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Everything posted by Ikzelf

  1. Join: https://discord.gg/MR64u4T and head to the #saes-support. There tag @SAES and provide your username to get your login fixed
  2. Thanks for donating! Money Locked landstalker @ LS north to quality and bytheocean122
  3. @Tut-Greco said in Public Event Hoster spawn: @ElRastaMan17 said in Public Event Hoster spawn: @Tut-Greco I never said that so i dont know why are you saying that. but there is a problema, i could make my application cause of not i dont have 1 years in SAES but i know one thing for sure, i could do new events instead of spamming the same everytime you're saying that there are people who has awesome event ideas but can't make them <implying it's too difficult to join LWS>. am I wrong? if not, I would recommend you bring it up with the group HQs and see if they can go softer on applications/recruitment. I don't wanna join a group just to make 1 event for myself every once in a while tbh..
  4. Quality > Quantity. I rather have 1 nice event which brings something new and exciting then the same 3 events all day long
  5. Donations removed due to them being outside of an official squad base. You can request a change to have them readded (Also have some normal wraps on police cars pls)
  6. Only thing uglier and unfitting then the current skyline (which is a buffalo??) is @Piercee face. Remove that shit. jk piercee, ly <3
  7. bartman nice spam
  8. So to answer some of your comments: We are using a private discord to post activities We aren't gonna join every single groups discord to see there activity. Rather have it a simple form with an overview of there activities. When we require a more detailed view it will definitely be nice to have a place to look for more detail. Every 3 months Positing an overview of activities done in the month should be a relative low effort. This should not take that much more time then reviewing a single application (If tracking is done correctly). Next to that 3 months is a big iteration time to check changes made and overal activities. @DROT summed this up nicely in his post. Missing groups/inactive groups HLS is also considerd a special group which is not under GM but HQ. Enternia and SAF are both considerd dead/inactive and are scheduled to be removed. In SAF case they can definitely still live on as a group but there in-game rewards are not required anymore as nobody actively uses it. The point of these changes is so we, as group managers, have a beter feel of how a group is performance and can beter decide on changes they request. (Additional spawns, bases, etc).
  9. All sorted! Thanks for donating!
  10. Add support for partial names again with /give
  11. For the people who rather use an online discord converter instead of installing a resource locally. https://discord.gg/qhYnQcM Follow the instructions in the #get-started channel. Currently supports: Scale Breakable Double Sided Collisions Alpha RemoveWorldModels Setting Interior Setting Dimension
  12. Just... Try top stop talking.. Just for once..
  13. @ILLUSION though you black not asian wtf
  14. @ILLUSION said in Old forums: People tend to not like stuff they are not quite familiar to. So adding such a poll after one day of the change will result in an ambiguous response. Give it some time. This.
  15. Solved by removing all language rules except English, make rampage go to adminjail Everytime he says rip and ban teddy /thread AA :p
  16. @TaaviLaudur said in Bad News for Marsello ( click here to read and vote i Marsello need join any gang/squad or no ): AA :p AA :p
  17. No, just wait for the next revive of the goverment in 2 months
  18. Ikzelf

    Selling SAES

    @James said in Selling SAES: I BUY IT FOR 10 THOUSAND POUNDS I can't tell if this a joke or real.
  19. @Crash said in [Suggestion]Back the old"togglewalk": Keep in mind one thing togglewalk is about 30% slower then the normal running annimation and to a cop being slower = getting killed No, that is the whole point of it being removed. You could run full speed with it.
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