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Everything posted by Ikzelf

  1. @Cruz said in Clarity on turf-zones: This is totally a mess. We can't tell what zones belongs to who ::: ::: I hope this is a joke, otherwise a bad example
  2. Making things easier for cops isn't gonna work to get it more active. Its already hella easy to gain a mil every day while playing as a cop. Being in a gang just gives you more freedom and activities to do.
  3. No collision against other people when entering a marker until out of the marker :+1: Needs a fix also for jail then if there is no collision, you shouldn't be able to do damage
  4. this topic needs a dislike button
  5. @zeroukihichem said in Arms Assassins: the gang members must all be spawned as crims (gang spawn) and being inside the bank defending or cracking , and Not as cops to help them indirectly (gang members disguised as corrupt cops to tell them infos about the other cops and ruining the cop activity and blocking the cops) So no AAPD help anymore? ):
  6. @Licano said in [QUESTION] Killing unwanted criminals at SRs: Same way criminals kill cops standing in front of jail. There's enough of a latent danger. In one you'll get killed as soon as you turn around, in the other you'll get arrested as soon as you pass by the side of the cop. https://streamable.com/qo7luw
  7. Just some more examples of weird situations. Haven't really notice anything common myself when these situations occured. ::: https://medal.tv/clips/22380609/d1337LtSsnro ::: ::: https://streamable.com/u3aw14 :::
  8. You can already respawn super fast. Proof: ::: https://streamable.com/a2mis :::
  9. @Brophy said in Server lag is making the server unplayable: We are looking into making the gamemode less "laggy" however people assume it's the server it's hosted on. It's not... We are using a mod, no matter how good it is, is doing something the game was never designed for and what makes it worse is a large portion of people are playing on poor equipment, so their game lag and poor fps looks to you as "network lag". Running with shownetstat does show some packet loss especially in scenarios marked with desync in the main topic. I have pretty good ping, usually around ~20ms on bad days and ~14ms on the good. I can imagine that people with a not so modern computer have trouble running the game and that usually gad the effect of that single player lagging/warping/bugging out. This seems more like a networking issue as its happening server wide at the same time. @Brophy said in Server lag is making the server unplayable: Its not going to be a overnight fix either, it will take considerable time as our gamemode is like 12 years old now. Yea, I think most are aware of this. This topic is mostly to demonstrate how bad it has become in the last few months and to make sure people are aware of how bad it had become lately. Is there something people can do to help figure out the cause of the problems?
  10. Dunno if this is the right forum but as I haven't really seen anybody make a topic about it. Since around last month the server lag has drastically been increased and is now making the server a bit unplayable in some scenarios Some examples: Shooting without aiming: https://streamable.com/o0zr6m Shooting without aiming: https://streamable.com/l4yql4 Shot desync: https://streamable.com/ujbllg More desync: https://streamable.com/teqspm Even more desync: https://streamable.com/qxdh8w Broken animations: https://streamable.com/z7rtao No hit registration: https://streamable.com/z11k9b Falling through the road because the driver got shot: https://streamable.com/odobpu
  11. Drugs isn't really a consumable in the current state of SAES. So it would also have to rehaul everything around it. But a general inventory system with more then just drugs but also consumables would be sick
  12. @NanoBob said in [SUGGESTION] Name tags: What would you suggest to resolve the readability after 50m, simply increasing the size or would you rather get rid of the shadows? I wouldn't know. Guess locking the font size to at least a minimum (which is readable) could help so the distance only scales between the maximum and minimum. But then again it might only be an issue on high resolution screens and less on lower (I dunno). I think this is best to try out some different approaches and just test them out, see what improves.
  13. I wouldn't fully remove it, maybe move it back to SF? Or major cities only and keep country side without head shot.
  14. @NanoBob said in [SUGGESTION] Name tags: If you find any issues could you please describe exactly how to reproduce them, and what you would like the behaviour to be. Here's a list of things I'll look into changing: Seperate wanted level, give it a bit of a color Make health bar visible when nametag is visible Increase nametag range when aiming with a weapon Look into issue with players in the back of airplanes Some issues i'm encountering with my resolution (2560 x 1440) Missing nametag when weapon is aimed at someone (E.g. Sniper zoom) Name is hardly readable from more then 50m(Not exact) Name looks like it tears when moving (Could be due to text shadow) Overall the small letterspacing makes it harder to read The text shadow also makes it harder to read certain names when you are close to someone. Something about it is just unpleasant to the eye. And maybe an extra QoL improvement: An 'afk' tag (or a special character when his MTA window is out of focus
  15. bro please don't apply for DE. Bartman say he sorry u can join clo just visit saes>groove ingame ok
  16. Is it gonna switch from open for criminals to closed every year now?
  17. Plus the incident is pretty similar to Store Robbery as how it had been in the past then was changed to abstain from causing a chaos Not really, it was initially due to the death matching from random russians (and couves as a cop throwing nades hhhh). Problem here lies that you are being spawn trapped. You have 3 exit points, West gate, Inside and south gate. What stops you from using the west side when the south side is to dangerous? As @Spetnazz already pointing out banning 1 thing isn't gonna solve anything as people will just find something else to spawn trap you with. Maybe it would be an idea to make an extra gate/marker to get to the west exit faster. So that way you can flank the people who are camping the south side.
  18. Ya'll need to chill and stop trying to find out ways to get other people in trouble, and that goes for all sides, cop, crim, admin.
  19. Members of the gang who are robbing the bank can kill any player inside the bank or immediately outside the bank. Keyword: 'can'. It is allowing the people of the robbing gang to kill anyone without it considering death matching. If you ain't the robbing gang the rule falls back to the basic server rules which disallows deathmatching without a proper cause. As quoted from @Licano with an excellent reasoning: Deathmatch is considered in the server the act of killing anyone without a PROPER reason behind it. Now, isn't a criminal that's helping the counterpart to get rid of you, your teammates and stopping the activities you're trying to do a proper reason? Take away: The rule is bullshit.
  20. Totally not OP: https://streamable.com/a2mis
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