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Everything posted by krecik

  1. Like, only people that playing on touchpad need more than 0.3s to take aim and shoot...
  2. Good suggestion, would be nice to see something new ;d
  3. Some random i see first time
  4. Doing nice mta's movies on yt
  5. I d destroy u with arguments, but i like to talk with clever people, so i ll let u think ur way :)
  6. Trashtosh @Tritosh
  7. The strike team, still refusing me to play ghost town 1v1 xD
  8. SAES vs Suggestion, zone has been taken. We re moving to another one
  9. JP, interesting 2 letters, especially when im living in Poland, it's mean Jebac police (Fuck the police). But still im wondering why 4
  10. Mole(y) in english = krecik in polish, destiny
  11. @Turbo SAES vs Suggestion Progress: 30/200
  12. Idk, but i guess like he's ex tst?
  13. Guy that abusing this section
  14. I dont get thing, crying about CLO, When HLS got killed they respawn in their houses 50m from jail, it takes like hmm lets think, 2 secs? Also HLS can't get arrested. And once that CLO get arrested they ve to wait hmm, 400 secs ? So by looking on this like thatt HLS can respawn 200 times during CLO 1 jail. HLS vs CLO is fine, as long as CLO have headshot, they can 1 shot 200 hp, but normal criminals? 1 HLS vs 4 criminals mainly will get 1 arrest before other 3 criminals will take his armor and hp off :)
  15. Probably loving pizza by looking on thing he's having her in his nickname
  16. UE|Zodiac [ThC]Zodiac
  17. Having base in turf zone and calling admin not to dm them in their base when they ve war on xD
  18. back in 2019, ue wannabe but denied
  19. Petrow that u re a silver in cs go and u cant aim at head doesnt matter headshot need to get deleted...
  20. No like srsly, im just coming to saes for turf, and im coming turf just beacuse of headshot
  21. #stayawayfromlovelyheadshot
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