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Everything posted by kipt

  1. @Human_ said in SAES Rocket League Tournament - November Edition: I need a teammate!!! Buy me a copy and let's rock them noobs
  2. Well, don't press it that many times. It won't go any faster ...
  3. That has nothing to do with the internet connection lol You either have the username and / or password misspelled or you enter the server using another PC and then switched back to that one. In that case, the hashing, from the password, gets changed / bugged (who knows) and doesn't get recognized, so all you have to do is rewrite your password, which I believe you already did since I'm 11 hours late to the party.
  4. Here are my five cents of the media sharing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=marRXgHgLvI&t=
  5. @codyjl The jail is the PD's cells room. And I hope you didn't understand me wrong. I wasn't complaining about the bugs, far from me. Was just saying how amazing the map looked even with one or two flickering buildings.
  6. @codyjl the map is awesome. Of course, it has some bugs, but nothing that major. It's a nice export from GTA VC. I was surprised :O
  7. @mega9 I didn't say I wanted things to look like reality. Tbf, I don't give two fucks about this, not like it's going to change my game experience. Was just pointing out that you could reload your building but if that really causes more problems to the server, well it's up to you.
  8. Quick question. Will the organizations from SA be moved to VC? Or are we going to need to create new ones?
  9. @mega9 hi People like to talk about how unrealistic SAES is and all of that. Well, if you crash your car into some traffic cones, I'm pretty sure they won't just stay there as nothing happened. Second of all, let me tell you a little secret. Save the building, even after the cones get damage / removed, and load the whole thing again. EZPZzzz
  10. LIES! Add me on the list https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2vQph-CPFo
  11. @carter don't know if you're talking about the map or the game, but the video is GTA SA game on GTA VC map. Anyhow, a DM or even PUBG like script would be good enough, imo. I don't see RP happening in there, but then again, no much RP happens in SAES either. Now @Brophy, quick question, when you say "(...) linked to the current game mode where you can purchase a "flight" to Vice City and buy houses, (...)", you mean teleport to an area / dimension where the map is or connect to a new server which is running the map? Because, if we could have 2 maps in 1 server that would be FREAKING DOPE.
  12. No
  13. we'll need a new cc member
  14. @brophy said in New Server IP: I have had reports that it's now showing again on the master list. It is. Even tho it can just be mta being like "oh a noob. lets send him to a noob server then", idk :( But yha, it shows up on the list.
  15. @pump said in allow crims to kill drug dealers who sell to cops: Or you Can just not allowed Drug Dealers to sell drugs to Cops, It's unreal. Otherwise, Good Idea! Agree. Its unreal cops buy shit from dealers. They can just raid the dens and grab their stuff for free. Not allowing drug dealers selling to cops is non-sense. Cops are junkies too. Let them forget their trainee's life and enjoy the cocaine for a bit. And for the people that don't think its "roleplay-wise", cops don't go around buying shit from random arms dealers either. So either disable cops from buying anything from criminal dealers or leave things are they are. This is useless in my opinion.
  16. This idea was suggested over and over again, so I suggest getting someone to start working on it and don't waste more time suggesting the same things. By the way, I agree on a new cracking system for a new type of heist but not sure about the one you suggested.
  17. You could use TAB on chat so you can "complete" the player's name. Like you just have to write [AA] then press TAB and it will show, one by one, all players with [AA] nicks. However, I can't make that work recently, so you know ..... #blameblade
  18. @justsomeane said in Official Quote Wall: @ramos Y DO DIIIIS (https://imgur.com/a/Tp8SKQi) At the bright side, Justnoob, you didn't get shamed by failing the tests again
  19. As a criminal, I don't think we need this. We have plenty of ways to make money. In jail you either kill the cops to break out, so you can resume your criminal activities outside, or get killed / arrested to serve the rest of your time. So the 'reward' for killing a cop is to get outside faster.
  20. @human_ said in Message from your devs: Just look for accepted suggestions that was accepted, but mever scripted at old forums, @Yannick That sure would be a way to make 'sure' your script would be liked by the general public in the first place. One other idea is to make something you would like to see in-game. Of course, if you make something for crims you would have cops pissed at it, one way or another. No matter what you do, nothing will please everyone, so you must keep that in mind. And by the way, @Yannick, nice to see you around ;)
  21. @crash por seres tuga. Estes nabos s gostam de patos :)
  22. Long time coming. Feel free to random invite me asap :)
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