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Everything posted by Ramos

  1. Your gang will be missed and never forgotten in our hearts. Rip
  2. gl
  3. gz
  4. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/12126/house-in-san-fierro
  5. Located at north side, few meters away from sea. About 50 meters, ATM machine is located. Few blocks away, there's dropping point for SR. Starting price: 1.000.000 $
  6. Event 80: Event: True & False Reward: 1.000.000 $ Winner: Hero Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/StwGs32
  7. Event 79: Event: NRG Fallout Reward: 1.000.000 $ Winner: Sam Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/DcjWGhu
  8. Event 78: Event: Fallout Reward: 1.000.000 $ Winner: Lily Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/OqFNYM3
  9. Event 77: Event: LMS Reward: 1.000.000 $ Winner: Tuemack Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/vW3qgDH
  10. Event 76: Event: Fallout Reward: 1.000.000 $ Winner: Soryair Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/AXCSJOO
  11. Event 75: Event: Deagle LMS Reward: 1.000.000 $ Winner: Lily Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Ofpr1h5
  12. Event 74: Event: Chicken Shooter Reward: 1.000.000 $ Winner: Beast Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/iHW9BYx
  13. Event 73: Event: Box - All vs All Reward: 1.000.000 $ Winner: Fares Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/bDZgfDj
  14. Event 72: Event: Old School Carshow Reward: 1.000.000 $ Winner: Jizzy Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/jlsqhmC
  15. Event 71: Event: Fallout Reward: 1.000.000 $ Winner: Soryair Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/IRuXH07
  16. Happy birthday
  17. Roleplay type: SAFD Tribute to fallen firefighters in 9/11 Attack Description of roleplay: Exactly 18 years ago, today, twin towers have been attacked, and many NYFD firefighters lost their lives while rescuing others. Therefore, SAFD has organised a tribute for them and we've decided to take a small trip around San Andreas Location: San Andreas Participants: @Ramos - @Toolbox - @Ramby - @ZeKinG - @Batuhan - @ferthis - @DJO - @Shadro - @Glayd - @AntiRug Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/IFtvSB2
  18. Roleplay type: Bridge Collapse Description of roleplay: Los Santos Firehouse has been alerted about bridge collapse at Los Santos North. They have immediately equiped themself and drove to the scene with 2 fire engines, 1 ladder truck, 1 battalion car, with additional ambulance from San Andreas Medics. Once, they arrived to the scene, fire engine 1, equiped themself and prepare fire hoses to take out the fire, fire engine 2, equiped themself with gas masks and oxygen bottle's to roll inside the collapse to get the victims out of there. While, ladder truck personnel operated ladder to the highest point of the bridge, where they looked for any possible victims up there. SAM Ambulance was on standby, until it was called in action. The victims were, 2 agents from Federal Buareu of Investigation, 1 has been sent to the hospital, another one died at the scene. Firefighters also saved 2 bikers from the club Mongols MC. Once victims were taken care of, aswell as fire, firefighters started with cleaning the road and the stuff under the bridge. Once they were done, Battalion has dispatched San Andreas authorities, to deal with that incident. Location: Los Santos North Participants: @Ramos - @Toolbox - @Ramby - @Batuhan - @Shadro - @Bangas - @AntiRug - @TaJ - @Glayd - @Riani (SAM) - @Cornelius (victim) - @Sira (victim) - @zizoubhk (deceased victim) - @kajobecha2 (victim) - @Tritosh (random guy) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/8hN4tku
  19. Bank Robbery in 2020, be like: (CripZ, that's a coolest shit i ever seen :D)
  20. Yesterday's Activity and Strarting afternoon shift
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