[s=Overview] Each organisation will have the same mapping placed at their respective base location upon requesting a safe Requirements to start a robbery A minimum of NON AFK 5 members of the attacking organisation have to be online A minimum of NON AFK 3 members of the defending organisation have to be online A minimum of $4,000,000 has to be in the safe There will be a cooldown of 6 hours between robberies Each organisation is able to commit 2 robberies per day You will be able to rob every organisation including squads [/s] [s=Gameplay features that are disabled in a safe interior/around an exterior safe] Arresting Grenades Pepper spray Tazers Marker killing Healing Reviving [/s] [s=Gates][s=Gate 1]Minimum code: 0 Maximum code: 1,000,000 Time remaining once cracked: 15 minutes Opening motion time: 5 seconds [s=Images] [/s][/s] [s=Gate 2]Minimum code: 500,000 Maximum code: 2,500,000 Time remaining once cracked: 10 minutes Opening motion time: 7 seconds [s=Images] [/s][/s] [s=Gate 3/4]Minimum code: 1,000,000 Maximum code: 5,000,000 Time remaining once cracked: 8 minutes Opening motion time: 10 seconds [s=Images] [/s][/s] [s=Gate 5]Minimum code: 5,000,000 Maximum code: 10,000,000 Time remaining once cracked: 3 minutes + time relative to the distance between the base of the attacking and defending organisations Opening motion time: 15 seconds [s=Images][/s][/s][/s] [s=Safes]Minimum code: 1,000,000 Maximum code: 3,000,000 Time remaining once cracked: 5 minutes [s=Images] [/s][/s] [s=Gameplay] Two entrances to the safe interior Publicly accessible entrance Private entrance Located after gate 1, only accessible by the defending organisation Locked behind 2 gates which can only be opened by the defending organisation A robbery is initiated by cracking gate 1 After cracking gate 2, you will find yourself in a hallway with Gate 3/4 Both gates will lead to a safe Only one of these safes will have money inside of it.. will you spend time cracking both gates or will you play your odds and only crack one? After cracking the safe with money in it, you will no longer be able to use the first marker to exit Your only way out is cracking gate 5 After cracking gate 5, leave the safe's interior through the marker After cracking gate 5, you have 3 minutes + time relative to the distance between the base of the attacking and defending organisations (shorter distance = less time) As attacker, after leaving the defenders' safe interior, deliver the money bag to your safe interior Attackers need to enter their own interior through their private entrance Delivery marker is located behind gate 1 of the attacker's safe interior When carrying the money bag, being killed/disconnected/arrested will cause you to drop the money bag. Once the money bag is dropped, only the attacking organisation can pick the bag back up Defenders cannot pick up the money bag, their mission is to defend it and prevent attackers from picking it back up after it's been dropped until time runs out [/s]