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Everything posted by Ikzelf

  1. Money, vehicles rewarded
  2. @Daglow @Flamex @Ismaken @Merlin
  3. Damn, Saw the title and though O got deleted. What a dissapointment after reading it. -=(white). . . . . . . .. .=- <3
  4. @Deuce @Daglow
  5. Simple command like /clearnotifications?
  6. Finally made it to a new page
  7. Overall I like the idea. Ofcourse there are some kinks to work out but honestly it should be atleast have a trial period in where we can test it. Gangs should be responsible for there own actions. Having a shootout and a trucker passes by? Don't throw that nade. @apollo said in Share your opinion: GM idea of "gang wars": Try to look past the 'oh players shooting each other' and into the depth this could add for gangs on the server. Most of the times it's just that. I don't want to get caught up in the crossfire between 2 gangs who will frequently kill bystanders. If people decide to just go kill anyone and everyone the 'gangwars' idea should retire @teddy said in Share your opinion: GM idea of "gang wars": can squads at least get money / not get jailed for killing gang members in turfs / gang wars Get money for killing? So TST can snipe from 200m away like they do at Storerobs? Nah. @teddy said in Share your opinion: GM idea of "gang wars": can squads participate Fuck yea they should . Why not allow turfzones to become 'neutral' under police supervision (+ Payout for the whole squad). Also an added bonus (5-10%?) for arresting players inside there turf.
  8. Good luck @Canelas
  9. @Velona
  11. @curvy said in New MTA server: SAES:PUBG is now a thing!: edit the blue storm's damage ( It damages a lot ) Yea totally agree, it is currently way to high. You die within less then <2 seconds with full health.
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