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Everything posted by Ramos

  1. San Andreas Fire Department HQ Team 24th August, 2019 Applicant, @VayraN Thanks for applying for San Andreas Fire Department, after discussing with the rest of HQ team, we have decided to not proceed with you, unfortunately you have been DENIED at this time. However that doesn't mean you cannot join SAFD, you can hang around with us, and if you're enough active and show off effort towards the group, you might get chance. Kind regards, SAFD Assistant Chief, Ramos
  2. San Andreas Fire Department HQ Team 24th August, 2019 Applicant, @Spicey Thanks for applying for San Andreas Fire Department, after discussing with the rest of HQ team, we have decided to not proceed with you, unfortunately you have been DENIED at this time. However that doesn't mean you cannot join SAFD, you can hang around with us, and if you're enough active and show off effort towards the group, you might get chance. Kind regards, SAFD Assistant Chief, Ramos
  3. San Andreas Fire Department HQ Team 23rd August, 2019 Applicant, @AntiRug Thanks once again for applying for San Andreas Fire Department, after discussing with the rest of HQ team, we have decided to proceed with you to the next step. You will be in fire academy for some period, during that time you have to prove that you're a really good firefighter. Keep in mind to post below all your activities, so we may see yours work and so on. Please, when you're joining or making an activities, use '' Cadet. '' tag. We wish you best of luck! Kind regards, SAFD Assistant Chief, Ramos
  4. If you want to buy it right now, you can get it for 90M, since property has been put on sale for exactly 90M.
  5. Area is still quite large, has facilities and would be pretty nice as a base, across from the SAP cave. Starting Bid: $10,000,000
  6. Roleplay type: Trash on Fire Description of roleplay: LVFD have been dispatched through dispatcher about trash fire in Las Venturas, Old Strip Venturas. They've responded with firetruck 1 and firetruck 2. When they arrived to the scene, Captain Ntruder immediately secured the road and made a roadblock, while other firefighters and cadets were preparing fire extinguishers to extinguish out the fire. But a few moment later, fire went out of control, and it became very smoky, so cadets and the rest stepped away, since it wasn't possible to take that fire out with fire extinguisher. Captain Ntruder and As. Chief Ramos drove the firetrucks closer to the fire, 2 of the cadets turned on the water tank at the top of the firetruck, turned on the pressure and Ntruder and Ramos started extinguishing the fire through water tanks. Fire was after 6 minutes succesfully extinguished. When the SAFD was done there, LVPD was dispatched about the incident. Location: LV, Old Strip Venturas Participants: @Ramos - @Richard - @Matthews - @VayraN - @Freezom - @Qweezy - @Ntruder Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/3Nv1uMZ
  8. San Andreas Fire Department HQ Team 22nd August, 2019 Applicant, @each Thanks once again for applying for San Andreas Fire Department, after discussing with the rest of HQ team, we have decided to proceed with you to the next step. You will be in fire academy for some period, during that time you have to prove that you're a really good firefighter. Keep in mind to post below all your activities, so we may see yours work and so on. Please, when you're joining or making an activities, use '' Cadet. '' tag. We wish you best of luck! Kind regards, SAFD Assistant Chief, Ramos
  9. San Andreas Fire Department HQ Team 22nd August, 2019 Applicant, @Richard Thanks once again for applying for San Andreas Fire Department, after discussing with the rest of HQ team, we have decided to proceed with you to the next step. You will be in fire academy for some period, during that time you have to prove that you're a really good firefighter. Keep in mind to post below all your activities, so we may see yours work and so on. Please, when you're joining or making an activities, use '' Cadet. '' tag. We wish you best of luck! Kind regards, SAFD Assistant Chief, Ramos
  10. San Andreas Fire Department HQ Team 22nd August, 2019 Applicant, @Matthews Thanks once again for applying for San Andreas Fire Department, after discussing with the rest of HQ team, we have decided to proceed with you to the next step. You will be in fire academy for some period, during that time you have to prove that you're a really good firefighter. Keep in mind to post below all your activities, so we may see yours work and so on. Please, when you're joining or making an activities, use '' Cadet. '' tag. We wish you best of luck! Kind regards, SAFD Assistant Chief, Ramos
  11. Roleplay type: SAFD Cadets staying in great shape Description of roleplay: After SAFD Firefighters and cadets returned back to BCFD, Assistant Chief has decided to send SAFD Firefighters on a rest and SAFD Cadets to the cardio run. Cadets started running from BCFD and all the way to the RCPD, where they finished a run. After a run, everyone were rewarded with the money from Assistant Chief's own pocket. Location: BCFD Headquarters, RCFD Participants: @Ramos - @Spicey - @VayraN - @Matthews - @Richard - @LAPD_Spanish_VEN - @Freezom Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/BrHD2hX
  12. SAFD Activity from the latest roleplay.
  13. Roleplay type: Crane Collapse on Highway Description of roleplay: BCFD has been dispatched about a crane collapse at Bone County highway. Therefore, BCFD responded with 2 firetrucks, 1 ladder truck, 1 ambulance, 1 battalion car. When they came to the scene, SAFD EMT immediately prepare all equipment needed to take care of the wounded victims, while firetrucks 1 and 2 prepared themself to go into search and rescue action. In the meantime, ladder truck took the ladder to the higest point at the crane, and looked for any victims from up there and also checked for the stability of the crane. Few minutes later, fire suddenly started up at the oil barrels, so both teams firetruck 1 and firetruck 2 took out the fire extinguishers and prepared water tanks and started to extinguish that fire out. 2 victims were also found in that accident, there was a guy from a gang called Patrick who had an accident with a vehicle nearby, and a guy called JohnnyEnglish who almost died in the grave pile. Both victims and the fire have been taken care of and that's it. Location: Bone County Highway Participants: @Ramos - @NORI999 - @Bozi - @Howlze - @Spicey - @VayraN - @Matthews - @Richard - @LAPD_Spanish_VEN - @Freezom - @Pato (victim) - @JohnnyEnglish (victim) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/FM4YsKk
  14. Daily activities, doing a shift as SAFD EMT (healing up the victims in front of jail, reviving victims at roads), everyone else were busy taking out burning vehicles.
  15. Doing morning shift with my co-worker for more than 2 hours.
  16. Doing morning/afternoon shifts, healing up wounded victims, transporting few victims to TR Hospital and dealing with other daily stuff.
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