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Everything posted by XgangsterX

  1. Congratulations Rebels!
  2. Happy birthday AA! :birthday:
  3. @Reaper - I'm sorry brother, but it seems you as civilian do not know what you are trying to go for. You also missed the correct way to enter our club. Therfore I suggest you to head over a more suitable organisation and learn about the basics before you meet us again. Wish you best of luck, brother!
  4. Take care buddy! and good luck with your future ahead! :+1: Hope to see you around sometime ;)
  5. @Ardron - Shown great interests into the club and wants to stand for DDMC and it's brothers. Means you grow from a hangaround into a prospect, but this does not mean you are a full patched member, it's a start and to continue from to grow inside the club and earn to get patched! Be welcome, brother!
  6. ^[] ^[] Sup Community, As you can see the topic has been updated. Since we've started this club, not much detail have been given, but as today, all info are given including we will no longer recruit by the usual way and change the process. Anyone being interested in the club have to post the quote from below, filled with their name and date. By doing this, we should believe that you are ready to accept your role. In order to prove this, you must show that you are enjoying being a biker, just like we do. If you are looking at us as a club where you can make a lot of trouble, we suggest you to leave this topic. Trying to join us only to get something for yourself like money or fame, proves that you don't have intentions for being helpful towards members, the club and most importantly in the SAES community. To conclude, we expect full participation of the members and hangarounds, but also to enjoy the game while you play. As soon as your post has been posted, you will become a hangaround of the Demon Disciples Motorcycle Club. In this period of being a hangaround, the applicant in question will be required to have decent activity with the club in order to process to the next stage. Each applicant may be tested in a different way depending on the first impressions they give. ^[] #### I, **<Roleplay Name>**, deem myself a worthy hangaround of the Demon Disciples Motorcycle Club. I will obey the rules, laws and do what the club wants me to do. #### **Date :** (DD/MM/YY) ^[Good luck and ride long!]
  7. ^[] @Shaggeh - Shown great interests into the club and wants to stand for DDMC and it's brothers. Means you grow from a hangaround into a prospect, but this does not mean you are a full patched member, it's a start and to continue from to grow inside the club and earn to get patched! Be welcome, brother! ^[]
  8. Short notice, as you may have seen, topic isn't completed yet.. an update will come soon, just haven't found time yet to continue and finish it.
  9. RIP BS :wilted_flower: It has been a great journey my friends and good luck with whatever you do next!
  10. Update v2 [01-02-2019] ~[Black Syndicate]~(#493d26) - Gang has been closed. It has been a great journey my friends and good luck with whatever you do next! (RIP :wilted_flower: 2014 - 2019)
  11. Congratulations on your achievement for level 1!
  12. Update [01-02-2019] ~[Hell Raisers MC]~(#6f6f6f) - Congratulations on your achievement for level 1!
  13. Address: Hampton Barns Hideout Account name: betonmc Last seen: 31 December 2018 Screenshots: ::: :::
  14. Good Luck Fellas!
  15. ^[] ^[(Evening Activity)] ^[] ^[]
  16. Lets see, 96
  17. ^[] ^[] ^[In progress...]
  18. I see why not, because it will be fair for both sides and more SRs will be triggered
  19. ^[Server Commands & Buttons] Intro Here is a list of all the Server Commands & Buttons that can be done by Main Chat with a slash, or without a slash by opening the console by pressing [F8] on your keyboard. If there are any commands missing, let me know by a comment below and I will update it. Index Game Commands Chat Related Commands Key Commands Police Commands & Buttons Criminal Commands & Buttons Animations - Game Commands Gang, Squad & Company panel : /gang or /squad Group panel : /group Get your position : /getpost <output x y z> Get your serial (outputs in console) : /serial Drop down with a rope from a helicopter : /helidrop Open the hood of a vehicle : /hood To start/shut the vehicle engine : /engine Open the trunk of a vehicle : /trunk To see vehicle health ( damage given in % at topbar ) : /vh Left indicator : /leftlight Right indicator : /rightlight Warning indicator : /warninglight To fix bugged guns : /gunfix Locate a Player : /loc <playername> To send a Player money : /give <playername> <amount> <reason> ZIP / Worker Construction Panel : /construction SAI & DE Construction Panel : /roadblock SAFD Construction Panel : /safd To grab a helicopter skid : /grab To drop from a helicopter while using /grab : /drop So view your stats : /stats To see the United States Defence Condition level : /defcon To see the United States Federal Reserve : /fr Need help or want to report someone : /report Network information such as ping etc... : /shownetstat (after opening hold left Ctrl for more information) Hide/Show locationnames : /showlocations Hide/Show normal HUD : /showhud Hide/Show SAES HUD : /saeshud Hide/Show chat : /showchat Disconnect from the server : /disconnect Reconnect to the server : /reconnect Quit MTA : /quit Need police? Call : /999 p Need a medic? Call : /999 m Need a fireman? Call : /999 f Need a taxi? Call : /taxi Need a limo driver? Call : /limo Need a pilot? Call : /pilot Need a prostitute? Call : /sex & /whore Need a mechanic? Call : /mech Change price as prostitute : /sexcost To sell weapons, drugs, food, fighting skills, booze & dildos : /sell To sell weapons per class : /sell / sellarm To sell drugs per class : /sell & /selldrug To sell food per class : /sell & /sellfood To sell fighting skills per class : /sell & /sellskill To sell dildos per class : /sell & /sellsex To sell booze per class : /sell & /sellbooze To sell cigars (CLO restriction) : /sellcigar Open event panel : /event Open bind panel : /bpanel Open bind pages : /bpage <name of page> Reduce Jailtime : /sur Need help? : /ask Kick a player out of your vehicle : /eject <name of player or <all> Create organisaton : /create <organisation name here> Check available LWS members : /checklws Organisation topbar notification : /gangsay Group topbar notification : /groupsay <groupname> Check username last login date : /seen <playername> Want to advertise? : /ad Want to drop ammo? (You won't be able to pick it up) : /dropammo <amount> Stop animation : /stopanim Old nametags : /oldnametags Check if a SAHA Agent is available ingame : /checksaha Donation Vehicle Manager : /dvm - Chat Related Commands Main Chat : T Team Chat : Y Local Chat : U Local Chat Roleplay Chat : /me <message> Local Chat Roleplay Chat : /do <message> Class Chat : /class <message> Gang, Squad & Company Chat : /cc <message> Emergency Service Radio : /r <message> Trucker Radio : /cb <message> Air Traffic Radio : /atc <message> Private Message a Player : /msg <full player name> <message> Bind a key : /bind <key> <chatbox> <text> Unbind a key : /unbind <key> <chatbox> <text> Create a Party Chat : /createparty <partyname> Invite a Player to Party Chat : /inviteplayer <name> Kick a Player from Party Chat : /kickparty <playername> Party Chat : /party <message> Party Chat info (output in console) : /chatinfo Leave Party Chat : /leavechat Head Movement On/Off : /headmove Manual Gearbox : /manual (+ to shift up & - to shift down) Ignore a player : /ignore <playername> - Key Commands Open SAESpad : M Vehicle Lights On/Off : L Taxi Lights On/Off : K Emergency Sirens (TAP) : H Emergency Vehicle Sirens Loud/Silent : J Helicopter light : H Helicopter camera : Space Horn : H Vehicle trunk features : AltGr Server Information Panel : F1 User Control Panel : F2 Server Select : F7 Console : F8 Shader Switch On/Off : F9 Map : F11 Screenshot : F12 Glue yourself to specific cars : X - Police Commands & Buttons Offer a Bribe : /offerbribe Place Small Barrier as Police : /barrier Voice panel On/Off (Emergency Services) : /voice Emergency Service Radio : /r <message> Police Panel : K Deploy speedtrap: /strap /speedtrap Deploy stingers : /deploystingers Remove stingers : /removestingers Open Speedcam : /speedtrap Custom walkstyle when able : /togglewalk - Criminal Commands & Buttons To start a turfwar : /war Custom walkstyle when able : /togglewalk - Animations Dance : /dance 1-10 Strip : /strip 1-14 Stop animation : /stopanim Wank command : /wank Hands up : /handsup Be drunk : /drunk Lay down : /lay Take a leak : /piss Wave : /wave Sit down : /sit Scratch your balls : /scratch Drink : /drink Slap some ass : /slapass Lean against a wall : /lean Bathe : /bathe 1-5 Tired : /tired Talk on phone : /phone Cower : /cower Do Tai Chi : /taichi 1-3 Smoke crack : /crack Kiss : /kiss 1-6 Eat : /eat 1-3 Vomit : /vomit Mourn : /mourn Pray : /pray Sleep : /sleep Wash : /wash Write : /write Talk : /talk Rap : /rap Pay : /pay CPR : /cpr Laugh : /laugh Fuck you : /fu Celebrate : /win Get in the way : /block Annoyed : /get Think : /think Want to be a tree? : /plant Hand over cash : /change Gangsta Handshake : /shake 1-8 Gangsta Talk : /gtalk 1-8 Make funny faces : /face 1-10 Look around : /look Cry : /cry Boxing Practice : /boxprac Direct traffic Stop : /trafstop Direct traffic Come : /trafcome Direct traffic away : /trafaway Direct traffic left : /trafleft Facial Expressions : /expression 1-5 Check the ground : /touch Too Drunk : /wasted Headbang : /bang Order a bottle : /order Take bottle from under counter : /tbott Put bottle on counter : /gbott Listen to order : /torder Drop a flag : /flag Start chatting with driver : /chtin Chat with driver : /chtlp Stop chatting with driver : /chtout Start browsing folders : /brwsin Keep on browsing : /brws Nod browse : /brwsnod Shake browse : /brwsshk Stop browsing : /brwsout Check time : /tme Kick : /kck Bash : /bash Swipe a keycard : /swipe Sit like SAES>Teddybear : /teddy Hitch a ride(rightside) : /hiker Hitch a ride(leftside) : /hikel Shout : /shout Take out phone : /phonein Chat on phone : /phone Put away phone : /phoneout Come at me brah : /comeatme Cheer : /woo Shove it up yours : /upyours SWAT Stay : /asty SWAT Go : /ago Injured : /injured Idle at the Bar : /baridle Kiss your Weapon : /kisswep Sit like SAES>Rennie : /rennie Pose for a Photo : /pose 1-5 Look Closer Forwards : /lookf Look Closer Backwards : /lookb Be Really Tired : /rlytired Do some Yoga : /yoga 1-7 Tired after Yoga : /ygatired Slap some Hoes : /hoe 1-7 Dance by Yourself : /danceidle Holla at your fellow African American Friends : /holla 1-3 Severly Injured : /svrinjured Look Around : /lookarnd Look Up : /lookup Panic : /panic Dude! You stink! : /stink Point up at the Sky : /pointup Point in a direction : /point Stand like Bartman : /bartman Relax Yourself : /relax
      • 1
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  20. Congratulations lads! :smiley:
  21. ^[] ^[Club Ride & Activity] ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[] ^[]
  22. Hi there, @LAPD_Spanish_VEN Vice City isn't implemented yet with the live version of SAES. It's in beta stage at the moment. Nobody got access to it, except beta testers (who donated between a time periode), staff and admins.
  23. ^[] ^[Demon Disciples Motorcycle Club RP #6] @Lincoln said in The Company | Activity Feed: ^[] ^[New Business Partners Part 1] ^[Participants : Demons Disciples MC #413] ^[Everyone was recently talking about a new Outlaw Motorcycle club, called Demon Disciples and their top quality guns. Somehow they managed to get hold, on the newest weapons of the Department of Defense. I was impressed and curious at the same time. So I decided to reach out to them. After a few attempts, I finally managed to contact their President. He was a well known ruthless criminal mastermind called Gangster. Weve decided to meet up at their bar in Bone Country, for further discussions. As I agreed, I immediately prepared and went on my way together with a trusted member of ours. It was a long ride, all the way from Tierra Robada to Bone Country, But something was telling me it was worth it. After the long ride, we eventually arrived at their bar, where they were expecting us already.] ^[] ^[The Outlaw Bikers, brought me to their leader once we arrived. As I already expected, he immediately came down to business. I told them about our Organization, and its a purpose, and our strong connections with the government. I knew one of his Sergeant at arms was recently arrested, so I named it in the hope to get his attention. And indeed, I managed to get his attention.] ^[] ^[I told him, we were capable of getting his man out of prison, but of course not for free. They outlaw biker understood, give a little, take a little was the rule. So I told them about our plan to expand our territory, but the enemy was powerful and we could use some of the weapons, they robbed from the DoD. Without hesitating, he agreed. I noted his phone number, and I would reach out once everything was ready. To be Continued...]
  24. Part I : How much have you donated for the server? : https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/53128-donation-xgangsterx-amount-1000/ When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? : Last one was made in 2015. https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/73158-reward-change-xgangsterx/ Why do you need to change the location : It's a new request, as I've no donation vehicle at the moment, due inactivity. Links to your donation topics : https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/53128-donation-xgangsterx-amount-1000/ Part II : What I Want to be Removed N/A Part III : What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1 : Freeway Location : Palomino Creek, 4 Creek Way. Owned by XgangsterX. Username : xgangsterx
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