sure they are overcharging for the combos, as intended, and then I check on the frycook, he was putting in fresh oil! I reprimanded him and demanded he put back in the old oil. Finally, and most importantly, I showed them how to property refill a cup. Maybe they will remember this time.
  15. Roleplay #4 30/11/2024 10 mins Participants: @Shagwrath Time to make some deliveries. The drunken masses and gambling dumb asses are an untapped market, think of all the money we could make by delivering right to the hotel. I loaded up our van with various fliers and samples and headed off to the casinos and hotels on the strip for get them hungry for Helvete. It worked, a short time later I was delivering our freshest straight to the door, for an extra fee of course.
  16. Roleplay #3 30/11/2024 10 mins Participants: @Shagwrath Time to process our haul. The freezers are full, and the shelves empty in preparation. I load in the fresh meat and sort in in the staging area. Employees help me process the fresh corpses through our machinery which breaks the meat down into smaller and smaller chunks. Fully stocked, a job well done, this calls for a celebration poop. Don't worry, I washed my hands, later.
  17. Roleplay #2 30/11/2024 10 mins Participants: @Shagwrath Hey hey, it's inspection day, time to make sure our various establishments are keeping up with our high and unique standards. I wish i could say I saw only good things and am proud of our establishments, however, the filth accumulating on the floor of the store and the faces of the employees shows us how it really is. Try as I might to brew some sympathy from our fellow employees in the form of coping a feel, rejected once again and I lick my wounds in my office before heading out to continue our confusing yet nefarious activities.
  18. Roleplay #1 30/11/2024 10 mins Participants: @Shagwrath A client from Liberty City has requested a special shipment of Helvete's finest, so I make a special trip to our favorite hiding hole and unearth some fresh ingredients to ship of to the anxious client and cannibal. Under cover of night I load up a van with corpses and drive them to the abandoned airstrip, there lies waiting a hired pilot who is most discreet. He will make sure the sensitive cargo arrives to it's destination, or he may may be the next one on the menu.
  19. Start of December
  20. Activity #82 27/10/2024 Participants: @Shagwrath Duration: 50 Mins
  21. Activity #81 27/10/2024 Participants: @Skomorje Duration: 66 Mins
  22. Activity #80 26/10/2024 Participants: @Skomorje Duration: 132 Mins
  23. Activity #79 25/10/2024 Participants: @Miltingary Duration: 24 Mins
  24. Activity #78 25/10/2024 Participants: @Skomorje Duration: 27 Mins
  25. Activity #77 24/10/2024 Participants: @Garcia Duration: 47 Mins
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