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Everything posted by kipt

  1. When the /fireworks? ^^
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Q_2nrp9OTg
  3. Airport photos guy is back yheeeee ^^
  4. Whole map, even interiors @Sam_
  5. I don't trust CLO either, even more having Jefes like yourself ..... @Ikzelf said in Buyable RPG: Great addition 10/10. Indeed RPG is longer range. Just remember that the changes of a crim having more then 1 rocket will be very slim. I'll have 3
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLDq9UmUdCM
  7. Your ingame username: kipt Your ingame alias: kipt Your real name: Lus Silva Your year of birth: 1996 Your gender: Male Nationality: Portuguese Country of residence: Portugal Language skills: Portuguese, English and a bit of Spanish English Proficiency: Pretty decent, I would say. How long you have been playing: I've been playing on SAES since the summer of 2013 Your strengths: I'm a human being, so any strengths I have can be weaknesses if looked at the wrong way. Your weaknesses: When I see bullshit around me I tend to call it out as I see it, even tho sometimes I might be wrong. Don't take this on the wrong way. I can see when I'm wrong, but it ain't me apologize if I don't have a strong motive for it. Preferred Position (SAHA/CS/SAES): SA Housing Agent Teamspeak Installed: No Discord Installed: Yes Do you frequently get involved on Discord: Pretty much Reason for application: To be completely honest, I would prefer both SAHA and CS, since wouldn't be anything new, but since you can't apply for both roles I think I could help way more as SAHA than just CS. Unique qualities you can offer: All I can offer is work, honesty and commitment from my part. Server Memberships: The Outfit ; Cuban Liberation Organization ; Security Group 6 ; Cuban Cars ; Outbreak Additional information: Nothing much to add for now. I know it's a small application, nothing fancy, but I believe the essential is here. If anyone has anything to ask feel free to let me know. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: A couple mutes here and there Previous (legitimate) bans: 1 hour ban from Apollo and 2 (?) days forum ban from Bone Are you a muslim?: By the amount of kebabs I ate the last couple of months I would say I'm pretty much there.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w92RLWYzSOE
  9. Party time :)
  10. Get a second spawn for high-rank members and use /class chat. EZPZ
  11. Nicus is trying to get new recruits so when the time comes to ICE move their base location he can have new flesh to move 60 cars. Smart moves by nicusi
  12. If you reach a thousand delivers, I think, you'll get access to the copycat spawn of Camionero. At least was what people said about it. I never cared enough to try the spawn.
  13. I wouldn't mind having such maps back, but let's be realistic for a second. There was ALMOST no use for them rather than just more stuff to render and load to the server.
  14. So my SAHA apply here is useless? @Kain
  15. Sometimes, when I'm bored and don't feel like bothering anyone, I just do the "house" / "arms dealer markers" / "what you wanna call it" runs. But yha, something new could be funny. Bring it on.
  16. Just suggest something like adding illegal good to the current trucking script. No point on adding / suggest the old trucker script back. Welcome to SAES, where people want change but after that, they want the old stuff back.
  17. Nano, you're on the internet. There's always room for abuse.
  18. You know the topic is hot when you have 5 pages of comments in a dozen hours :) Just deleted LWS On a more serious note, if I ever get to the end of this comment without cracking a joke, as an old LWS time, I wouldn't like to see this becoming a thing because it drains all the fun of being part and try to archive something as LWS Membership, either with steam games, blowjobs, events (that's a joke), etc. On the other hand, I understand the frustration of people either trying to join LWS and get denied either trying to host events for their organizations and can't find a single LWS Member to help them do it, but, and I talk from self-experience, people tend to behave like complete tards when participating in an event and that gets in the LWS Member nerves. For example, I was a guy that really liked to host events for everyone but after a while, I got tired of having players that should know the rules behave like random shits and I decided to stop doing events. OH, BY THE WAY, G6 ISN'T THE SAME AS LWS, SO FUCK OFF FROM SAYING "oh any free lws/g6". Anyhow, I was under the impression that a while back, LWS and or SAES had a policy that would give every level 2+ organization a LWS member if said organization hadn't one already. Maybe that's a thing to bring back.
  20. 50% off https://store.steampowered.com/app/252950/Rocket_League/
  21. @Blade said in Login panel won't Pop up after connecting (Video): as far as I am aware it only happens when you minimize or alt tab the game when connecting. negative I do that all the time and never had that problem. This usually happens when you got a shitty internet connection. Mine ain't that good but still, never had that problem.
  22. @RocK said in SAES Rocket League Tournament - November Edition: Name: RocK and looking for teammate. Steam Profile Link(s): RocK: https://steamcommunity.com/id/partypopper/ Team Name: Undecided. Is that your team name? or you're just undecided? Cuz either way, that's a nice team name, imo And kipt's marriage services Team Undecided: ---> @RocK ---> @Human_
  23. No The point of donations isn't only to get stuff that other people don't have. It's to help the server and as a REWARD you get some small perks, like a locked vehicle outside your house, among some other things. The car respawn system it's there to avoid the server to overload with a ton of spawned non-used vehicles.
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