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Everything posted by Petrow

  1. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 20 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 8 days ago Why do you need this change? I have donated 20 pound and i have only requested one vehicle so i want to use the whole 20 and get 1 more vehicle Links to your donation topics: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/100699-donation-petrow-amount-2000-gbp/ Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/16167/petrow-s-reward-change ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: nothing Location: Interior: ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Burrito Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) HS base in LS, will show ingame
  2. 2nd topic about the same reason still in the server? first time i remember u giving ur properties away xd like can u just fuck off already bro. I still cant get the point of these topics about leaving.. do you think somebody gives a fuck mate :D
  3. @Bartman yeah mens but installing win7 just for gta aint worth it, is it?
  4. You can be whoever you want to be sexist racist and etc.. nobody can force you not to make fun out of something as it is a game after all. Maybe stop being butthurt because of some random's opinions get a life and grow up maybee?
  5. EVENT NUMBER 113 Event type: Defeat me in a GT duel and win (first 2 rounds were for 2m per winner, made the last one spicy and increased the price to 5m per winner) LWS/G6 member: @Sneijder Prize: 3x2m and one guy managed to win 5m Winner(s): @bazuka36 @Marwyn @flora and @Xuno Congratulations people and better luck to the ones that did not quite make it :) Event description: We were playing 1v1 by GT rules which are that you are only allowed to use Combat Shotgun and M4 to damage and eventually kill me. The were also able to use the roofs or some kind of rush tactic. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/MSXygfx
  6. EVENT FORMAT CHANGED TO THE FOLLWING Event type: LWS/G6 member: Prize: Winner(s): Event description: Screenshots:
  7. Nice ''BOMBA'' at the beginning of the video
  8. Starting bid is 5m Screenshots:
  9. Address: Coalition Of New Development H Q Account name: pedrowolf123 Last seen: 20th February 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/zUNxM0l
  10. hbd bro
  11. @Teller said in FREE CLO: TT has always been CLO academy, so I don't see anything new there. Bartman is one of the oldest active CLO members and he isn't "leading" anything. Go join DE next recruitment if you want to feel accepted, since apparently neither of your 2 dads give you the appreciation that you "deserve" as far as I can tell from seeing you flooding mainchat with nonsense. Based on what I've seen you spit out of your dumbass head - I diagnose you with state 3 Lorchism, please isolate yourself from the rest of normally functioning members of society for 4 weeks minimum. Also if you'd be playing here since 2010, you'd know that this isn't the first generation of CLO. The first one died out and the reason for that was way too many imbeciles like you or "reasonable criminals" were invited, giving title "special group" a whole different meaning. acting smart and hard in forums does not make u special over others :D
  12. The medias and the news stress people way too much and they start panicking. By panicking your immune system becomes weaker and the chances of you getting infected do actually increase. My solutions was simple. I stopped watching the news because they constantly talk about how dangerous it is. Also it is not normal if you stay at home all day for 2 3 weeks, like literally grow up you should at least go for a 10 min walk and at least go to the shop if you think that will keep u safe well ur very wrong mate. Your body requires fresh air so stop being too pathetic about the virus. As i said it's dangerous to old people or to drama queens. Another word that is way too OVERHYPED!
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