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Everything posted by krecik

  1. Well i had experience in mta and they fit in my opinion. GTA SA freeway missing that nice HD parts of motorcycle like air filter, engine etc.
  2. Just like in subject, i'd love to see freeway replaced. I found three interesting models that are nice and dont changes freeway into typical sport motorcycle: ::: a) https://www.gtaall.com/gta-san-andreas/bikes/113471-daemon-gta-iv-metal-claro.html b) https://www.gtaall.com/gta-san-andreas/bikes/112103-zombie-bike.html c) https://www.gtaall.com/gta-san-andreas/bikes/106931-western-motorcycle-zombie-bobber-gta-v.html :::
  3. Idk him, but his nick is similiar to Vayrane from RM football club.
  4. Withdrawn, sorry guys, but after 3 days of cop side i already got bored and there's no point of joining squad to left it 1 month later. Thank you all for hanging.
  5. Great poll, next one delete tazer ?
  6. @Silence No broo, last time i got arrested was 329 days 21 hours and 28 mins ago, that's why i want ur side to be buffed, i dont know how u even play this side !
  7. Hello people, we all know that cop life is so hard and it need to be buffed, so i suggest: change tazer max clip from 2 to 16 and add to it insta arrest on hit (just like in 2013) cops spawn with perma 2x speed and 100 armor cops can arrest by killing (not only in interiors) cops can buy minigun from ammunation (2$ per 1 ammo) increase speed of cop's car Well, i know that's only little buff and cop life still will be hard, but at least something, right? Later we can think about something bigger!
  8. Name: ue|fasuu Username: krecik123456789 Team betting on: CDS Amount: 25m
  9. Guys come ingame we will br! ... or not
  10. @Tuned said in Use of Trainers: gz ue We hev best krakers !
  11. Hoster: Underground Empire LWS/G6/ZIP: @Sparrow Prize: 1,000,000$ Type: Chicken Nader Winner(S): @Orten ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/JjmxBks
  12. @Skerdi said in Cluckin' Bell - Media Archive: alt text Participants: @Tapi @Skerdi Doger @Krrrecik Story: It al started a beautiful morning when Tapi and Skerdi were going to make their food develies. When they were leaving the shop Skerdi noticed something into the food box. He sarched into it and what to see a drug package was hidden there. Skerdi screamed and went to talk to Tapi about it, Tapi told him to call the police and thats what Skerdi did right after. After some time, a cop from Las Venturas Police Department came and the first thing he did was checking cameras. After Checking cameras they all noticed a guy with short hair wearing black clothes. The cop took a picture of him and searched into database. He told us that he was krecik a member of a criminal orgnanization whose have been working on illegal drug transport around SA. After that the cop noticed a guy who was trying to hide near the place. He went after him and what to find, he was krecik trying to run after the act. Krecik was taken by the police and Cluck food was saved after an crime act! Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ZcOibU9
  13. Hoster: Underground Empire ZIP/LWS/G6: @koko Prize: 1.000.000$ Type: Hydra shooter Winner(S): TMH|Disaster ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/QkJ4UJc
  14. U have no distance to urself, so u dont know difference between jokes and being serious, if it would be serious, i wouldnt get unban. Dont respond here cuz its side for applies, u ve something called pm... WHO knows me, know i like to joke, but seems u re not that smart to understand that.
  15. Ingame name: krecik Ingame username: krecik123456789 Previous organizations and leaving causes: -SAPA; kicked because i was inactive -CripZ; left cuz of some problems inside gang -Underground Empire;left - wanted to try cop side and UE was inactive. -FOX; kicked - for joke about "child porn", tbh i am happy i got kicked, it just opened my eyes for FOX. Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire is organized crime syndicate. All started on 23 June 1866, when few former confederate soldiers were traumatized because of war, their families were killed by soldiers, and they couldn't get work, so they decided to get rich. They started to do many criminal activities, first one was corupting politicians. Now Underground Empire is known from: weapon and drug trafficking, money laundering, corrupting politicians or cops and contract killing. What binds you with Underground Empire: Well, actaully i was part of UE, i left it, as i said cuz i wanted to try cop side, and secondary reason was that UE was inactive. I ve there a lot of friends, and i am having again a lot of fun when hanging around with you. Also part of me is still UE, i can feel it. . What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is a crime, that have many professional people in. They are doing many criminal activities. Examples of organized crime are mafia's, crime syndicates etc. Main goal of this kind of crime is getting money, as much as it's possible. Everything they do is great planned, they don't have any accidents/mistakes in their job, cuz they know that can pay a lot. During planning something, they expect everything that can happen.
  16. @Tut-Greco Haha tuto wanna have full tryhard RP server, but let's he honest SAES currently is something between roleplay and typical cops and robbers, now it's more getting onto cops and robbers, u probably heard about GTA V's roleplay servers with whitelist, it's something for u, rules there re construed fully for roleplay, like no meta gaming and other stuff :).
  17. When cops killing criminals in jail, they ve to wait 210 secs or get jb, but when crims killing cops they fast zoom to "Spawnscreen" or "Hospital" and they're come backing to jail in like 20-30 secs. Let's make it balanced, when criminal kill cop, he have to wait 170 secs to respawn or he can get revive by other cop, hm ? And now tbh, just kidding with that, but you(cops) would like to wait 170 secs untill respawn ? I guess u wouldn't , so just imagine how it feels.
  18. SECTION 1 Name: Jakub In-game name: krecik Age: 15 Sex: Male English proficiency: 8 Native language: Polish Other language(s): English Do you have a Pro Cop diploma?: No, i don't. When did you start playing SAES/MTA?: I started to play MTA like 6-7 years ago and SAES few months after it. Total gameplay (hours): 940 hours Aprox.gameplay daily (hours): 1-4 hours Average FPS:60 Average ping:32 Previous organizations: -SAPA -CripZ~ -Underground Empire Are you active user of Discord?: At this moment i am not, cuz my phone isn't working. SECTION 2 A. Define our role (FOX): Your role is about to: -Protect the state of SA from national and international threats -Protect the state of SA from foreign operations and espionage -Combat organized crime on land and over sea -Investigations and evidence research -Support federal, state or local partners -Combat national criminal organisations and enterprises -Federal VIP protection -National security -Local police enforcement -Intelligence -Enforcement of laws and regulations -Upgrading technology to successfully perform your work B. Define marker arrest: It's when player just enterned interior and still can't move, and we ll arrest him in this time, example of places marker arresting isn't allowed are banks. C. Minimum arresting level: 10 stars D. Point out and define 4 major server rules: DMing is prohibited - DMing is killing/shooting other players or damaging/destroying vehicles without reason. Don't avoid arrest - It means we can't avoid arrest by killing ourselves with nades, fall damage etc. We're allowed to have only one account. Only english in main chat. E. Explain why you should attempt to roleplay before each arrest: Well, cuz it's roleplay server, would be nice from our side, if we'd do some roleplay instead of typical arresting. SECTION 3 I. Write about yourself in 4 sentences: I am Jakub, i've 15 years old, i live in Poland, in Wyszkow, it's near Warsaw - capital of my country. In free time i like to go out with my friends or just put my ass on the chair, turn on computer and start to play. I am very lazy, just like everyone. I've distance to myself. II: Write your strengths and weaknesses: I dont like to rate myself, but if i've to... Strenghts: -shooting -driving -teamplaying Weakness: -when i'm bored, i like to make people mad, and i dont know why xD III. Why do you wish to join FOX over other squads?: I meet some people that are part of FOX, and they're really fine. Also as i can see u've distance to urself and that's something i appriciate. IV. Convince us in 2 lines why you would fit the team: As i said before u've distance to urself and i had much fun when i hanged out with you. V. Do you have any additional information you want to add?: Nein :) Retard test: I m too retarded to complete this test, sorry ;/
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