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Everything posted by Ramos

  1. Just want to point out that recruitment is still open (since some of you asked me about it) and will be open for the unknown amount of the time and you may join our activities to increase your chance joining in.
  2. San Andreas Fire Department HQ Team 18th August, 2019 Applicant, @Qweezy Thanks once again for applying for San Andreas Fire Department, after discussing with the rest of HQ team, we have decided to proceed with you to the next step. You will be in fire academy for some period, during that time you have to prove that you're a really good firefighter. Keep in mind to post below all your activities, so we may see yours work and so on. Please, when you're joining or making an activities, use '' Cadet. '' tag. We wish you best of luck! Kind regards, SAFD Assistant Chief, Ramos
  3. San Andreas Fire Department HQ Team 18th August, 2019 Applicant, @FastYounq Thanks for applying for San Andreas Fire Department, after discussing with the rest of HQ team, we have decided to proceed with you to the next step. You will be in fire academy for some period, during that time you have to prove that you're a really good firefighter. Keep in mind to post below all your activities, so we may see yours work and so on. Please, when you're joining or making an activities, use '' Cadet. '' tag. We wish you best of luck! Kind regards, SAFD Assistant Chief, Ramos
  4. San Andreas Fire Department HQ Team 18th August, 2019 Applicant, @Freezom Thanks for applying for San Andreas Fire Department, after discussing with the rest of HQ team, we have decided to proceed with you to the next step. You will be in fire academy for some period, during that time you have to prove that you're a really good firefighter. Keep in mind to post below all your activities, so we may see yours work and so on. Please, when you're joining or making an activities, use '' Cadet. '' tag. We wish you best of luck! Kind regards, SAFD Assistant Chief, Ramos
  5. Kowalski, who always gave me an analysis
  6. Roleplay type: Trash Fire at Grave Yard Description of roleplay: We've been dispatched about trash fire at LS Grave Yard. LSFD responded with 2 fire engines and 1 battalion car. SAFD firefighters and cadets have put out the fire, then they searched for any possible suspicious stuff. At the end, we found burnt out M16 gun, briefcase, and a gas can. So, we found out that was an arson and we dispatched police immediately and gave them all the evidence we found. The police took the case from here. Location: Los Santos, Grave Yard Participants: @Ramos - @JohnnyEnglish - @DJO - @Bangas - @Hassantt - @Spicey - @Freezom Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/BeSVsM9
  7. Several more screens from the recent training:
  8. Join our discord https://discord.gg/8622Ah6
  9. Join our discord https://discord.gg/8622Ah6
  10. Join our discord https://discord.gg/8622Ah6
  11. Join our discord https://discord.gg/8622Ah6
  12. Chilling at LV X and waiting for further callouts.
  13. ^[] ^[] After discussing with the rest of the SAFD HQ Team, we have decided to open up recruitment which is going to be opened for permanent time, therefore everyone who is interested within this group may apply. Please do not ask for the results, it will be announced once we pick the best ones who will fit inside and who is ready to become a great firefighter. Keep yours application updated. If you have any question related this recruitment, you're free to ask below, and tag me, or open up conversation on forums, or PM me on discord (Ramos#2332). ^[] How to apply? If you're interested to join SAFD, you have to open the following link and read everything, copy application format, and post it. HOW TO APPLY Post here yours application: CLICK HERE ^[] Good luck to all candidates! ~[~ WE FIGHT WHAT YOU FEAR! - SAFD]~(red) SAFD HQ TEAM @Laza | Chief @Ramos | Assistant Chief @buddler | Advisor @Toolbox | District Chief
  14. good luck :wink:
  15. Henk
  16. Hi criminals, before you do another Bank Robbbery, I suggest to prepare yourself very good!
  17. you can see the name
  18. Maybe @PENSource can involve into this?
  19. @Tut-Greco said in Fire Hose MTA: would be cool, but the one shown in video probably needs optimizations and edits, i could tell the splashing was going nuts. do you have the script? you could try and send it to any dev to be looked at I'm not a scripter or anything else related with scripting. But, I'd like to see someone else doing on that feature.
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=30&v=fdYTFyUtZps
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