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Everything posted by XgangsterX

  1. Update is in progress!
  2. None of em are worthy to replace the freeway.. + most look different in-game aswell.
  3. The road of DDMC continues! Progress is being made.. and progress continues! Topic has been updated again!
  4. Part I : How much have you donated for the server? : https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/53128-donation-xgangsterx-amount-1000/ When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? : https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5669/xgangsterx-s-reward-change-sorted Why do you need to change the location : Location change. Links to your donation topics : https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/53128-donation-xgangsterx-amount-1000/ Part II : What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1 : Freeway Location : Palomino Creek, 4 Creek Way. Owned by XgangsterX. Username : xgangsterx Part III : What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1 : Freeway Location : Dillimore, Demon Wheels. Owned by XgangsterX. Username : xgangsterx
  5. Things are making progress ... can be seen in the future ahead Expect more to come ...
  6. @Zei said in The civilian side !?: @alex0107 said in The civilian side !?: The civ side is okay for now... there is BES , DDMC , GXT and other unnoficial groups who are spawning as civ. DDMC is inactive already bruder also not these,I'm talking about some real jobs... Just a sidenote to you, DDMC ain't inactive mate :) (seen the new topic?) Besides that, yeah jobs might be less popular as it were before.. but it had his up and downs over the years. And if the community play less on the civilian side, we can't force them to do so.. Given an example.. while back when the first time the Captain spawn came out, a lot of people in the server spawned as one of em and out of nowhere we had tons of civilians. The sea had a huge activity, but a few months later it sadly died out and everyone began again in their daily routine.. But hey, I am always up for something new on the civilianside
  7. Topic has been updated with version 1.05 Updates to be seen ...
  8. XgangsterX


    Sad to see someone who cares for the community steps down and retire.. It's been a ride man and wherever you go, I wish you the best of luck.. you will be missed within this community Jammer dat het zo gelopen is, maar op een bepaald punt houdt het een keer op.. Ik ben het eens met jouw uitspraak en ja, er zijn altijd mensen in hogere posities die denken dat ze heel wat zijn, maar uiteindelijk niks betekenen. Ze hebben hiermee wel een goed iemand op een goede positie verloren Het gaat je goed man!
  9. Thank you guys, support is always welcome! :) People that want to know more about DDMC or being interested to become a supporter/hangaround of the club, please click the logo below to join our Discord.
  10. Happy Birthday ;)
  11. @Markus I see, but many MCs used to have them and I don't see why only they can use them, since they have shaders applied to the skins they use
  12. Yes! and maybe + these 2 if possible As last, maybe update the spawn weapons too? Keep the pistol, but add perhaps a bat to it? @Markus
  13. @Latinoo @Crash @Kappa @FoxZilla Cheers guys :the_horns:
  14. @LightSide @nutellaguy @Pump Cheers lads :muscle: :muscle:
  15. @bachwa Cheers bud :muscle: @WenDo Cheers man! ;) :bulb: And to who it seems interested to join at some point, this is a group and not a gang :bulb:
  16. ^[ ~[!!! Roleplay Situation !!!]~(red) ] * Along the road we ride, we grow in a roleplay matter and so is this topic * Don't fake roleplay at a scene, play as your character * Be realistic with what you do and things that can happen * Just enjoy the gameplay :)
  17. @Teller You gotta look on both sides of the subject brotha as I mentioned in the above seconde sentence
  18. @Makaveli First, I voted yes on your suggestion. Second, you seem to feel that I attack you on your suggestion while I mentioned it might be a good one, just need to look both sides on the subject, not just one. You can never be 100% on someone selling there. As I said, if he's a newbie and you kill him cause ''suspicious'' don't you think you ruin his gameplay?
  19. @Makaveli You still can't really tell if he is a real cop or not, new players can think of earning easy money by selling it to the cops too
  20. @Groove :joy: hahaha fine by me
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