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Everything posted by bazuka36

  1. Guess the problem comes when it can kill an invisible player like lws and admin spawns
  2. @kajobecha2 It is just that you encounter more people that use the drug called "speed"
  3. Welcome back I used to have very nice screens of the previous generation but lost them with my other pc Best of luck for the new generation
  4. I can do it for an unban
  5. @Groove said in ALARM IN JAIL!!: If this happens, pls give people a way to mute it If it gets added it will be classified as a MTA sound as it is added by a client. So you can mute it by settings sound mta sound
  6. @ILLUSION said in Are you bored , inactive or retired from SAES ?: I'm not bored nor inactive but there is something I don't like. People mainly use forums to send applications or to join something. They are too focused on acquiring new titles. When I check the unread posts, at least %90 of them are about players' applications. Come on do something different, tell us about your emotions, do some memes, mock things, just have some fun. There are other branches than gangs/squads/groups in this forums. Use them noobs! Discord is the reason
  7. Nice suggestion, +1!
  8. @Santoss said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: Quality meme. Nice one! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1C2e9mnopqc Credits to whoever made this vid
  9. @Filex Close the poll I will make it X dont waste others and my time
  10. Username: george Last seen: 20 March https://imgur.com/a/eHZNhQU
  11. @Bunny Thing is the cooldown also prevents it from switching fast like on for example the spaz or m4 Also I wouldn't see it as buffing but rather bringing it to an orginal state the bug that brought it to this state is already history
  12. https://youtu.be/pAwLI3CjAGk Here is a vid of me attempting a c bug in a local server without any scripts video proofs that c bug is entirely useless in mta itself Compare this to another c bug video done in single player by me incase you will accuse me for not being able to execute it https://youtu.be/GIhR1IA0aAY
  13. Cbug has been patched entirely from mta itself and the only way to use it is by adding the c bug v3 recourse to your server which I doubt saes would do. I guess its time to bring the old cooldown back then
  14. Few years ago the deagle had been nerfed for unknown reasons. This nerf included a longer cooldown before the next bullet. bone edit nice share of reproducing cbug <3 Anyways point is the nerf is idiotic the deagle was never a too good of a weapon and with the current state its just handy for quickscopes Bring back the orginal cooldown thank you
  15. when you have no purpose in life so you translate every rule in every language
  16. I dont support akp irl but the same exact thing happens everytime they win in reallife
  17. Every time I spawn I endup spending minutes on dropping weapons so basically what I want is an option that givea us the feature to set with which weapons we spawn before we spawn f.e assault smg etc. we all would endup saving time also making an use last arsenal button or save arsenal just like the use last spawn would give this efficient suggestion more efficiency
  18. @DROT said in Remove the "max price" thing of icons: Income is based on max price. Then just replace the max price with something like advice price or SAHA price this will not only help to fix this problem but for example will help us to judge if the price for which the house is sold is worth it Of course you can still sell higher than the advice/saha price
  19. @James said in [Suggestion] Kill-Arrest rework: Criminal Don't just jailbreak, they camping non stop . I have seen criminal camping and hold the jail open 5 hours, Abuse by re entering markers over and over again, Police get killed in the marker. So what use suggest. Police run with only nightstick like stupid fools.And just die. Let's Be Serious Here. This Server is About Cops and Criminal and RP. SAES:RPG.uk IS NOT ONLY CRIMINAL SERVER. SAESRPG 1.5 TRAILER, VIDEO SEE THE VIDEO, THEY HAVE ALL https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=35&v=3RbixPP2kPc Don't go to jbs then
  20. If you are a smart ass you use m disable mods to warp out of the ride after this gets patched
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