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Everything posted by XgangsterX

  1. Best of luck to everyone who attends the recruitment ;)
  2. Congratulations with this achievement!
  3. Good luck to the ones that attempt ;)
  4. XgangsterX


    @Tilong Damn buddy, bad news.. Indeed life is too short Wish you and your daughter the best and take care of yourself and her. Don't rush things as the game stays where it is, but life continues and doesn't stop..
  5. @skerdi Been long since, perhaps a year and a few months? No clue either haha ;)
  6. Keep it strong guys, well deserved Congratulations! ;)
  7. Congratulations people! ;)
  8. @nicus :heart:
  9. Doing all well here on my side guys :) Any new things came to SAES?
  10. Hi guys! How ya'll doing? Any news, plans or achieved something in life? Been long since I was active in this community. See you around ;)
  11. Wow.. just came back to the forum after a long time.. and saw this topic right now Had ups and downs with this man over the years I know him within this community, but damn! Sad news to hear he is not here anymore.. Rest in Peace Faker, you were still too young to leave this world and my prayers are with his family and friends Life is too short to count ...
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