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Everything posted by kipt

  1. Sure, but you'll only clean toilets. I want to be DDT.
  2. To be fair, we (criminals) used to defend BRs from corridors when this mapped bank got added. Ain't that hard. Just place half of your defense on each side and keep on spraying. Oh and please don't BR SF while there are 10 SWATs on.
  3. As for what I've heard in-game, and for the time it took for Cripz to BR it sound more difficult than I've been thinking. But I'll wait to see how 'real G's' do, like Sira. :)
  4. 100M? trololo (not to mention your first 300M) Just take a look: https://www.hiltonhyland.com/property/the-manor/ No wonder Shaun gave up from auctions and Bone wanna reset the whole thing. People are clueless nowadays :dizzy_face:
  5. First, I dunno if it's me or not, but I can't see the spoilers. (just refreshed the page and that shit worked, forget it xD) Second, has someone that does and attempts BRs for a while I have to say something. Ain't that that will slow down the BRs :) Fellas like Sira, Groove, and fuck-knows who else won't even sweat on that. Me personally, like to categorize crackers and when I say a "3rd door cracker" I mean someone that does de 3rd door in 15-20 seconds, which means this so-called "balance" won't affect them a bit. This will affect however the noobs like me. Not the others 'decent' crackers (3rd door in less than [and going a bit soft here] 35 secs) but the so-called "backups of the backups". But never the less, its a change and changes are always welcome to keep this interesting, if well implemented. Just to finish my say here. In my humble opinion, you should rework the whole BR system and the banks. I would suggest such thing, cuz it's something I've been thinking for a while now, but I don't want Blade screaming to me and saying to do it myself :(
  6. this is to talk shit about O, not to laundry your shits
  7. @Odorian go to the subforum you wish to 'unfollow' and press 'Follow' then press 'Ignore' and then you're happy :)
  8. :face_with_rolling_eyes: shitty member
  9. Awesome work Combine. Can't wait to see what you'll do on CLO rec ......... ohhhhh right, nvm, maybe DD .... ops again, they're already dead.
  10. Wanna RP? Spawn as crim, steal hesha's car, get frozen by him and slapped by system. Lovely RP. Never the less. I also don't agree with forcing people to do shit, but I also don't agree on having people inside the gang that doesn't do shit.
  11. @Justsomeane, easy fella. Your sunny day was postponed until tomorrow.
  12. @teddy gosh, not even paint you know how to use. And yes, I'm stalking you. Deal with it :)
  13. @teddy says the one that has to invite random trainees to his squad to keep it alive.
  14. who cares?
  15. Damn that was fast. GZ and cya thek ;)
  16. Hello fellas. I'd like to report a little annoying ass bug. The bug itself is related to the car respawn on 2nd dimension. Since you guys extended the script to the 2nd dimension that the vehicles placed by Nano's /hostevent panel are affected by it. It's quite annoying and a pain in the ass, if you are doing an event, where you need to place the vehicles before-hand. I've told that to @Bone already and he said that would be on the 'list'. I dunno if an update is already on its way but I'm getting pretty annoyed with that. Get to work :)
  17. Why not, and this goes to every upcoming [or already here] group on the server, hire G6 as Security instead of creating a whole rank to it? Try to collaborate with each other instead of trying to hold on on everything like spoiled brats. Create a racing group? Why not call or hire a sub-division of CC to repair instead of having 'racers' fixing cars? Not like racing clubs don't have dedicated mechanics but still ... if you ain't that soft you'll get my point. Anyhow, this is just a little opinion that no one asked for or wants :)
  18. @skerdi said in Jailbreaks Rework: Well that jail with racking system was so big. But at this jail when you are cracking cops will come and arrest you so fast, but if you are an elite cracker and got some protection it seems like a good idea. You don't need to be "an elite cracker". When we had the cracking system jailbreak, the codes weren't that 'big'. Just gather some defense and go in :) Anyhow, adding some cracking pads to the jail would be fun. The 2 'outside' doors ( the red one on the warned spawn and the one from the main entrance) with a 50k code, the cells room with a 75k-100k code, and the 'red' one with a 25k code. I also wouldn't mind seeing the crack panel getting added to the cells marker too, but wouldn't that be too many markers? The doors could stay open up to 2 ~ 3 minutes. That's more than enough time to get in, get the inmate and get out. For cops, I would add a marker in the main entrance room to open that 'first' door.
  19. @teller, I know you that answer in-game but for people who still don't know. https://archive.saesrpg.uk/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/forum/22-server-donations/
  20. I believe this got answer already, either by @Teddy or @Gengar's post. So I think its better if @vinnie closes this for now, unless either ICE, SAES or the staff in question has more to say, which in my opinion should be held in private. Side note and my small opinion about this topic: I understand all the frustration but I believe that neither the staff mention or any other staff goes around trying to screw, in a bad way, with people. On the other hand, I believe that ICE leadership needs to work on their communication skills, not only on the english side of it. They must learn when and when not to engage in a fight. We all have our meltdowns here and there but let's not go overboard with it.
  21. Finally have an excuse to post in here. @teddy said in THIS IS NOT FAIR: (...) outside of SAES you would notice other servers give far far more extreme punishments, all the way from an hour mute in CIT for calling someone an asshole to a kick on FFS for speaking Turkish on Global. A 5 minute adminjail for blatantly breaking a rule is, by all comparisons, pretty generous. (...) Please note that I am merely an admin and semi-retired saes member I wonder why. Have fun over there ;)
  22. @gengar, ain't @NanoBob doing something related to a server-side website for KATLA? And shouldn't you be long gone by now?
  23. To be fair, yes people should set the bidding price as much as they want but that would also mean that they should be obligated to sell for that price after a certain time if no one else placed a bid. But heyyyy!?!?!?!? @Shaun fuck things up :) The auctions are more fuck than the economic system at the moment, in my humble opinion ofc.
  24. How many times has this been suggested? 69, I believe. But yha, let's see if this is the time they will bring it.
  25. At Steam, Discord, TS3, IRC, your pick :) Anyhow, here's a little help: https://saesrpg.uk/groups/saes-hq ; https://saesrpg.uk/groups/saes-group-managers ; https://saesrpg.uk/groups/saes-member
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