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Everything posted by Ikzelf

  1. @Effes I got ban for multi accounting but it was not I was just helping my real life friend with probleem ingame, Second ban was for using a banned players name. You were helping your 14 friends? We don't see you fit. Sorry.
  2. @pyonx Please don't rage in main chat
  3. @blizzard Its a no. Wait let me make it more clear: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/no Not clear yet? Maybe a video will help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMTAUr3Nm6I Video to long or not available in your country? Here a gif: Don't post here again.
  4. @blizzard Lmao no, why would you even think this is a good idea. Here let me help you on your way: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/16413/cripz-how-to-apply
  5. @Qas786 Don't bother applying again until you change your attitude. Maybe you should go play viper in valorant.
  6. @rykila Accepted please leave TT and ask a HQ (if you can find one haha) for invite
  7. he be like: HA GOT EMMMMMMM
  8. I will just throw in my 10 cents from what I encountered of playing as a cop over the last years: It's just not fun to play as a cop for a longer period of time. Let me break it down: It's stupidly easy to arrest people. Yes, it is. Ofcourse, if you solo it, don't expect to be able to take down a group of 3-4 people. But 1-1 is easy to pull off and 1-2 can be a mild challenge depending on you approach it. There is no teamwork involved. I loved it when we could get a group of AA together and start playing with 4 AAPD's in a car. Its fun and changes up your gamestyle. But there is also where the cop life shines in my opinion. Teamwork. Its not fun to drive around solo in the streets and not being able to find people. BRINGING BACK BLIPS could help a lot as for people to find activity. Criminals can go find groups of cops to provoke into roleplay (E.g. chases, pullovers, etc) and cops can find people to interact with. There are no activities to do outside patrolling and arresting. As @ILLUSION mentioned cops need criminals to thrive. Patrolling can be boring as fuck if you can't find people to interact with. What needs to change: SAES has to decide whether they wanna go the Cops N Robbers way or the roleplay way with CnR mixed into it. People should have to worry less about how something they may do could cause an admin to admin jail them for it. Take inspiration from different servers. Just look at NoPixel for example on how they handle a whole different meta game with their inventory system. Imagine the possibilities that such system opens up for cops in activities. Get rid of PC. Its stupid, always was, always will be. Half of the 'features' of police are hidden behind. Open it up for all players and you might see a change, maybe even a group forming out of it. Rework spawning/arresting/death system. Its stupid that you can respawn 10m away within 5seconds after you died. For both cops and criminals. and most Important TEST -> ASK FOR FEEDBACK -> CHANGE ACCORDINGLY. Don't expect your golden idea or change to be what people want. Be transparent about the reasoning and the expectations you have with the ideas you implement. Some changes are good for the server even if the majority sees it differently but it is important to say why you are doing them. And if it doesn't work out. Roll it back and start over. So. Whatever comes up, we need different type of scripts and ofcourse you gonna say "Yea that requires scripters" - but people have ideas and are willing to help just the attitude they get for trying are scaring them off.
  9. @bustermcbadass thx bro
  10. @blizzard said in hentai! Clan: @ikzelf said in hentai! Clan: didn't you ragequit? didn't you get cucked by a bunch of turks you called family and that you defended against me XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD no?
  11. didn't you ragequit?
  12. we hide replies because it's not a place for replies. Because there is nowhere else better for drama than SAES forums Like this post kekw also yoko is noob
  13. I am convinced.
  14. @Omar said in Arms Assassins: Languages spoken: Arabic, English and Dutch Omdat je kanker kan zeggen betekend niet dat je nederlands spreekt lul
  15. @Skinner There have been some reports about you lately. While we would love to have you in, we still deem you a bit too wild to fit in. Feel free to try again in a week or so if you want to try again. @Twenta @Douglass @Cuervo Welcome to the Familia
  16. @Arctic said in [SUGGESTION] Rules regarding JB: Theres also the other side of this where cops are standing in the marker purposely and shooting crims while being invulnerable. Great way to make money
  17. @Kain said in [Vote] SR vs HR?: people spawning at housing icons physically inside the HR marker. People already spawn 2 feet next to SR's anyways. +1 for a mixture of sorts.
  18. @VayraN said in Cargrab to criminals: Nah its good that it got removed anyway, It was like that It never got removed, it was always restricted since the introduction @Lightning said in Cargrab to criminals: Maybe for patriot or some sort of vehicles, I don't want to see 8 criminals on one car. It is already limited to certain vehicles. Like the patriot or the rancher. @FoxZilla said in Cargrab to criminals: its role play server and its un realistic you cant see a lots of criminals in one car (near doors) but you can see a lots of cop in a one car (near doors) so -1 no. GTAV Also has the ability: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hO-QvNmpi3Q So why not just allow it for everyone?
  19. Shoot them with taser = eject them from the vehicle. Used to work back in 2012
  20. @MrGamer said in Arms Assassins: I used to hang out with Ikzelf a bit, and used to defend the ALT base from him. My profile pic is still a dming pic in alt base
  21. @RadiO Sorry, we currently do not think you would be a good fit to join. You can reapply if you deem necessary in 2 weeks. @Bangas we haven't seen you around that much and we have some raised eyebrows about some of the past experiences. Talk to one of us in-game as we have some questions and let's see where it leads.
  22. Dies -> Spawns 1second later 30m infront of you https://streamable.com/csmav6 A cooldown which disallows you to spawn at an area you just have been killed (300-400m) for like 30s
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