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Everything posted by bazuka36

  2. There's some tunisian guy in the server that keeps saving DDS files from his mta folder to just change 1 thing, and sell it as a shader to someone else. I care about this because it's my work and I spend my time to create those skinshaders. it's annoying me when I receive a PM including a screenshot that has a skin on it which is literally my work with a few changes, 5 years after I made it! It's even used in stuff like gang promo videos?! To what extend is this stuff allowed? There's literally a thief in the server! Isn't there any TOS regarding copyright in the server? @saes
  3. Stop changing the topic! This video and topic was posted to show my innocence in response to my latest ban! If you have the notion that I am a grown ass man you better start preparing and leaving my topic alone, because you will be one too in just 3 years if you're really 18 (😄)!
  4. I'm so sorry! Anyways I saw that you recently made a gang, goodluck! I hope it won't endup like Hell Raisers MC, The Wild One's, Renegade Rebels, Mayans Motorcycle club, MisCudi, Gangster Demons, The Lost MC, Original Gangsters, Madrid Gangsters and Royal Snakes!
  5. ok, Dregular, Xoedar, ClauDe, Dollaz, ZeroX, AndreX, PoxeR, Eminem, Rabbit, .mickey, Dwayne, 2Dreamy, Franklin
  6. Bit depressing to see just a bare post while part 1 had an extensive funeral That aside, I believe you have achieved everything you wanted with the gang. It was nice to see
  7. Unfortunately, time takes a toll on many things. Rest in peace, Thc. Personally, it was one of the gangs that I liked and respected a lot. The gang had a fun atmosphere and camaraderie, unlike many other gangs that advertised themselves with status labels. I believe that the gang had a significant impact on a server where the odds were against it most of the time, especially compared to older gangs that preferred to stay afk in their bases and were too afraid to engage im competitive activities. Hats off to you for being one of the defining sides and forces of the server. You guys deserve all the respect you receive for leading a gang of this caliber👏👋
  8. Congratulations on closing the gang, I applaud the guys who had the courage to let go of the old days and close a gang of this caliber 👏. It's always great to see people moving on 🙂
  9. Greetings, On 08/08/2020, Navy Malistrip experienced a demotion as a result of a baseless ban imposed by NanoBob. This ban had a significant impact on the political landscape within the server at the time, following the events of Sons of Anarchy (SoA) being prohibited from participating in bank robberies. Despite the ban being thoroughly discredited, it appears that Navy Malistrip's demotion was driven by political motives and maneuvering by the administrators in charge at the time. The leader was banned and Navy Malistrip was demoted from level 3 to level 2, despite their impressive performance with the team. It is imperative to note that Navy Malistrip remains alive and has not been deleted. As the leader of the gang who was falsely banned, I implore the management team to restore Navy Malistrip's status to level 3. This is the just course of action and would demonstrate that the server still possesses some degree of integrity. Corrections must be made in the face of mistakes. This is the correction I am advocating for and it is the ethical obligation of the gang management team to make amends. Refusal to do so would indicate a lack of independent thought by the Gang Management team and an unwavering adherence to the commands of higher-ups.
  11. @sicario said in Sail away in peace NavM: Jajaja no tienes derecho a hablar perro. NavM fue todo lo que siempre so hacer. Mi proyecto super todo lo que queras hacer en esto, pero la broma es que ni siquiera poda jugar en este servidor y an as aplast tus sueos al robar y fortalecer tu ejrcito y humillar tus sueos. Traga una verga balurde. Cagaste y saltaste en la caca cago en tu leche la concha de tu madre.Yo cago en la leche de tu puta madre, yo ching a tu madre hijo de las gran mil putas. Vete a chingar a tu madre hacete cojer hueles a mierda, Jdete. "jajajaja" ~ El mayor retraso del servidor. Tu hermano no tiene la ingle. Callate el osico gordota. Pinche iriota culo bastardo chinga tu. El burro sabe mas que tu, estupido. Anda que te coja un burro cochino.
  12. https://youtu.be/rHl6K4Yx7Ts This is my last time watching NavM base and decided to record it as a great memory! Overall I would like to thank @Federal-Bureau-of-Investigation for giving me this opportunity. I could really say they were like a family to me and helping me to keep the secrets. I was happy to have found a new home! I love you guys and had a fun time! Unfortunately it is time for us all to sail away someday. And I am happy that some friends in the squad helped me with the opportunity to watch my creation in the server a last time before it is all over. Take care and peace
  13. @malaleche +1
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