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Everything posted by XgangsterX

  1. Take care lad and good luck getting your life managed. Hope you come back stronger as you were before!
  2. Welcome back dude, hope this fresh start works out for you
  3. Update June Results [04-07-2019] ~[Rebels MC]~(maroon) - Congratulations on your achievement for level 3! :arrow_up: ~[Organization Zero]~(#99cc66) - Organisation has been demoted to level 3! :arrow_down:
  4. Bring back nostalgia!
  5. Take care @Zei and good luck with your future ahead! :)
  6. @Brophy Oeps, didn't saw the topic men, will change the size
  7. @Brophy Cheers man! :)
  8. R.I.P Wild Angels :wilted_flower:
  9. Late Update March / April Results [07-05-2019] ~[Underground Empire]~(#800000) - Congratulations on your achievement for level 5 again! ~[- OverdoseCrime -]~(#28061D) - Congratulations on your achievement for level 4! ~[~Cartel Da Sinaloa~]~(#8a3f3f) - Congratulations on your achievement for level 1! ~[~Wild Angels~]~(#800080) - Gang has been closed. (RIP 2018 - 2019)
  10. Take care mate and stay strong!
  11. @Joe ah, nice one, just tought to mention it
  12. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6088/saes-rpg-rules-regulations-translated We do have such topic already, don't we?
  13. Unexpected to be honest.. but sad to see STF go :wilted_flower: RIP guys and good luck in the future!
  14. @Jude-Obiasca I'll come back to you when I'm home / behind the PC. Other thing, is it a laptop or PC? And.. do you have a graphics card?
  15. What kind of hardware do you use?
  16. Good luck people! ;)
  17. Take care dude!
  18. I'm sorry to tell you @MGKelly, but this property belongs to a SAES admin named Magnus
  19. Best of luck! :smiley:
  20. @JohnnyEnglish Sorry to hear the news pal, I hope you can sort the things out and get back on track! Take care buddy and who knows where the future leads to
  21. Welcome back dude! :wink:
  22. Update [05-03-2019] ~[Hell Raisers MC]~(#6f6f6f) - Gang has been closed. (RIP :wilted_flower: 2018 - 2019) ~[Rebels MC]~(maroon) - Congratulations on your achievement for level 2!
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