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Everything posted by Ramos

  1. Roleplay type: Fire at forest in wooden house Description of roleplay: LS Firehouse has been dispatched about fire at forest north of Los Santos. SAFD responded with 3 fire engines and 1 Ambulance to the scene, they dealt with the fire, and searched for cause, after that LSPD has been dispatched to continue investigating. Participants: @Ramos - @Ntruder - @Marko - @NORI999 - @Bangas - @Crash - @LAPD_Spanish_VEN Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/2eRsDRA
  2. Activity SS, from yesterday's roleplay
  3. Roleplay type: Fire at Gas Station Description of roleplay: LV Firehouse has been dispatched about fire at gas station next to LVPD. SAFD responded with 3 fire engines to the scene, they dealt with the fire, shut downed road from both sides, and searched for cause, after that LVPD has been dispatched to continue investigating. Participants: @Ramos - @Shadowz - @DJO - @Enemy44 - @Glayd - @Fluid Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/KDATcIF
  4. We have new application format, please use it.
  5. San Andreas Fire Department HQ Team 15th December, 2019 Applicant, @Spartan Thanks for applying for San Andreas Fire Department, after discussing with the rest of HQ team, we have decided to proceed with you to the next step. Keep doing daily activities, and expect to be tested in the upcoming days. We wish you best of luck! Fire Commissioner, Ramos
  6. San Andreas Fire Department HQ Team 15th December, 2019 Applicant, @Fluid Thanks for applying for San Andreas Fire Department, after discussing with the rest of HQ team, we have decided to proceed with you to the next step. Keep doing daily activities, and expect to be tested in the upcoming days. We wish you best of luck! Fire Commissioner, Ramos
  7. @zKill98 said in Base camping: well if cops can camp gangs base, i suggest to allow gang members to camp squad bases too for make it fair, and allow killing of course crims camping squad base and killing cops is considered deathmatch. And it would be non sense allowing crims to do that.
  8. Hi
  9. Thank you everyone for attending! /lock
  10. Today's Activity at Anniversary Party 11 GXT Truckers spawned & 2 GXT LWS = 13 in total.
  11. Event 8: Event: GXT Anniversary Party Reward: 10.000.000 $ Winner: Hammer (1M), Paradox (1M), Witti (1M), Raf (500K), Makaveli (2M), Boxing fights (the rest of money). Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. Global Express Trucking Company - https://discord.gg/AYDwt8u
  13. We expect huge participation!
  14. Event 3: Event: Fallout Reward: 1.000.000 $ Winner: Soryair Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/biE2zZz
  15. Activity from few days ago More in link: https://imgur.com/a/qusFnz8
  16. Both Activities from few days ago Today's Activity
  17. Roleplay type: Fire Protection at President's Speech Description of roleplay: SAFD headed to WH, where president was having public speech. We had taken care of fire protection, incase protesters or anyone else would start a fire. Participants: @Ramos - @Toolbox - @Bas - @NORI999 - @Ferthis Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/a28mdNv
  18. Few SS from roleplay, yesterday https://imgur.com/a/JgmOGWd
  19. excuse me for bad quality
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