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Everything posted by bazuka36

  1. I had been in the copside for 3 months. I joined it because I loved it that every jailbreak gave you 2 mil in an hour. When entering I noticed that one of the big reasons why the copside is bad is because the cops don't know how to play as cops. Always there was someone complaining about arrest steal or whatever or complaining that stopping a JB was impossible so unfair. I always had the thoughts of letting JBs or bankrobs go on so I had an activity to do as a cop. I remember even not arresting guys so they can open the cells and I can continue having fun. Here is the last and biggest thing that annoyed me. I always had to wait for Criminals to do something in order to play the game f.e start an SR or JB. I wanted to start something as a cop and defend it not being dependant on the other
  2. Happy birthday dog rapist fanboy
  3. Happy 32nd birthday, eager to attend your marriage
  4. @nulgath said in Navy Malistrip 1st birthday!: #FreeBazuka
  5. Keep the freebazuka stuff out here btw
  6. @Cornelius
  7. ^[] Today it's NavM's birthday! Honestly dating back to a year ago I would've never thought the gang would come this far that I would be writing this topic. A year ago 3 friends. me, Krecik and Petrow were playing together in an event where we suddenly wanted to make a gang for fun and laughs. Sharing the concept with two other friends who currently are leading NavM we created the gang. In the early days we honestly thought we would hardly get level 1. There were tons of other gangs createn and my perspective was if one of them closes they would merge with NavM (which didn't happen). The other thing we had done was recruiting new players to teach them the game and recruit interested people from other servers in MTA. The first backset we got was when Lincoln was banned. The gang was filled with a bunch of new players we also had quite amount of adminjails and thought of closing the gang at that point. After a fair amount of thinking we took the decision to wait for the level 1 results and it was the best thing we had ever done. The gang has done incredible since then and only had a setback with myself getting banned which only affected the members to get hungrier and more fired up. Thanks to everyone who has contributed and thanks to every alliance we had to help us to help us climb the ladder! Amazed by the progress of the gang coming from a bunch of random jokers to the status of one of the big names in the server today it is time to declare the first birthday! Stay tuned ingame for some suprise events!
  8. Honestly I do not know where to start except that the alliance between Rogue and NavM was something kinda exceptional. Before both organisations had been created me and Crank had disputes going all the way to the point where we got each other MTA banned. Few days after creating NavM one of the members came up with a suggestion to ally up with Rogue. After seeing the amount of interest by members I could do nothing but support in the end we became more than an alliance. Fooling each other having fun and in the end even coming up to a point where we reflected to the past and laughed about the things which we did to each other. It was an awesome time thank you @Rogue-21 .
  9. new players will not have the abillity to jailbreak their friends mainly due to boat usage / purchase spots being uncommon and boat prices being too high for a beginner, as well as in most cases having no acces to aircraft to enter the area from the skies. Jailbreaks will be dead in most cases with cops rarely responding. It will be a mass of maverick entraces jailbreak and out that is it which is not the kind of action or gameplay saes rpg is used to. A big example is when LS jail got readded the server had 200 players stable while prior hardly got up to 120. No surrounding areas. LS jail has the idlewood around it giving it another touching atmosphere where once you leave the jail you can continue the shoot out at those areas. At the sea you do not have that. Which will take away the activity of LS jail but have no place to replace it. Past failures with same concept. GIMP and GIMP 2 both had been past jails. If the concept was good they would still be there. I myself who had played at GIMP 2 has to say it simply was bad.
  10. A short but well promised ride. Thank you for your support, ally.
  11. Address: Accomodation Quarters 4 Account name: Franklinclint Last seen: 16th may 2020
  12. Address: Accomodation Quarters 5 Account name: Franklinclint Last seen: 16th may 2020 Screenshots:
  13. Hope there are conversations about elk meat, chimpansees, aliens and flat earth
  14. I disagree, I think most forgot the annoyance caused back in time The amount lf afk hours that were spent in order to capture entire SA was simply unbearable when the new zones were added all of us were satisfied due to all of it getting much compacter If you want any changes maybe refer to adding a few potential zones around tough bringing back the old map is simply something that will become unbearable again over some time
  15. Update 1. Remove the 5 minute cooldown for official gangs. A gang that is considered official claims responsibility for their recruitment. Thus preferable remove the cooldown for official ones so they can invite several members at once instead of calling other HQs or just wait. Update 2. Add member mute in clanchat. Suggested before by bachwa on the archieve but no updates observed yet.
  16. Stay tuned for more requests
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