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Everything posted by XgangsterX

  1. Gefeliciteerd kerel
  2. Take care man!
  3. Best of luck mate with your new task ahead ;)
  4. Congrats mate! Good luck ahead ;)
  5. It's funny though, cause all I asked was why he kept updating his topic and he replied with a lame answer, so I pointed it out towards him that it didn't make sense. No hard feelings lol, things that have been pointed out are pointless towards the whole subject and not necessarily.
  6. @AdemBygt said in Offical Gang Levels 2020: @XgangsterX if i stop updating this , you will update your topic as slow again. Since I created this topic, you have been doing it faster What a lame excuse, pretty childish I must say to have such reason to keep this updated. Well, let me make awake you from your dream, I ain't being faster cause you've got this topic.
  7. Thanks for the wishes everyone, I appreciate it :beers:
  8. May I ask why you keep updating your topic while the one that existed is still being up to date?
  9. ^[] [03-05-2020] - The main topic gets updated soon Los Escondidos - added to level 3 Generation X - added to level 2 Gypsy Jokers MC - added to level 2 Los Inkas - added to level 2 Medellin Cartels - added to level 2 Hell Soldiers - added to level 1 Sons of Anarchy - added to level 1 Peaky Blinders - gang has been closed
  10. Happy birthday bud ;)
  11. Thank you everyone!
  12. Cheers @Marso and the rest!
  13. Happy birthday buddy :tada:
  14. Best of luck!
  15. Hope for a quick recovery and stay strong man!
  16. Not bad, would be a good thing to add
  17. Stay strong mate, get back soon ;)
  18. Skerdi
  19. @Tut-Greco said in Enable Voice Chat with range radius: We can (and should) implement rules for voice usage so if anyone is found misusing they'll be muted. I like the idea if this can be added. 3rd party voice systems are only really good for team channels and not roleplaying with general public. This could be the option to go along with if it gets added to the server, plus it would bring a new thing to the server in general
  20. Best of luck to who attends
  21. Congratulations SWAT! :confetti_ball:
  22. ^[] [02-04-2020] Clandestine Mob - moved to level 4 Peaky Blinders - moved to level 2 Navy Malistrip - added to level 1 Rebels MC - demoted to level 2
  23. (ps this was meant to be posted in blackhole)
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